>The Golden Girls
>Not the cast of Cheers
>Not Mama's Family
>Not even early Rosanne
Cyborg please. Never talk about your shitty tastes in tv sitcoms ever again.
Though seeing Starfire in her underwear was okay.
>The Golden Girls
>Not the cast of Cheers
>Not Mama's Family
>Not even early Rosanne
Cyborg please. Never talk about your shitty tastes in tv sitcoms ever again.
Though seeing Starfire in her underwear was okay.
don't talk shit about the Golden Girls user
I'm not even remotely surprised someone that likes this piece of shit would also hate something like the Golden girls.
It's time to put the keyboard away, son.
>Hating on the Golden Girls
I fucking knew it, this board is filled with fucking casuals.
I bet you don't even have Columbo in your top 10.
I hate how the writers use Cyborg to show off their interests
Nobody gives a fuck
Okay, Cyborg
t. _____
>The Golden Girls
>shitty taste
this has to be a meme, golden girls was utter crap.
is it cuz Sup Forumsmblr is filled with white self hating poeple?
Fucking millennials need to get cancer.
kill yourself, my man
>OP mentions Cheers, early 80s Rosanne and Mama's Family
Whoa, calm down Cyborg. Check yo dates nigga!
>He's biting his tongue Corneil and Bernie-style
this show keeps doing admirable things to try to make me not hate it
it's not working but jesus it keeps trying. this is a fantastic example
uhhhhhhhhhh link?
>dislikes golden girls
>likes rosanne
>shit-talking Golden Girls
You need to go back
>Though seeing Starfire in her underwear was okay.
You can't say that and not post it
>hating on the Golden Girls
I'm sorry OP, but I can't tell what you're saying from all those cocks in your mouth
It the look she has before dressing up as The Flash
gettin Dee Dee flashbacks there
>underwear and bikinis are the same thing
Cheers has a far bigger following than Golden Girls
but whatever, fucking calling me a Millenial you Sup Forumsmblrs. Have fun not watching Golden Girls and cringe laughing to slutty old lady jokes.
>popularity means quality
>Dumb little kids asking their dumb 20-something year old parents what the Golden were
Why? Why even go there with this reference writers?
The TTG have ceased to care
That's a swimsuit user. The Titans were using the Justice League's reflecting pool thing as a swimming pool.
what an odd reference to make for this cartoon...
They already referenced fucking Heavy Metal, Golden Girls is tame in comparison
Don't you dare shit on The Golden Girls. That show is fucking perfect
It angers me that TTG brought it up though
Why couldn't an actually good show reference it?
i too love mama's family as well OP
Cheers > Golden Girls > Roseanne > Mama's Family
I liked the episode where Cyborg was screaming about Small Wonder.
>cyborg's green lantern suit is based on DCAU John Stewart
>Watching TTG
>Complain about anyone's taste
Where is Sophia?
Dude golden girls was a good show
Hell I'll be sad the day betty white dies
Golden Girls anime when?
Who else is getting Tribal Titans flashbacks from watching the latest episodes?
Robin seems to really enjoy exposing himself to people. They've used this joke at least 3-4 times now.
You'd think they'd use this joke with Starfire since she's the exhibitionist of the group.
>>Not Mama's Family
Mama's Family a shit.
Destroyed Carol Burnett and Vicky Lawrence's friendship for years.
yeah well Dick is a slut now so it works with him too
Dick is not for sexual
Odd Couple >>>>>> Golden Girls
>Dick is a slut now
Given the sitcom theme for a second I thought you meant pic related.
When I go to the beach they are.
>Golden Girls
I'm coming after you, OP. GG is sacred.
Jersey Shore and honey booboo were extremely popular reality TV shows. You saying they weren't good?
Did you not notice all the other shows op mentioned.
He has shit taste but hes not a milenimal
I am a Millennial and I love the Golden Girls you pleb.