Reminder Japanese are the master race in the Asia. If you don't agree it, You're either Gook or chink...

Reminder Japanese are the master race in the Asia. If you don't agree it, You're either Gook or chink. If Japan didn't exist, All Asian would have been slave. Thank u


>can't even mimic broken english properly
weak proxy

Or Jewish, Jews hate Japan for not being diverse enough

t. english teacher

>Can't correct it
>hurr durr Broken English ahahahahahah

He's an infamous cult leader.

you're right, Gooks are just copying the Yamato.
Chinks I don't even know.

Who is he? :3

I remember finding this guys video where he says "the jews fear the samurai" years ago and laughing my ass off.

Asian race war when?


>hurr durr
yeah no jap ever says this

Japanese rangeban from Sup Forums when? I'm honestly sick of a bunch of retarded japanese posters here.

We have amazing Jewish blood
That's enough


?? I learned it in Sup Forums

type you post in japanese op
prove that you're japanese

fuck off scrawny jap. would cave your midget skull in irl

I often heard that story.
Is it truth?
Are Yamato race Jewish?

Semper Fi my friend


That's true
We have semites Jewish blood

>It's a bored JET recycles tired memes episode

I'm not him, but I wrote a japanese post before and probably you still didn't admit I'm japanese. please kill yourself delusional weeb.

too short, post something longer to prove that you're not using google translate
otherwise you're not a real member of an aryan jap master race

are russian always this denial? now I lost all of respect toward russia because of you..

canadians never liked ruskies anyway

Proof with timestamp or gtfo

Nice nails, bitch.

>Tang and Song was the pinnacle of the Chinese civilization
>Established after the period of the five barbarians invasion
>The period where all kind of non-Han races was assimilated into the Han race
If anything, the mix between Han and non-Han did wonder for China (except the Mongol of course).

The Manchus made the Han Chinese their little bitches.

And what of their Dynasty compared to the Han’s?
>Tang secured their borders and BTFO’d all foreign enemies.
Japan and various European powers made Qing their whore.
>Song’s GDP was 80 percent of the world and was the most advanced society in the world.
Qing caused China to lack centuries behind Europe.



Tang was closer to pseudo-Han than full-Han. The founders of Northern Wei -> Sui -> Tang were sinicized Xianbei who were a Mongolic ethnicity.

Shut the fuck up Kevin


>using an unneeded pronoun
>the pronoun is 私

Enjoy your vacation, Tyrone

The Jews fear the Samurai!

But I don't know what to do.
We have to change our life‐style and food?
It's very difficult...