Daily reminder that anybody who thinks there is something wrong with being on methadone is a shit eating twat who will never be able to understand basic physics. Methadone saves lives, and FREES the addict from the chains of addiction. I have no problem with staying on it for life, and as a 140 iq ivy grad with a great job, im most likely far superior to you
Daily reminder that anybody who thinks there is something wrong with being on methadone is a shit eating twat who will...
ok pussy
>Got addicted to a drug and can't quit cold turkey because his mind is that weak
>Is somehow superior
do you IV it?
I thought you loved heroin?
nigger you couldnt spell methadone before you looked it up
sage this shit. pharmaceutical scam is a pharmaceutical scam.
>saves lives
Opioid withdrawal isn't life threatening. You're just a fucking pussy
chug it all for science
post periscope link plox
>replacing one drug with another that is far more addictive and has worse withdrawals is a good because it makes your heroin addiction figures look better
Kek your junkie
>claims it frees people from their addiction, when a lot if people get addicted to methadone while trying to quit
>know people who got addicted
>Has to get addicted to something else to quit being addicted to the original substance
>says he'd be fine being on it for the rest of his life, when in fact he managed to get addicted to it
>can't just quit all together, it's intended purpose
>claims he's superior when he started doing horribly addictive drugs in the first place
>claims he's superior when he's actually a colossal faggot
I want to steal someones methadone and replace it with antifreeze.
I will then proceed to get turnt as fuck on that green lean.
Why don't we just put chemicals in drugs that makes people who use heroine or crack chemically castrated?
You don't actually need methadone to stop taking opiates if you aren't a big girl.
I speak as a former drug addict.
> Methadone saves lives
No it doesn't. Methadone is a synthetic opiate, usually provided in an oral dosage form. It just sits in a bottle, it doesn't do anything.
>and FREES the addict from the chains of addiction
No it doesn't. It's active for a longer period, making it suitable for maintenance programs where opiate dependent people remain dependent.
>chains of addiction
not too dramatic are we?
You're not superior to anyone you dumb junkie faggot.
Kill yourself.
>FREES the addict from the chains of addiction
So does suicide, without the taxpayer expense.
>this shit again
While being addicted to methadone is a lot better than being addicted to, for example, heroin, crack, meth, etc., methadone still causes an addiction that is no different from the addiction to the aforementioned drugs.
>frees the addict from addiction
>by continuing the exact same addiction, now with longer withdrawals and no dose ceiling
Nobody dies going cold turkey off dope, but it happens with methadone
>t. I've never done drugs