Just watched this monkino.
>It was a retelling of MGSV
Just watched this monkino.
>It was a retelling of MGSV
Other urls found in this thread:
Can you be any more specific without any spoilers
ends abruptly 3rd part of the movie is missing
>Vocal cord virus
>Muh revenge
>Muh start a new base
>Ground Zerors
I was hyped. I saw it yesterday and thought it was pretty shit. The opening scene was pretty kino but after the assassination attempt it just got worse and worse.
Reminder that the Colonel did nothing wrong.
Better than dawn. Could've been better, Maurice is still based. All the "I am koba" shit was pointless.
>tfw enjoying the apocalypse now vibes
>half way through the movie they plaster APE-POCALYPSE NOW on the wall so that plebs can make the connection
It was all kino until reeves kept breaking his subtlety for normies
Isn't there supposed be like a hundreds of years between war for the planet and the original planet of the apes?
Does that mean Nova is very very fucking old or was it just a nod or am I just a wrong cunt
I think it was just a nod, those kinds of things are all through out the trilogy.
>I did not start this War for the Planet of the Apes in 3D, but I will finish it
how did this get passed the first draft?
Names can be given to two different people, user.
It's a much more slow and somber movie than expected but it's still a great film
Shouldn't have kekd but I did
First half was boring, second half was dumb.
>Snake, did I ever tell you about the time your father and I saved the world from a man with no face who was trying to start a nuclear arms race by unleashing a parasite that killed anyone who spoke English? Well, he wasn't actually your father. He was a body double. After your father went into a coma following an attack on mother base, we convinced some guy that looked like him that he was really big boss so that he could take over operations at mother base while your father started a new nation to fulfil his interpretation of his dead mentor's dying wish while preventing an organization that secretly runs the American government from fulfilling their interpretation of that same wish. Actually, that's why I'm here at shadow moses in the first place - secretly putting into motion a plan to destroy the patriots while also secretly under the order of the American president who is also your brother to retrieve the test data of metal gear rex against the patriot's wishes. He was a good friend.
>finish the second movie
>no one told me there were supposed to be subtitles
>tfw I sat through two hours of cgi apes grunting at each other
>be retarded
>watch film where apes communicate in sign language
>assume I'm just supposed to not know what they're saying
>nuthin i cud do
are you DSP?
I thought I was supposed to read body language and facial expressions.
But you can't do that in real life either
I got about 10 min in before finding the srt.
you're right
The Colonel's monologue was great. What I really liked about the scene was when he was heating up water in the background for his drink. Can't really describe why but that little action really added something to it.
There is any mention to the space travel or the monkey planet-take over at the end?
space travel was in the first one. There is a news broadcast that mentions the ship going in space, and then there is a shot of a newspaper on someone's porch with the head line "Lost in Space".
For the second point there isn't really any mention of what else is happening on the planet and there is not notion of the apes actively trying to take over. However you can clearly see, in this one isolated area that the films take place, the way that the power structure and relationship between apes and humans creates a situation that would allow for apes to take over.
I really liked it but that avalanche shit was retarded.
I really did think of MGSV all through the whole film.
>Punished Ceasar, an ape denied his vengeance
>Monkeys literally getting whipped
>Monkey in blue vest
>Bad white guy is trying to build a wall
>White girl is turning into an ape mentally
They can try and be more subtle.
I mean it made sense that an avalanche could happen at that time but I agree. I like the idea of the humans pretty much taking each other out, which is how I interpreted the avalanche. The two sides fight each other and through their actions they both lose. But it seemed to convenient and not earned. I would have preferred if the Colonel or someone else had a contingency plan in place, "some kind of if we get run over we are taking them with us" kind of thing. That way it is the humans petty anger with each other that wipes them out and allows for the apes to escape. Obviously that could just be fan fiction tier shit.
I've come to really enjoy Woody Harrelson these days. Especially after True Detective.
He really did nothing wrong, yet I'm supposed to sympathize with a fucking war mongering ape.
Are you kidding me? Did you see the explosion that happened? I was gonna call bullshit if there wasn't an avalanche.
>googled mgsv
>it's some videogame shit
you have to get off my board
Get out and STAY out. Fucking veddit. I swear to god if you make another thread about
>war mongering ape
All Caesar wanted was peace, friend. Even after his loved ones died, he only wanted the colonel
This poster is a monkey. Do not trust him or what he says.
Reminder that if you are cheering for monkeys then you should kys
good thing I am cheering for the apes then
If this is prequel then why whole story about apes dont fit?
I remember from the old movies that there was something about dogs dying to a virus so people started taking monkeys as house pets.
Or was this in this shitty remake? fuck cant remember, too many apes movies
stfu donkey
race traitor
i bet you are also a cuck
A few flaws but overall very good.. especially considering the current state of big blockbusters. 9/10 I'd say. I really liked how base emotions are handled explicitly in these films, yet the answer to which emotion is proper for the situation is never simple.
I want to give a nod to the music department. Really elevated the entire film
I did the same with District 9.
I can't take seriously a movie about a monkey riding a horse.
Why did I laugh at this?
>Sup Forums told me that Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is kino
>half of the movie is literally Lion King retelling
>other half of the movie is stupid fight scenes with everyone acting like a retards
Won't fool me this time
Stay in your blacked containment thread faggot.
But what about a monkey riding your wife?
> the strings are out in full force, guess this is the part where I'm supposed to feel sad
It was good, but it felt really heavy handed at times.
>white AΩ troops
>albino (white) gorilla - traitor
>white camo army
what was mgs v's story again?
Yeah with same stealth dynamics. Everything in this movie was utterly stupid, every death, every decision, every characters action. It looked like dumb virus hit everyone pretty hard.
Does anybody else feel weirdly more emotional when watching films in the cinema - like I had a single tear roll down the cheek when the big gorilla got stabbed and the little girl cried on him.
What is it about the kinohouse that has this effect
You play as a phantom of Big Boss to finish his mission of payback while he runs away like a pussy to Zanzibar Land
Featuring Liquid from Metal Gear Solid 1
I believe this fits under the category of a soft reboot. Considering that a virus killing cats and dogs wouldn't cause the world to end, this is probably better.
It also better explains how the apes evolved so quickly. The first Planet of the Apes occurs only 2000 years after our present day.