I watched this a couple of days ago and was blown away by how egotistical M. Night is. His character is the fucking savior of humanity and the "WHAT A TWIST" moment is the film critic character was wrong about everything. How the fuck did he go from The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable to this? What are some other films where the director is blatantly jerking off his ego?
Lady in the Water & M. Night Shyamalan
Well he directs anti Hilary documentaries and other right wing propaganda now
That's a different poo in loo, user.
I enjoyed it. Not his most exciting movie maybe, but definitely a M.Night Shyamalafam movie
pic related is another gem.
fuck, in fact, thanks for reminding me OP, I am watching it roight now. It's a brilliant movie. Everybody shits on Shyamalan because they're jealous: the agents, the directors, shareholders (I won't even mention critics, paid shills and propagnadists all the way) all wish to have had the boldness and imagination of M.Night Shyamalan. Lady In the Water is a great movie as are all of his movies.
Hey M Night
oh and about the film critic character: fucking Stephenking-esque to include him.
it's just that his movies defined my teenage years And it's odd because if something is popular I reject it as a matter of prinicple. But this guy is good. He took the torch from Spielberg. And btw, Super 8 was a great movie as well.
I liked the concept of the movie quite a lot: an adventure within an apartment block, the uniqueness of the groups, the Narf living in the pool etc. But yeah, that twist was bad.
Was he involved in Super 8, tho?
The problem with this movie lies mostly in the dialogue and the delivery of said dialogue. It's hard to describe but people don't talk like normal people in this movie, or in several of his movies for that matter. You can barely hear what Bryce Dallas Howard is saying in some scenes, such as when she tells Giamatti what she is. You have to turn the volume all the way up to hear what she's saying, and that's not the end of it. The line is delivered in such a bad place, in a scene where she is inexplicably laying in his lap trying to sleep. He asks her what she is at this moment (again, a bad moment to do this) and she says "a narf" in a whisper. She doesn't even look at him and the entire scene is just framed in a bad way for this exchange to take place. It's all one medium shot of them sitting on his couch. There are many other examples. It's just a weird fucking movie with so many quirky, unnatural performances. That's what puts me off. I like it though, even as fucked up as it is.
The biggest problem I had, besides M. Night's rampant egotism, is everyone instantly believes buys into this fairy tale lunacy without seeing any evidence.
see? Yoaur post is reasonable. You pointed to what you didn't like in the movie, despite liking it overall. You could recognise its value and the idea behind it, but also be honest about what put you off.
Everyone else ranks this movie as "the bad movie/the movie that ended his career" and shun it. SO it goes way beyond just finding flaws. People found a weak spot and hit him hard. The ironic thing is that the most valid point of their criticism is "it wasn't a horror movie". Which is bullshit of course, it's still an exciting movie.
Yeah, that's crazy too. No one had any second thoughts when Cleveland brought them into his bathroom and showed them the sickly looking naked woman in his shower.
"M. Night" is such a gay-fag name, he should've stuck with Manoj Nelliyattu.
OP here, Lady in the Water has tons of glaring flaws. The dialogue is terrible, most of the acting is wooden, characters instantly believe everything Cleveland says and never question him, and M. Night's egotism is so excessive it takes you out of the movie. The only good parts of the movie are Paul Giamatti, the music, and the CGI.
There is no CGI, mate. The dog is a robot.
it was just his break. He just wanted to do an easy-going project, more as a tribute to the films that inspired him. And he put himself as the Neo, so what? Stephen King's heroes are writers 8 times out of ten.
I think that's a joke. Or maybe he really was that stupid.
The film critic character was easily the most entertaining character in the film. Shamanalan can't even hit his targets properly.
Add set design to that list of pros. The entire apartment building was built from the ground up for this movie. Even the pool was custom designed. I agree on the score, it's unironically God tier.
>most of the acting is wooden
I wouldn't call it wooden, more like wacky as fuck and it just doesn't work.
>M. Night's egotism is so excessive it takes you out of the movie
I honestly don't see why this is a problem. It's silly but that's about it. It's a secondary concern behind the acting in this movie. Also, t b completely h I like BDH in this movie for the most part. There's an innocence and a delicacy to her that I find interesting. She's creepy as fuck in it too. I was 14 when this came out and when I saw commercials for this I thought she was some kind of ghost that was trying to kill Paul Giamatti and she frightened me. Just an example of how poorly marketed it was.
Is this worth watching if you already know the "twist," which sounds incredibly dumb, btw.
defender here, the score I liked big time.
>Stephen King's heroes are writers 8 times out of ten.
But they aren't the saviors of humanity. Writing yourself into something is fine as long as you don't turn yourself into Jesus Christ.
nah, I agree withit's really secondary. I mean if it bothers you it bothers you, but it's not like the majority of audiences would associate M.Night Shyamalan the director with the role he played, at least not until the credits rolled.
This is one of my sister's favorite movies of all time.
I guess if you haven't seen M. Night you wouldn't notice he turned himself into Jesus Christ but even if you don't know anything about M. Night it's pretty obvious the critic character is M. Night venting. That speech the critic does right before he dies is blatantly M. Night saying "fuck you, critics. Fuck you all! You don't know anything about my art!"
to me, that sounds brilliant
I almost forgot to mention the dumbest thing about the critic's death is the critic's response doesn't make any fucking sense. A giant wolf monster is about to rip him to shreds and instead of running he spends two minutes rambling about movie cliches.
It's unintentionally hilarious.
I'd fuck your sister if she's hot.
She's out of your league, despite her weird film taste. Her favorite movie of all time is The Shining, by the way.
I don't know. She can't be all there if Lady in the Water is unironically one of her favorite movies.
>out of your league
Are you attracted to your sister?
No. It's fucking awful
Yeah she's weird.
I would be very disappointed if she ended up dating a dude from Sup Forums, she could do much better.
>blown away by how egotistical M night is
I heard this was inspired from bedtime stories he told his kids so I just got the impression he casted himself for them to show what a cool dad he is.
>She's out of your league
kek, how would you know, you don't even know him?
He posts on Sup Forums.
you do too
I'm posting on Sup Forums. He has all the information he needs about me.
I'm not going to be dating my sister.
Yeah but he's not trying to fuck his sister.
This is one of my gf's favorite movies. I made it about a quarter of the way through it before pausing it.
Who exactly is M. Night's character? The janitor guy? Aside from the director, why do you guys hate this movie? It doesn't seem as bad as the shit that comes out now.
so, what does that mean? it's an online forum. You can't be taking stereotypes/memes for reality. And you had the same upbringing as your sister, but she isn't posting. The same reply you give can be given for a multitude of instances, say like "she's out of your league, you hang out at that place/play this game etc.".
It suffers from Star Wars prequels syndrome. It's bad, but the fact that he was trying to make something weird and different is admirable in and of itself and some of us appreciate that enough to like it.
I was talking about Spielberg.
oh you have a gf? I thought people who posted on Sup Forums don't get girlfriends.
Doyle's cinematography is excellent as always
Could be but I would guess it's narcissism. The film critic character was clearly him jerking himself off.