This is now the worst 'za Chef Ramsay has ever tried.
This is now the worst 'za Chef Ramsay has ever tried.
Who the fuck thought that a recipe like that would be a good idea?
It's like one of those joke pizzas you order while drunk for shits and giggles or a pizza straight from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
So I take it Gordon wouldn't be a fan of Cici's?
Pantaleone's za is fucking fine, though.
Absolutely horrendous.
i would eat that
That's surprising.
Watching the episode right now.
The hotel is worse than my shithole and they charge $700 per night.
You're on national tv
Why do they intentionally make shit food and then complain when he doesn't like it
I honestly wonder how it must feel being a permanent manchild with too much money like this. He doesn't even have a family or anything, this is his life.
>vrom vroom supercar i will build hotel like this
>mmm i like chocolate and bacon i will serve it every day i only serve things i like fuck everyone else
>this hotel is for ME
jesus christ
The food was so bad he killed the god damn chef.
Cocaine is hell of a drug.
CALL 911
>Why do they intentionally make shit food and then complain when he doesn't like it
these people have such big egos that they don't think their food is bad
>Keep it local
>Seasonal ingredients
>Ingedients/dishes that match where you are
How fucking hard is it
But he's there because everything is going to shit
That's so fake it's uncomfortable.
a lot of the owners on the show blame the staff
trve italiano '''za
Shit's fake, has he ever liked one dish?
Thank you user, i was just about to ask for the episode.
times Gordon was wrong thread?
Is it any good?
it's good the first slice(like nutella on a thin toast) but then it's getting disgusting and you feel like shit for eating it because you paid 3€
its a giant chocolate chip cookie
notice the lack of bacon
and strawberries, and pizza dough
I never thought to put Captain Crunch on a cookie
>chicken is clearly very moist
>way too much rosemary
those are marshmallows
Its fucking shite m8
That's beyond retardation, even more fake than the regular show, fuck off, reality tv is a disgrace
>oy vey
>for a price
So the table is so small, that he put the pizza up on this thing?
The place closed soon after.
There is literally nothing wrong with a thick greasy crust
What if it's fucking raw?
>ive never had a proper meal in my life
The crust was the only part that wasn't greasy
Rosemary is very overpowering spice if used incorrectly.
But I do agree that Gordon just seems to throw away his most basic insults because he's bored, not because he actually wants to criticize the food.
>...fuck me
fucking kek
>chocolate on pizza
Holy fucking shit on a bicycle.
Pineapple, come back. All is forgiven.
I'd much rather have pineapple than chocolate. That shit looks disgusting.
Nothing will ever top the banana and chicken smoothie from this one
>what is this?
>it's a spoonfull of salt, chef
>mmm, hmm
>it's dry, it's bland, it's tasteless
>i wouldn't even feed it to the Dead Sea
Germany is so weird sometimes.
You can't tell if the chicken is moist from the video. There was obviously sauce on the chicken, but if it's overcooked chicken breast will still be dry and almost powdery. No sauce can mask that.
try again
why? it is a dessert produced by one of the biggest dessert producers in the world(?)
basically a big cookie
Why are chefs always such assholes?
My uncle owns a restaurant, and when I was working there all he did was bitch about everything. It's like it goes to their head and suddenly EVERYTHING is wrong except the way they do it.
for you
Chocolate on pizza.
It's not advertised as a cookie.
its a giant cookie shaped like a pizza, thats all
they work with heat all day, it fries their brain
High stress job.
Most people are incredibly bad at cooking. When you know how good something can be and you see people ruining it, it's very upsetting.
That is a cute Yui.
oh em eff gee
That's the joke
Is Hotel Hell as good as Kitchen Nightmare US/UK?
Dunno watching it right now but some of the shit is obviously faked.
>did you slaughter the pig yourself?
>no ramsey
>fucking hell
*loud cymbal plays*
Who was in the wrong here?
it's more dramatized
still watchable but worse than the UK versions of his shows
its pretty shitty, I mean Gordon is not a fucking hotel owner.
If you want to watch a good Hotel show watch Hotel Impossible. Very little drama honestly, lots of fun hotel stuff though
american retards shouldn't be allowed to mess with pizza
Just posting mandatory Daniel, the prince of JUST.
Who the fuck eats a pizza with a knife and fork? what the fuck is his problem?
okay thanks, watched three episodes so far (the weed lodge, the cher singer and the drunk granny chaser) and it was only okay.
Guess I will watch a few more and then look into Hotel Impossible
give me a quick rundown on daniel
Ron Pearlman never should have become a chef.
his parent stole his money.
do you want the basic gestalt or the big enchilada?
>His father steals his inheritance money
>Golddigger 4/10 gf
>Restaurant is going to shit
>Gets in a fight with an employee
his parents used him. took his money to open a restaurant put him into serious debt. the restaurant failed so they asked son for even more money.
but seriously that episode is great they are some of the most horrible parents ever.
>make people work the kitchen like a factory
>wonder why the food tastes like shit
you want a good cook, you need to find some autist who enjoys doing the same shit 24/7 without getting tired of it. professional cooking is conveyor-belt work, were you do nothing but memorize proven procedures and repeat them endlessly.
but you can't just employ some moron who cannot put together a lego set if his depended on it, because then you get a shit'n'bacon pizza. people who fail at this basic shit will never learn, because they lack the understanding of what they are doing. for each of this episodes, the solution is always to fire the cooks and get fresh ones.
Funny enough Italians in Italy do unless they order a slice and then they eat with a napkin so they don't dirty their hands. It's a euro thing.
I hope all of you also have photos as evidence of you cleaning.
Ron Perlman should just stick to acting
Bacon goes with a lot of sweet stuff, Ramsey is obviously exaggerating.
you should kill yourself
Bacon goes with eggs
>have 182 dishes on your menue
>from chinese to local to greek
>wonder why nothing is cooked right or fresh
Why do owners always do this?
And maple syrup
I first tought that was yoda on the right
No more Kitchen Nightmares
Hotel Hell only every other year
Just finish me off in a microwave lads
Nino was literally fucking insane.
>i come in early to start cleaning and leave pretty late
>i also come in on the weekends to clean extensively
>here's some pictures of me cleaning to prove to you that i clean
such an insecure overcompensating man.
i heard about this. is it true americans eat bacon with syrup?
you wat it without
hotel hell is okay sometimes.
i don't understand why they dont just bring back kitchen nightmares?
no we have syrup infused bacon
more = better, in brainlet heads