I'm here to save capekino.
look like white oldspice adverb desu
>casting an island nigger as an aryan king
shill thread
t. beta skinnyfat manlet numale
but he was in game of thrones!!
How does your bull's cock taste cuck?
>We don't know how to make Aquaman look cool
>Can't even revive Conan
Why is he drinking alcohol? Doesn't he know it kills your gains?
It was a decent Conan film though desu.
Like your mother
> how it feels to chew 5 gum
Aquaman : widely regarded as the worst/gayest character in the justice league. Never has been cool. Someone finally had the bright idea to cast a Polynesian (masters of the sea/seafaring). Kinda makes you wonder why only now people have figured out how to uncuck aquaman.
Liberal fucking scum
Worked in the comic.
It's actually true
the mods are being paid by wb
pretty gay t b h
oops here's your preference
there's no returning from that
just hide your face and bear it
I'm pretty socially conservative, but this post is exactly what I was thinking. It's literally the only kind of diversity casting that works. Take something that's shit, and build it up to something better, rather than vice versa.
Do you have of that weed left to sell?
>Aquaman : widely regarded as the worst/gayest character in the justice league.
Things have changed since the days of the superfriends, and aquaman had a solid decade in the 90's where he was one of the best titles in the DC linup.
But you're a shill reading from the script approved by market research and don't actually know what you're talking about.
You're god damn right you fucking numale liberal
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
I don't smoke.
>masters of seafaring
the Portugese would like to have a word with you
A big hang up with all commands characters that is Atlantean mother is a race traitor so it's interesting that they made him mixed
Pretty much everything Snyder does reeks of latent homosexuality though
>masters of the sea/seafaring
Step aside faggot
>all commands
Nice film you've got there OP
but how's the wife and kids?
>y-your liberal
looks like a radox ad
>classic aquaman is a butt pirate even though aqnuman looks like a literal homosexual
Then you should probably see a doctor about that undiagnosed cognitive disorder.
Seriously though it was the epitome of a souless mediocre shitty movie pushed out by the studio just to squat the rights.
>year 0
>Polynesians sail thousands of miles of open ocean to islands 30 by 20 miles across using the stars and currents as guides
>Do this countless times, populating the entirety of the Pacific
>Portuguese and British are somehow better
Wew lad
You're right I have not payed attention to anything aquaman related since the superfriends, I should check out those comics. Just always felt like he was a forced addition, I mean, how often is anything happening near the sea.
Polynesians were first, using only the stars no navigate, coming from land too young to produce iron, with tons of mythology about animal creatures helping them. Polynesian aquaman is a no-brainer.
I'm not even the one who started this thread.
Portuguese are also niggers so it wouldn't change anything.
>baneposting spic is anti-white
What a fucking surprise
Is that why half the countries in Oceania have the Union Jack on their flags?
Better adaptation than the Schwarzenegger.
Rather be a baneposting spic than pretend to like that gay ass aquaman just because of "Muh master race :(((("
Its because Polynesians saw the power and influence they wielded and did it out of respect. at least in Hawaii
most of the islands they colonized are still owned by the French and British to this day
Of course you would. Sup Forumsedditors like you can not commit to the real Sup Forums and Sup Forums ideals about race so you go for surface level shit you can just brush of as "memes" like the Raimi threads
You cowardly race traitor
That wasn't me, someone came to my aid.
>[brain parasites intensify]
I'm not even memeing make an appointment for a cat scan immediately.
meant for
If you haven't read the books why bother responding?
While the better film Schwarzenegger's version has almost nothing to do with Howard's stories, bar the name. The 2011 film was truer to the source material in terms of character and plot.
I liked him before he became kino... gonna watch that one too.
You know, Polynesians loved/love white culture and were completely ok with the takeover. They liked living in nice houses and Hawaiians are actually the only natives to ever oust their native religion in place of another.
Let's not get sidetracked silly bois. We're talking about seafaring skill back in the day, not geopolitical maneuvering. Polynesians were better at sailing, and way worse at guns.
Old friend of mine was a half islander and was born and raised in the marshal islands and his family had a big "map" that they used to navigate. Looks like a bunch of popsicle sticks and sand dollars woven into a fishing net. It's supposed to represent season sea currents and prevailing winds. It was genuinely impressive that between that and inborn dead reckoning they colonized the pacific almost entirely.
if "back in the day" you mean year 0 then the people in Portugal were building war galleys while the Polynesians were building canoes.
>Aquaman : widely regarded as the worst/gayest character in the justice league.
By who? People who never bothered to read the comics? Aquaman is probably one of the more badass comic book characters. King of the sea and gives zero fucks about land dwellers.
Fuck off you meme spewing faggot
Polynesians had no access to iron. Moot point.
>see this trailer for the first time
>think it looks dumb and chuckle about how hard they're trying to make him look badass
>come to Sup Forums
>people actually buying into it and blathering about NUMALES BTFO BY MUH EPIK MANLY AQUA MAN!!! HE'S LIEK SO BADASS BECUZ WHISKY AND TATTOOS!!!