>has baby at 66
What did he mean by this?
>has baby at 66
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
why does he style his hair like that
Not such a problem for men, I don't see the issue
he wants the mentally retarded audience.
He means he's more alpha than anyone browsing Sup Forums
His kid will be even more autismo than Bannon, and that's saying something.
He's so freaking handsome. Why can't I age like this :(
>locking himself up in alimony
>autistic old-genes baby
As long was the woman
Old sperm is just as shit as old eggs
No such thing as "old sperm", it's made fresh on a continual basis.
As you age your DNA gets corrupted and shittier, the older you get the higher chance any kids you have will be fucked up
>circumcises his son
What did Lynch mean by this? I thought he wasn't one of "them"?
he can do whatever the fuck he wants why not throw more baby batter at the wall and see what sticks?
>dat feel when my doctor ((weinberger)) insisted i get snipped and my parents listened to him
Now I have to jack it to hardcore tranny fetish porn to even feel a little tingling in my dick. I just want my foreskin back fuck
looks sharp
he wants another victim for his rapey ways
It means his son will be a child when he's burying his father
old sperm product detected
He wants a kid that looks like the baby in eraserhead
I'm sorry, user.
and then he'll reenact the movie
He's got the money to set the kid up for a decent living and him being fucked up isn't a guarantee
why have kids when you'll die before seeing them become a remotely tolerable human being?
Was this scene him predicting the future for his son?
>Now I have to jack it to hardcore tranny fetish porn
Now that's a bullshit excuse if I've ever seen one.
It's funny how I could tell that was David Lynch just from seeing the thumbnail in the catalog.
>Such effects can relate to birthweight, congenital disorders, life expectancy, and psychological outcomes.[2] A 2017 review found that while severe health effects are associated with higher paternal age, the total increase in problems caused by paternal age is low.[3]
Should making retarded children be a crime if the caused retardation was avoidable?
No, that's not funny at all. He's really recgnizable.
congrats on the autismbaby
But it's a small, bad quality picture.
He realized that the true artistic culmination of his career would be to create the Eraserhead baby in real life
Did she give two rides