Why even bother with pinning this image? This board is almost wholly fueled by these logical fallacies. Why pretend like you enforce these or even follow them? Just go back to the swastika you guys used to have pinned.
But why tho?
calm yourself wyatt
But Hitler did nothing wrong!
Because some logical debates happen here amongst the shitposts. They are very few and far in between, but it happens
I'm here for a couple of years now and I've never made it past the first paragraph in the upper left. What is this image even about? Like I don't even understand what they are trying to convey
This is the worst thread ever posted on Sup Forums
Your IQ must be 90
Es geht um Logikfehler in Argumentationen.
Z.B. "check ur privileges". Wenn du etwas behauptest musst du es beweisen können. Als Beispiel in dem Bild wird ein Toaster genannt der um die Erde fliegt. Kann jemand beweisen er existiert nicht?
even with such a huge list, it lacks the only logical fallacy commonly pointed out on Sup Forums
I never understood the Tu Quoque or ad hominem fallacy, even in English 101. Pointing out hypocrisy is one of the key ways to win an argument imo, and those are legit methods to do so.
It's a info graphic of logical fallacies. When people are arguing about a point one of them might commit one. It gives the appearance and weight of an argument or salient point but is, in of itself, misrepresentative or incorrect of a cohesive logical argument.
Thanks for the bump.
Every statement is an argument.
It's only those of you who are indoctrinated with a false prophet who think certain things are not an argument.
Danke dir mein Nigger. Fühle mich immer schlecht auf Kanal 4 deutsch zu reden. Viel im Ausland gearbeitet und wenn deine Kumpels dort für dich nicht auf Englisch umstellen ist das ziemlich asozial da zu sitzen und nett zu lächeln. Kp warum ich dir das gerade erzähle, bin voll.
Aight my mane. Honestly I think people on Sup Forums are quite reasonable when it comes to arguments. Better than liberal's "muh feelings"
Nothing will change on Sup Forums unless another crisis happens. Not only does g00k probably not care about this place but we are also probably on thin ice and lucky that the board even exists.
You went get any changes on Sup Forums by asking. It will have to be another crisis.
It's not supposed to be about winning the argument, it's supposed to be about having a conversation based on logic and reason to work towards truth, not about stroking your ego
certain statements are not arguments. if you told me that you believe in evolution and i replied by pointing out that you have a large nose, i would not have made an argument
This one's better.
We do uphold them. But shills do not.
They also are not rules, they are guidelines. The intention is to help users spot logical fallacies.
I think if you read that info graphic you'll find that the average Sup Forums posters commit just as many of these fallacies as tumblr liberals.
of course, not every single post can be a perfectly logically sound essay responding to another essay based on some thesis. that would be no fun.
well i expect at least 80% shitposting here so that might clear things up for you
>no true scotsman for the board
One of the worst fallacies is still the fallacy fallacy. Many who supposedly see a fallacy can't see the implications of the argument. It devolves into superficial nitpicking because it looks like one of those fallacies on the wikipedia article they read some time ago.
Many of these supposed fallacies aren't even logical fallacies. Some of them aren't even fallacies. 'Tu quoque' is an obvious example, since it's neither logical nor a fallacy. If someone accuses you of something, it's not a fallacy, logical or otherwise to respond by accusing them of the same or a similar thing (given that it's true), and it's ridiculous to presuppose some kind of duty of the accused that they oughtn't point out that their accuser is a hypocrite because it's supposedly a logical fallacy to do so. How convenient for the hypocrites to have this authority to appeal to. Anyone who accuses me of committing a tu quoque fallacy I will respond to by using an equally non-fallacious ad hominem: Go fuck yourself.
I did it for the (You) ;)