Daily reminder that Muhammad was a pedophile.
Daily Muslim Hate Thread
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Gas the gazans, holy war NOW!
A Zyklon Ben masterpiece
If a muslim magically poofed into your garage, tied up and gagged in a chair, what would Sup Forums do?
HARD MODE: Include pork to prevent ascension to the afterlife
waterboard with cold beer
I'm down
drown him/her in beer, pork lard, and acid
Depends. Male or female?
Thread theme:
force him to divulge his magical ways of appearing in garages and binding djinni to lamps
Rollan for Ibtihaj Muhammad
you decide
Female: Cover my dick in bacon grease and make her suck it off.
Male: Slaugter a pig in front of him, drown him in the blood.
Muslims are seriously disproportionately pedophiles. This isn't even me being racist, that's just facts. It must have to do with the koran.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.
Fuck islam
God bless this thread.
Kek bless this thread.
They all have to go back to Kebabistan.
But I can't bring myself to hate them, I hate the fucking leftists that have moved them here. I will admit that they are annoying as fuck and don't belong here.
Hopefully the one my post claims didn't just say "Allahu Akbar".
true that desu
how can you hate someone so small with his bucket of heads
that has to be hard work for the lil guy
i was in malaysia borneo visiting my wife;s family and holy shit every time i go there muslims are a fucking disgusting race, she is unfortunate to live there because that side of the country is forgotten about and slowly advancing while the selfish other side steals money/resources. Shitty corrupt government that claims it is diverse but nope, muslims are privileged af. in schools and the work force they only accept muslims in government , its so bad
Fuck off Pedi, you're a piece of human garbage, even the degenerates in prison realise what disgusting subhumans you are.
If I was given the chance I'd stomp on your skull until it was flat, you pathetic cunt, KYS.
>literally being a nigger
Niggers hating something is a compliment
Muslims are filth.
Daily reminder that a not insignificant portion of Sup Forums would do the same shit as Muhammad given the opportunity.
Well, yeah, but we're white, so it's okay.
>magically poofed into your garage
Get his fucking genie somehow.
if i get double digits kek will ensure that trump nukes the saud
Force him to draw mohammad. Force him to read passages of the Quran that instruct violence towards anti-islamic thought and reword it so that he is saying the opposite: saying violent things towards Islam.
Use a car battery to fry bacon on him when he refuses. Smash his mouth open and duct tape a funnel to his mouth to pour bacon grease down.
Artistic works of fiction. Only a fool would take this post as fact
Doing my part
>you don't have to tell me your name, but you do have to eat these eggs
That's the best so far. I'd cut his hands off and give him ass injections to give him a big thick, plump ass. I'd castrate him and shave his hair off and use him as a fuck slave for my dogs.
One Muslim, that's stealing.
Have a better deal folks, only today, only in this threads.
Muhammad killed a ton of useless fucking kikes and now he has his 72 virgins. They are different from normal women in that they know how to shut the fuck up.
Muhammad was over 9000 times manlier than that useless piece of shit Jesus. Jesus was a fucking cuck and a pussy. Jesus sucks.
You know, I have always been a bit racist and bigoted but in the end, even if some thug nigger treats me nicely and with respect I will always return the favour. But fuck muslims. Fuck them with fire.
Too many fucking times now muslims who have been described as irreligious, friendly, well educated, born in the west, have gone and done hardcore terrorist acts in Europe. I want nothing to do with this vermin.
Doing my part.
I hope I live to see better world, world without mudslimes.
Fuck youu....!
I'd drag it into across the yard to hog pen and let piggies rape it to death.