Why do people hate on her? She's really good and a qt
Why do people hate on her? She's really good and a qt
Nobody hates her. Everybody hates casting decisions that are made for a million reasons *other* than the continuation of the story.
What's her foot game like though?
i havent heard anyone complain about her being a woman
but i have heard lots of people pretending they are fighting sexism by pretending they have funny things to say regarding those who don't like the casting cos shes a woman, who don't really exist
>new doctor expected to continue a story
Never watched the show I presume
She's an old hag. Not a qt.
amazing, believe me. Could suck on em for days, subsisting only on the sweet nourishing nectar that is her footsweat.
She is one of the most irritating actress i've ever seen.
They already made a bad choice with Capaldi, now the show is finished.
Yes good
>replacing a white man with a white woman is so progressive
seems to me like the producers might be a little racist
Spotted the SJW.
Nobody buys this shitty excuse that the producers and feminazis are spouting. The fact that the doctor goes through successive incarnations and reboots the series every few years doesn't do away with the fact that, since day one, the character has always been a time*lord.* All this "well, technically, he could be regenerated as anybody" bullshit is part of why people are pissed off. Just come out and fucking admit that they wanted to do a woman to make a social statement and be done with it.
Only virgins care about Dr. Who anyway
Would there be a conceivable situation in which The Doctor could be cast as a woman and it WOULDN'T be seen as the advancement of an agenda in your eyes?
Hayley Atwell because the masturbation would be distracting enough
post more jodi bigfootkino pls
Because how dare a Speculative Fiction TV show dare to challenge my preconceptions?!
It's not that she is the new doctor
it's the "HAHA FUCK YOU WHITE MEN, WE THE DOCTOR NOW!"-attitude portrayed by the media and the SJW's
She'll probably make a good doctor, but her casting will be plagued by the "FUCK MEN" thing
What Whofags think they're saying
>this show has become too politicized, we can't have a woman Doctor now!
What they're actually saying
>we don't want and don't ever want a woman doctor and there will never be a time for one
So how many articles have their been calling Dr Who fans sexist so far?
You definitely don't watch the show because people have regenerated into women for years mate. Stop pretending to be a part of the fanbase to complain
>it's the "HAHA FUCK YOU WHITE MEN, WE THE DOCTOR NOW!"-attitude portrayed by the media and the SJW's
One, can you show me an example of that that isn't from typically SJW-leaning media outlets?
And two, how is that any different than the HAW HAW FUCK YOU SJW SNOWFLAKES! when Capaldi was cast?
Sounds like you can dish it out, but you can't take it.
Also, have you thought that maybe it's NOT an us-versus-them dichotomy and there's been thirteen official portrayals of the doctor that have been white men with zero in-universe reason why, and casting a woman just makes sense?
I give it one episode before she uses the word "mansplaining"
Well, I mean, if you have a problem with the present Doctor based solely on her gender, then you are sexist.
Simple as.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck
Who cares? Doctor Who is tumblr sci-fi anyways.
Now it has a chick. Doesn't change how shit it is..
I don't think anyone hates her, but some people are scared shitless that her run will be full of "lol men are dumb" jokes.
Just wait until there is a second female Doctor. People will freak out.
>And two, how is that any different than the HAW HAW FUCK YOU SJW SNOWFLAKES! when Capaldi was cast?
>Sounds like you can dish it out, but you can't take it.
I have done and said nothing of the sort.
Why do you strawman me?
I was merely trying to explain to OP that people don't hate her because she's a woman playing the doctor.
Also, no non-SJW leaning media outlets are even talking about Doctor Who at the moment because it is a dead show to all but to the fringe following
Yeah. TV pretty clearly follows the lowest common denominator.
Very nice boobies.
I'm assuming you mean all media talking about DW is sjw because none of them are as angry at it as they should be
>people regenerated into women for years
You know what? You're absolutely right. That's exactly the point I made. I clearly said that no character has ever regenerated into a woman.
>angry at it as they should be
Mmmmhmmm. Replacing actors is wrong.
God damn this is the new Doctor?
Sign me the fuck up
The main audience of middle aged women who want to see a hot brit as DW will be thrilled by this change.
The show is already filled with 'lol men and testosterone is dumb' shit
She's a fantastic actor, there's a whole new production team coming in, the showrunner has worked with her for years and can actually write realistic characters, I think it'll be good.
Those other characters are also called Time Lords. I haven't even seen the last few series, and I know that. What's your excuse?
Yeah if it had happened ten years ago, before the BBC entirely embraced this "must be PC at all costs" mentality
I don't care about having a female Doctor, but how being female affects having a good Doctor.
I mean, it doesn't matter in terms of lore, because it's possible, right? So why not? However, the way writers go about it and the showrunner? That's the scary thing. I mean, let's not pretend they're doing this for creative reasons -- the main thing was "Yeah, let's be the first to make the Doctor female" and "it's the perfect time to do it" and so on. That will undoubtedly affect the tone of the show itself. They should treat the Doctor being female as they have with every other Doctor in that it's just a regeneration. If they get preachy and condescending about "stupid white males" then they can kiss a chunk of the fans goodbye, because, let's be honest...they probably ain't getting new fans from this.
So yeah. It's cool we have a female Doctor, I guess. No reason not to. It makes sense. Just hope that she's a good Doctor in that she's more than "It's not like a Doctor has to be a cis white male, stupid."
Fuck, go ahead and make her a lesbian for all I care. Not like an advanced alien's gonna give a shit about what it's fucking when they can regenerate into the opposite sex. Just give her a personality that goes beyond "I'm gay" or "men are bad".
If what says is true, then I feel all should be well.
>isn't from typically SJW-leaning media outlets
like those exist
>using "it's her turn" unironically
>Implying the show won't be canceled.
This is a ratings grab and it won't work. Casual viewers halve already left, classic fans are turned off and the SJW are calling whoever is left sexist if they don't like the new Doctor for whatever reason. Nobody is left but the sjws and they're more fickle than the wind. The show has like a year left after the woman buzz dies.
So you would have been on board with a female Doctor Who in 2005?
You wouldn't have considered it a sign of 'PC at all costs'?
Of course they do. People in general agree with SJWs, and media outlets are only after money.
Ah. So switching gender is a ratings grab. Changing the Doctor back to male would be a ratings grab.
They're not mutually exclusive, user. The producers are pandering cucks for the switch, and if the new series bombs and they switch back they'll be even bigger cucks.
My bet is that the new series will flop, and they'll just dig their heels in further an get a trans sandnigger for the next incarnation.
Charlote Beaumont will be the next doctor, after Whittaker.
They changed to so they can blame the cancellation on the patriarchy and "white males".
Like they did when Ghostbusters flopped.
Or they could do what user implied would be the sensible option, and keep the Doctor as a woman, not change them for ratings.
So as a ratings grab, it would actually increase the number of viewers, you think?
You guys.
It's a syndicated television show.
Literally everything the show does is a ratings grab.
Yeah but a good ratings grab would retain viewers and pull in more not drive half of them off and get a few people to look in before remembering why they never/stopped watching this in the first place and move on.
>People in general agree with SJWs
They really don't, but the BBC thinks they do which is why they go out of their way to pander to them
It's a grab, but that doesn't mean it'll be successful.
Can you tell me this week's lottery numbers please?
Right. Safest thing to do now is to keep the Doctor female from now on.
eh dont worry, as people continue complaining they'll kill her off quick
You're average 9to5 worker doesn't give a flying fuck about SJW bullshit. They really don't. Nobody outside of spoiled millennials and feminist academics every for one second thought that continuing the Doctor as a male was a bad idea. That thought never for a fucking second crossed the mind of 99.9% of the viewership.
Hell, Doctor Who doesn't even have that big of an audience.
You know what show people actually give a shit about? The Great British Bakeoff. People like watching regular, average, everyday people.
So flat chested she might aswell be a male doctor.
it took 7 years before they killed of moffat despite complaints
Pretty much, it's also a final desperate attempt to grab ratings.
Gambling is wrong you degenerate.
And Moffat took down the show while he was being kicked-off.
I don't know much about Doctor Who, but aren't cute nerdy male Doctors part of the appeal for the show's core audience which is women?
That's actually not a bad analysis. The show's been on a downhill slide for a while. Rather than admit defeat, just find a scapegoat.
Yes, but if you're a cute nerdy woman and all you like is men, then you're part of the patriarchy. As a society, it's time that we accepted that you should be equally attracted to washed up, b-list, female tv stars.
>Hell, Doctor Who doesn't even have that big of an audience.
So a male Doctor wasn't popular. We know that now. Right?
The show wasn't popular has been growing less and less popular over the years. That much is proven.
That it had anything to do with the fact that the show is about a male lead character is just correlation without any causation.
>If what says is true, then I feel all should be well.
The showrunner foreshadowed this on his previous show by having David Tennant proclaim that he is ashamed to be a man. His Doctor was always going to be a woman and Jodie Whittaker is a fine one.
However, the overdone all males be they men or boys are evil schtick in the third season of Broadchurch does not bode well for Doctor Who the show.
But a female lead would make it less popular?
The show isnt popular you moron. You cant say that unless femDoctor episodes get over 20m views
Because she is white. Not diverse enough. Britain needs to be free of whites to be 100% diverse.
>You're average 9to5 worker doesn't give a flying fuck about SJW bullshit.
Here's the thing. The average person is more disgusted by the anti-SJW crowd (who go to the opposite extreme), than they are annoyed by the pro-SJW crowd.
One side is whining about pronouns, while the other is trying to strip away actual rights from people because "muh degeneracy".
You need to understand that over the past few years the show has been increasingly pandering towards twitter/tumblr demographs. A female lead would be more poplar in those circles and some others.
Every fucking time someone post an Elsa pic it reminds me I have a tiny white dick ;_;
If the ratings go up at all, the femDoctor is successful. Or Doctor Who has never been successful. It's never had 20m viewers.
>Here's the thing. The average person is more disgusted by the anti-SJW crowd (who go to the opposite extreme),
So explain Trump and Brexit? Explain how in the UK, Conservatives have been in power for nearly 7 years?
How are you able to say the average person is left-leaning rather than right-leaning?
Ah. So they're just writing for their audience. Like every show. user was implying it was some kind of deliberate trick to lower ratings for some obscure reason.
Really now? So the feminists and sjws aren'nt pushing laws against free speech and making it easier to make false rape claims? In Britain you get prison time for a naughty word on twitter now.
Are you sure a female lead will be that popular?
Why do you think tumblrinas watch Sherlock? Not for the story I can tell you...
>In Britain you get prison time for a naughty word on twitter now.
Which word?
It's constantly in the top 5-10 most watched shows for every Saturday it's on in the UK, even the last few series, where ratings weren't as good. But ratings for nearly all shows have dropped, and that's not counting iplayer
Jodie's made the front page of all the papers, been on the news all night/morning but yeah it's not popular.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums has seen a vagina
What would the show have to do to make the ratings go up? Nothing against the casting, even though the agenda is worrying, but I just don't see how the ratings go up past episode 1? We all know feminists are fickle and don't actually support female driven content, but move on to the next oppressive piece of media to tar with their brush. As 'sexist' as it may seem, Doctor Who is a nerdy show and pretty much all nerds, both geek and trendy watch it, but introducing a woman seems like it's gonna drive a lot of them away rather than bring more to them?
I agree with it being time for a female Doctor but this doesn't seem like it's gonna benefit the most important part of a tv show's success; the ratings.
>Everybody hates casting decisions that are made for a million reasons *other* than the continuation of the story.
Yeah heaps of people keep saying some variation of "I'd be fine with a female doctor but they're clearly just doing this because they think they have to, it's so forced." So basically they're fine with the idea of a female doctor as long as it never happens, because if it does then it was clearly just about her gender and not the story.
It's a shop.
>flat chested
>We all know feminists are fickle and don't actually support female driven content, but move on to the next oppressive piece of media to tar with their brush.
Where's this idea that women are only fair weather fans come from? Women are fucking obsessed with fandom bullshit, maybe even more than guys.
Well, I was more specific; feminists. And because most of them who have an issue with shit like this don't even watch the show/movies or play the games or vote in elections that they complain about. They just want the misogny to stop, or so they say.
All in all, I see them turning more away than they're going to bring in with a move like this. I'll choose die hard sexist fans moving away from the product being more likely and damaging than female-doctor happy feminists walking in and increasing viewership. Most women either watch the show already, like the doctor being male or will never watch the show in a million years anyway.
Having a great first episode and an intriguing story arch? Maybe bring back Captain Jack for an episode or two so there's a familiar face to get people who are put off to keep watching. I don't know, glad I'm not a showrunner.
has she been blacked??
If they pull it off as subtly as they did Bills homosexuality it'll be great.
i hope her companion is a big muscular black guy,it'd be so hott!!
Only 2 have.
>I'll choose die hard sexist fans moving away from the product being more likely and damaging than female-doctor happy feminists walking in and increasing viewership.
How many die hard sexist fans of Doctor Who are there left? If they're worried about the show becoming PC as fuck, well it already has been since the revival.
Three. The General, Missy and the Corsair.
I wanted Richard Ayoade DESU
Ayoade has ZERO gravitas.
Negative gravitas is not zero gravitas.
Bill Murray has ZERO gravitas. Shia LaBeouf has ZERO gravitas. Paul Dano has ZERO gravitas. Sam Hyde has ZERO gravitas. It's hard to do well and it's awesome when it is done well.