Why do people feel like if they make a cartoon about it, suddenly it's true?
Why do people feel like if they make a cartoon about it, suddenly it's true?
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No idea, but if you are going to do it at least make your straw men a little less obvious.
If America is a non-corrupt Nation explain why a confirmed terrorist supporter is running for President?
Why don't you explain why a confirmed terrorist supporter is currently president?
it's not a strawman, it's an ongoing trend of denying new scientific discoveries
Because my Nation is a shithole and filled with cucks. Don't worry though, once Hillary wins I'll be hanging myself.
People explained it all except 4th.
He is a nigger.
Cartoon politics have existed for a good time, it's just a cheap way to cater to a stance, it's not really produced to make valid argument or be convincing, just shit to guzzle for people who need firm assurance in their ignorance.
Global warming is real!
The question is: Is mankind responsible for this?
Climate changes happen a lot.
And always remember, we are in an ice age currently
>An ice age is a period of long-term reduction in the temperature of Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental and polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers.
What kind of fucking lunatic would you have to be to at any point in history deny gravity?
It's the first fucking thing mankind (probably primates too) discovered maybe aside from the day being brighter than the night, fire being hot, and Fred Flintstone being a fantastic bowler.
>If America is a non-corrupt Nation explain why a confirmed terrorist founder is running for President
>Why don't you explain why a confirmed terrorist founder is currently president?
fixed it for you friends
>history revisionists
People have always demanded evidence for statements. Deal with it.
therefor x must be true
People use that argument against global warming all the time And they are retarded
no one ever denied gravity, the revolution was trying to figure out how it works (we still don't know)
Also see this pic in millions of years
Things falling down isn't the same thing as gravity, which is the idea that every point of matter exerts an invisible force of attraction on every other point.
There were numerous proceeding and contemporary theories for why "things go down" outside of gravitation, which is when you think about it, a very strange idea. Which is really the second biggest problem in the OP [the first is that we discovered the world was round in ancient Greece and all educated medievals knew the world was a sphere]
That they're using hindsight to say that the true theory was obvious, when in reality most ideas are anything but obvious at the time, and there is often much debate about these things before the true theory is known.
Jon Stewart style critique is all about outrage and credentialism, actual content always takes a back seat. Its more about looking cool, than being cool.
No one thinks that, retard.
Why is that implying evolution is real?
lol obvious bait
If the United States is a white supremacist nation, explain this.
>muh flat earth meme
Very few people actually beleived that shit in the first place.
Also since when does evolution contradict the bible and vise versa
You didn't fix anything.
why do people feel like straw mans show their logical prowess?
The Bible states that men were created in God's image, so the idea that we came from monkeys is sacrilege according to it.
What scientist says we came from monkeys?
Are you being sarcastic?
retarded Americans
The Bible says men were formed from dust of the ground.
Many of them, it is the most prevailing view of human evolution.
Yes, but the reason evolution is considered sacrilege is because it states humans at some point took a form that was not in God's image, regardless what we were made from.
No it's the ongoing trend of leftists trying to shut don skepticism with false equivalencies.
>Science is true! Questioning it is heresy!
yes the earth is obviously flat
>earth goes through changes throughout history
>earth changing again
>"Cmon everyone change to solar that costs you money and live uncomfortably while your government fucks you!!!1!"
Yeah, the earth is changing, its happened before and nothing is going to change it. Worrying about it and focusing money/attention on it is retarded when we have other big problems.