Pouring shit for 10 minutes: the episode

>pouring shit for 10 minutes: the episode

This scene was K I N O S T H E T I C


here made this just for you OP.


mmm yummy


the food looks just like the shit and piss haha!!

>bass line from money starts playing

I didn't get that the shit looked like the food for the first 5 minutes so I'm glad it went on for another 5 so that I could appreciate the joke. Made me rofl a lot.

what a shitty thread

>Look we're showing fake turds on TV, there's nothing too edgy for us, haha!

you caught that to? It seemed to fit perfectly. Instead of coins, it was shit and piss

How would he never lose weight being a member of an organization like the Black Watch?

how many calories does shit have

depends what you had for lunch

Imagine actually directing this fucking scene. Imagine filming this scene. Imagine the people who made fake poop and who wrote this scene and who acted in this scene.
One of the most popular shows on television and they do this.

gotta fill the time somehow, and they filled it with a shitty montage

that and the jon and sansa talk were unnecessary
5 mins of "dont doubt me in front of others ~ grrrrrr :^|"

Lmao it was 1 minute. It's clearly to contrast the high hopes Sam had when he was accepted to study there, but now has to do all the dirty work.

Sansa is a qt tho, I like seeing her on screen.


if that was true u would be having a folder of her pics and filling this thread with it like a good goy
ok ready go!

Every minute sam is on screen is one too many

I already made the shit webms, i'm too tired for an image dump.

Ill give you a (you) on each of them

Yeah like when he figured out there's a ton of dragon glass at Dragonstone and is sending a raven to Jon

So? Make someone else discover that

>grabs random book
>goes through a few pages
>instantly finds this
>"Ayo there is all the dragon shit hidden gonne Email that to Jon asap"

You mean when he miraculously discovered something that Stannis had already told him?

>It's a "Sam browses Sup Forums for 10 minutes" episode


>eh we need to find Dragon Glass. I need every motherfucker looking fo dat Dragon Glass
>yo guvna, dere's a place called Dragonstone, ya think to look there?
>fuck up cunt I'm doin things my way

It's a visual metaphor for showing that the show has fallen in the toilet

What if you had shit for lunch?

>it was shit and piss
hmmm almost just like pink floyd(brown floyd) lmao go to bed gramps

What did you prefer, this scene, or the closeup of the diseased cock of the previous season?

lol u were in this show?