The fucking shekel grabbers are at it again. I have never used /pol, but I wanted to bring this to peoples attention.

These fucks have to be challenged at every step. They are now, just rubbing our faces in this shit.

It makes one want to REEEEEEEEEEEEEE




This hurts.

It truly hurts guys.


show me where

Keks of highest order, but race mixing of all kinds is completely haram. Bastardization of the race is a disgrace.


Miss him yet?

rip aryan qt

>secular jews

They could have just ruled over the goyyish masses with their economic domination, but no, they have to stroke their egos and masturbate at the thought of the race being bastardized.

I wish they were fucking gassed, the world would be way different today, without the satanic little kike filth, stealing our oxygen with their degenerate lungs.

I just want RWDS, is that too much to ask?!?!

>Complains when SJW and liberals get triggered
>immediately gets assblasted

i have a white gf so i'm ok with this :))))

When the right takes over, there will be trigger warnings for depictions of race mixing, jews, or women outside of the home

Instead of trigger warnings, I'd prefer a group of say, troops? Who round undesirables up and "expel" them from the country.

How do the Jews dominate us economically?


Fed Reserve, IMF, Troika, Countless Soros "foundations", international banking is dominated by kikes. How long have you been on /pol?

I thought Sup Forumsacks were wise to all this shit?

what's making you so angry, francesco?
did one of those darkies peddling fake watches at the beach rip you off?

Are the stories of Germans finally getting pissed off true? I also hear them becoming refugees themselves and going to Eastern Europe.

The fucking irony of becoming refugees because of "refugees".

false equivalency.
We get triggered when something is obviously an allusion to something like "miscegenation is cool".

SJWs get triggered when you use facts to argue with them.

I'm going to watch it and then leave a good review for it.

You can't stop me!


Sjws get triggered if you call them the wrong pronoun kek

An amalgamation of factors. This just tipped me over the edge today. I suppose I should be used to it, still, some days you just still schitz out a bit.

Federal Reserve conspiracies have been debunked.

Conspiracy Theorists argue the government should print it's own money instead of borrowing and the FED is why we are in debt. However even before the FED there was always debt. Every nation has debt, Putin's Russia has debt. It's not a conspiracy the Jews control. Nazi Germany had debt.

Asian women are ugly, straight up look like Asian men in wigs. They got nice bodies but ugly as hell faces.

I don't know how the atmosphere in the society is because I hangout on Sup Forums and not in cities or something like that. So I can't tell but probably it's like in this picture here.

How are """kikes""" involved in this movie?

Who are the directors, producers and writers of this movie?



Chad Hadigan the director is an Irishmen

>federal reserve conspiracies have been debunked

Rothschilds run it after sinking the titanic with all the opposition on board. It's like when Britain was a world empire, Rothschild control the London bank and use britains military to do their bidding. It's the same thing now but it's the USA instead.

The girl is only 16.

This is kiddy porn.



I use it as a figure of speech at this stage. I suppose I should have said "The fucking cunts pushing the narrative agreeable to the kikes plans for Europe!!!"

15 is the legal age in actual civilized countries.

>I have never used /pol, but I wanted to bring this to peoples attention.

Post it on reddit too. It's good at redpillin normies.

"Chad Hartigan was born in Nicosia, Cyprus in 1982."


>pictures of people along with captions
>proof of conspiracy

I love the Internet so much

One day we will have our revenge and liberate our countries from this shit.

>hot tall german girl
>fat short nigglet
>they sex
k. not even trying. they're literally just taunting everyone at this point. jesus fucking gay earth.

everyone vote Giant Meteor 2016. end this shitshow already

in the future we'll laugh at this ham fisted racial pandering.

What's the solution? Who else will run the banks


He was ethnically Irish, just like how Americans are born in America but are also Irish
>a cat born in a stable is not a horse

It's true tho.

Yesss... and because of action movies the whole world runs amok or what?


In the future, we won't exist.

That is what gets me. The fucking cheek of these bastards.

More than likely

In America, I can't even look at a fucking picture of this girl without being legally annihilated.

And here is this dindu, doing what he damn-du please.

Thanks for letting me sperg /pol.

Also, keep up the good work. The meme magic is real. I have witnessed it's success in turning normies. We might just be internet shitposters, but we are effective internet shitposters.

We will prevail.

"The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith."

Trump will know what to do with this Dindu.

The Second Amendment People will finish this!

Why are kikes absolutely obsessed with defiling the image of white females? The younger, the more Nordic-looking, the more they crave it. If legal, they would film a movie where gang of niggers and Muslims gang-fuck a Kindergarten class.

Are Jewish women just so wretched and demonic, with their curved beaks and ghoulish yenta features, that male Jews have to 'get revenge' by attacking blonde white European women with constant propaganda?

Guys, the same old boring black gangster theme is going to soon become lame

We need to do what we can to make people think this is lame. We use the same tactics they use to push new shit

>it's 2016 and we're still telling the same jokes
>man I'm so bored of the whole rap scene
>look at me I'm a hipster and I still find this kind of stuff amusing
>anyone who watches this over the age of 12 needs to re evaluate themselves

Make your own up I'm not a good trend setter but I know this can become lame if you try hard enough.

I mean cmon it already is.

They would do that. Which is why this isn't funny anymore.

>Why are kikes absolutely obsessed with defiling the image of white females?
a completely mixed race with no ethnic or cultural identity is much easier to control

You are on to something, there was a few comments I saw on the video that were saying they were bored with the trope.

All this time I never knew what their goal from doing this actually was which is why I remained partially sceptic

Now it all makes sense

Can't believe I never even took this red pilled before or even thought of it myself

I think they just hate us, and actually believe the Holocaust, along with other absurd Tales of Semitism.

And they have no problem being passive-aggressive little bitches.

Lmao you lying Irish cuck blaming kikes for Irish fuckery:

But Jews ARE a mixed race with no ethnic or cultural identity. That's why they look like fucking rat-faced greasy goblin who all start balding by age 21. The hair on their head gravitates down to their pockmarked faces and becomes those awful scrubby beards you can see coming at you from four blocks away. All they have is their disgusting pro-slavery death cult holy scroll and a sense of entitlement to unite them.

still wonder why the jews win so often?


None of the names in the end were Jewish.

Up vote the shit out of them.

People who like this sort of stuff are people who follow fashion trends. They will only like and do what other people think is cool. If people think this is lame then none of those hipsters will want to watch it anymore

Make videos making fun of them by amplifying all the stupid Nigger shit they do and mocking it. Don't make it racist obviously. Just take the piss out of stupid rap boys and their crap clothes. The silly shoes they wear etc.

It has to be suttle and genuine. Otherwise it won't become the new trend

The only way to break a fad is to replace it with a new thing

Many people don't because they are good people and are brainwashed through t.v and film. They never think to the depths these peoples schemes go, because they would not scheme so much to destroy a people.

Not to mention people like to get on with life and not think about it.

The red pill is a hard one to swallow for most. It can be hard to live with the knowledge. Seeing it all the time, and picking up on the propaganda.

Next time you watch t.v, watch the ads. Notice how many of the couples are mixed. It is in nearly every advertisement at this stage.

They're hiding it now.

>false equivalency
Both of you get mad when facts are used. Face it, the US isn't 90% white anymore. "Interracial" is becoming more and more a thing, and media is going to reflect that. You sound like one of those idiots who got mad when actors in AAA movies started becoming black

Check it yourself, I didn't spot a single Jewish name in the end of the video.

"These are not the Irishmen you are looking for!"

The Irish are too dumb for conspiracies. lol

No trust me mate, I think deeply about everything

Ive posted shit tonnes of red pills on Sup Forums, but mostly unrelated to Jews. And I could never figure out the reason for wanting to destroy culture. I was beginning to think it was just a side effect of other things

Blacks can into cartoons?

>Sup Forums gets triggered if you use the wrong verb

>post threads about how much you wanna have sex with Asian women
>get pissed when a hollyjew'd producer makes a movie about an interracial couple

Life of a beta white male, everyone...



Liberals are the ones who post that Asian bullshit.
False flag.

Farse frag!

Well Sup Forums usually makes a big deal out of (((shekelberg))) and all that jazz, this time those type of names are absent.

>jew destroying whites though their only weakness, their retarded women

God damnit female, how are you so radili manipulated. How!?


The comments are fantastic

Need to do something about the like/dislike ratio

You know what they say about assuming?

I've never been on Sup Forums before, so there goes your theory.

Bump go dislike the video

Want me rub it for you?

>Need to do something about the like/dislike ratio
That was my hope in posting it to /pol.

Tell us how you really feel

that girl is hot though I'd totally put my dick in that

sniveling little bitch jew boys, who imagine themselves to be "real men." Yet possessing no qualities that make a real true honorable man.

why would a blonde german girl be interested in a fat little ape?

not a racist just sayin

Wait, so this is supposed to be Germany? Nigs just pack up and move to Europe now? I'm supposed to believe this?

Oh look, he's a rapper, too.

6 stars!!!


Probably because daddy issues

can someone explain this TRS meme to me?

>the red pilled comments in the video

The pendulum is swinging back.

>I wish they were fucking gassed, the world would be way different today, without the satanic little kike filth, stealing our oxygen with their degenerate lungs.

I honestly can't imagine what life would be like if there had never been any kikes.

>No Christianity, no communism, no liberalism, no feminism, etc

They completely fucking derailed us. They are truly our misfortune.