No I was serious

>no I was serious
>it's sarcasm
>not totally sarcastic

Ted Cruz would have won this election, pole.

what an absolute retard

Ted Cruz is a more hard line conservative than trump.

He's more divisive and less charismatic than trump. Either way, you would have had daily attacks on Cruz, and he wouldn't be able to draw trumps crowd.




Sup Forums should have backed Ted Cruz, I was shilling for him at the time.

I don't see any controversy here. Obama helped create ISIS by supporting the war against Assad which created the void for ISIS to fill. ISIS is Obama's fault for supporting the rebellion and ignoring the Jihadist elements while doing so.

This is a fake controversy and you are all shills.

>I was serioues
everyone does mental gymnastics to justify his remarks
>no jk it was sarcasm
You're all a bunch of fucking retards it's hilarious. Hope you remove your inferior genetics from the gene pool when November comes and Drumpf loses

I love this summer watching Sup Forums routinely get buttblasted by Trump

He's trolling cuckservatives so hard

You are either an extreme autist or a very experienced shill. Same Dutch first poster in multiple threads.

>muh crowds

Cruz would engage Hillary on issues. He wouldn't terrify people. He wouldn't be drawn out into insulting the mothers of dead soldiers. He wouldn't say blatantly false, indefensible things that turn off the genteel Republicans.

Jeremy Corbyn gets big crowds, he's an awful politician. Bernie Sanders drew bigger crowds than Hillary, I don't know if he won more than a couple primaries (as opposed to caucuses).

Pretty much this. With all the mess up Hillary has done I bet Cruz would be +5 if it was him vs Hillary right now.

This week I learned that nobody at CNN has heard of the word hyperbole before.

Literally any of the other repubs in the primary would be diing better, even Jeb.

As someone who has been a lifelong Republican and doesn't even like Trump that much, it's Trump>Hillary>Cruz

t. Trump shill

jeremy corbyn is an awful politician because his colleagues hate him, you know else's colleagues hate him?

ted cruz

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>what are proxies

Fuck Hillary, why would I be talking about other candidates who would be beating her if I liked her?


>responding to autism

Oranji oni san derugatsu kudasai.