Questions for Ameribros concerning guns:

Questions for Ameribros concerning guns:

Can politicians who are for gun control, whether they are Democrat or Republican, "survive" or are these people immediately voted out of office?

I have heard that Dems were voted out of office in 94 after a certain ban, but to which extent is this the truth? Someone on Sup Forums told me this a while ago, and he called guns in general "a grassroots issue".

Are there a lot of people who are a single issue voter on this aka gun rights?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2013

I think that since it is a constitutional right, it is pretty hard to get by any gun legislation without mass controversy. Republicans are usually for less gun control though. Then there are the libtards...

The problem lies in having a 'gun culture'. It is literally a culture of violence. Everyone wants to carry their pistol around so they can fantasize about saving the day or taking down bad guys and pretending to be James Bond.

You don't need a full (or semi) auto machine gun. You don't need a 30 round clip.

If you want to hunt, fine. Get a wooden hunting rifle. You don't need an m16.

There's that word again

you liberal

What reason is there other than to murder people you racist homophobic bigot

Shut the fuck up, retard.,_2013
The Colorado recall election of 2013 was a successful effort to recall two Democratic members of the Colorado Senate following their support of new gun control legislation.
Two Colorado Democrats who provided crucial support for a package of state gun laws were voted out of office on Tuesday in special elections seen as a test of whether swing-state voters would accept gun restrictions
handed another loss to gun-control supporters and gave moderate lawmakers across the country a warning about the political risks of voting for tougher gun laws.
Two Democratic lawmakers in Colorado, including the president of the state Senate, were recalled Tuesday in elections brought about by their support for tougher gun control laws.
The Colorado Republican Party called the vote results "a loud and clear message to out-of-touch Democrats across the nation"
The votes marked the first time in Colorado history that a state lawmaker faced a recall effort and the biggest backlash in states that passed tougher gun-control laws following two mass shootings last year

Wounding people

You're completely incapable of grasping these guys nutjobery towards keeping their guns.

Look at it this way. Southerners have guns built into their culture. They don't want their culture taken away.
It's because people can't grasp this that there's no compromise going on.

Compromise is for the weak

Most cops/military never use their gun as well. Are they fantasizing too?? What's wrong with a law abiding citizen owning (((high capacity))) firearms??

Your abelist hate speech cuts deep into my soul.
Gun owners are all the same, brutish and unintelligent

We also don't need a faggot in this thread, but you showed up anyway.

There are plenty of gun grabber politicians thriving in office, at the federal and the state level. The overwhelming majority are Democrats. Gun control is part of the official Democrat Party platform. In very pro-gun states, like Texas, for example, Democrats shy away from gun control. In the very anti-gun blue states, like Massachusetts, Republicans tend to be more favorable toward gun control.

>Can politicians who are for gun control, whether they are Democrat or Republican, "survive" or are these people immediately voted out of office?

It depends. In some places like cali they seem to survive. In Colorado they got recalled and fried.,_2013

>Are there a lot of people who are a single issue voter on this aka gun rights?


To give you an idea:

A few years ago the Democrat Colorado Senators passed laws to restrict magazine size, and institute universal background checks in response to the Aurora shooting ("Batman killer").

To date Colorado is the only state that has ever recalled their state senators.

The message was clear:

Try to take our guns, we'll take your jobs.

The only states that get away with gungrabbing bullshit are Commiefornia and Jewyork.


No, unfortunately even most republicans fall for the "no one needs a machine gun" meme, some even think there should be a magazine limit or extending the background checks. Since dems are 100% for any and all legislation, it just takes these few retarded republicans and independents to chip away at our rights.

Also me
Main reason I'm voting for trump

Exactly. No more gun regulations, period.

Depends on what you mean by 'gun control'. If you mean stuff like stricter background checks or terror watch lists etc then yes a overwhelming majority of Americans support that. If you mean bans and/or buybacks no. The majority of Americans are pro-gun.

You can survive if you're democrat. If you're a republican and vote for any semblance of gun control you're in risk of losing your seat, unless perhaps you are an east coast republican.

Every decade the liberals go, "come on guys compromise!" and every decade more and more legislation passes. The agenda is clear on what they really want.

>Can politicians who are for gun control, whether they are Democrat or Republican, "survive" or are these people immediately voted out of office?

Depends on the jurisdiction. In coastal liberal states, no. But when Colorado passed their AWB the woman who spearheaded the bill got bitchslapped right out of the capitol building by a recall election.

>I have heard that Dems were voted out of office in 94 after a certain ban, but to which extent is this the truth?

Bill Clinton himself said the federal AWB was the reason for the Dems losing so many seats. I used to have a transcipt of the interview somewhere.

Mouth breathers who only care about "muh guns" shouldn't be allowed to vote and/or breed

Yes. I like having the right to murder burglars/murderers in self defense just as you like having the right to murder babies.

>Massively Underrated post
Am Liberian
>would never buy a machine gun is i was rich af
>have no problem with owning machine guns
>wouldn't own one myself tough

>am a single issue voter (2A all the way)

who fucking allowed a canacuck into this discussion

The thread starter is from Belgium.

Me also, guns are my one issue vote.

Except, even a large number of Democrats oppose more gun control these days. Unless you're talking about the elected officials. In which case, that's what happens when you've been wiped out everywhere but the Blue States.

B8 far too shit

Pardon me but if some gangbanger gets to kick in my door with a MAC-10 then yes I NEED and should be able to purchase superior firepower.

No 30 rounds? Is 25 ok? 20? 15? Why not 5 bullets? Why not 1?

but he said ameribros

It depends where.
Most of the country geographically is pro gun, but there are places like San fransisco where anti gun politicians thrive.

Not anti-gun politician was voted out, we still have a lot of anti-gun senators, but they can't do anything because the American people fight relentlessly to protect the 2nd Amendment, and when politicians defend 2nd Amendment rights they receive a massive boost in public support from all of our 90 million gun owners.


>A few years ago the Democrat Colorado Senators passed laws to restrict magazine size,

And most of the counties in the state flat out refuse to enforce those laws and told the governor to fuck-off basically...

this is the crucial reason why we have guns in the first place and why we still need them.
If you lived in this country, you would know, especially if you're from chicago.

Who needs guns when I have my knife


Virtually all republicans and a good number of democrats are what you would consider "pro-gun", though not all to the same extent. Both Senators in New Mexico for example are democrats, but they are both against an "assault weapons ban" and wrote an open letter to Obongo saying that they would vote against any such legislation.

That was a few years ago and I check in before every election to make sure their stances haven't shifted, since democrats are feeble and unreliable like that.

Definitely voting for Trump in November.

I see posts like this and don't believe you
Because if it were true there would've been mass protests in the streets of Commiefornia this past July 3rd

They could atleast offer up reopening the NFA in exchange for "background checks" instead of just crying and screaming to ban everything black and semiautomatic.

Weak ass bait

There are people who think like this, though, and they should be thrown off a fucking bridge

criminally underrated

Ok buddy, that m16 with a grenade laucher and built in cheeto dispenser will sure come in handy when this imaginary burglar comes creepin around your gated community

Because people are confused.

NO, because someone can mow you down with an ar-15 before you can even open the knife.

Certain states are just fucked, everyone has abandoned commiefornia, jew york, etc.
But on a Federal level and in the vast majority of States, passing gun control is almost impossible.

>Can politicians who are for gun control, whether they are Democrat or Republican, "survive" or are these people immediately voted out of office?
No they're fine

Congressman are protected by either Secret Service or armed guards they hire.

Its completely hypocritical yet so common for politicians to deny people the right to their guns and self defense while they stay cooped up in a house protected by guns

This is straight from the horses mouth bredrin

they are immediately voted out of office

He asked if they're voted out of office, not if they're killed.

>wanting to protect yourself and not be a crime statistic
>pretending to be james bond
stfu baiter, guns arent just for hunting animals. be more responsible with your baits or retards might actually think people are retarded enough to actually think like that

I mean, it isn't like America isn't the most violent supposedly first world country.
No need to protect yourself here with the whiz bang job cops do.

fuck off, in my country we suffered decades of dictatorship because we couldn't do shit against the government. it had to be the army taking them out of power. you anti gun fucks should kill yourselfs
Clinton recalled Al Gore’s 2000 campaign against George W. Bush in Colorado, where a referendum designed to close the so-called gun show loophole shared the ballot with the presidential ticket. Gore publicly backed the proposal, while Bush opposed it.
Clinton said that the reason was because a good chunk of the referendum’s opponents were single-issue voters who automatically rejected Gore as anti-gun.
And Clinton said that passing the 1994 federal assault weapons ban “devastated” more than a dozen Democratic lawmakers in the 1994 midterms — and cost then-Speaker of the House Tom Foley (D-Wash.) his job and his seat in Congress.
Clinton closed his remarks with a warning to big Democratic donors that ultimately many Democratic lawmakers will be defeated if they choose to stand with the president.

>Who needs guns when I have my knife

Mike will tell you the knife you need and how to use it. If you are close, far better than a gun actually.

As someone who lives in California, the fight is there, it's just that we have some of the largest garrisons of gun-grabbers in the country. It'd be a lot easier if we were an irrelevant fly-over hobble like most of the other states, but we aren't.

hey its you again. gday. any additional thoughts on a surp rifle?

is that the pedophile plane?

very nice gun, lad

> America has a violence problem, guys!
> Americans don't need guns to protect themselves.

Pick one.

why yes it is

2 single issues used to divide amerifats are guns and abortion. nowhere else do these 2 things cause such a wealth of animosity.

ching chong? here life!

BTW - The secret is to boil the handle in hot water for about ten minutes to get the grain up and give it that super good grip!!

>america has the most lenient gun laws outside failed states
>america also has the highest rate of violence in the developed world
Well golly gee willikers, this is quite the conundrum

>Are there a lot of people who are a single issue voter on this aka gun rights?
from what ive seen, most american gun owners care ONLY about guns and think guns are the root of or solution to every issue, no matter how insane the link is

ive seen gun owners insist that gun control is why brits have bad teeth, no joke

american gun owners are literally insane.

Where the hell do you live? Around here almost everyone thinks gun owners are murderers.

I automatically vote against any politician who attempts or has attempted to put more restrictions or not remove restrictions to buying guns and/or ammo.

thought so. remember reading about it and how it was sketchy that they just logged the female passengers as initials or first names

There's no correlation between gun ownership and gun violence.

>>america also has the highest rate of violence in the developed world

I call bullshit.

cant have the population becoming subversive against the ruling political party, can we...

Additional question: did Dubya do anything against guns or was he actually honorable on that matter?

Also, what has Obama even done against guns? He has been whining about this for years, but what has he actually achieved? It seems that Obama is the best thing that ever happened to the 2nd Amendment and Guns.

On a forum I frequent I remember an American saying that, compared to say 10 yrs ago, a lot more people are talking about guns due to Obama. Is this true?

fuck you idiot

Yes, simply because at this point one would have to be completely retarded to willingly disarm themselves.
The lid is already off Pandora's box.

Wrong cletus
2/10 see me after class

>highest rate of violence in the developed world
no, they dont. faggot. you are too stupid to even argue your own viewpoint

>most american gun owners care ONLY about guns and think guns are the root of or solution to every issue, no matter how insane the link is
you're being ignorant

>a group of mongrel Arabs are breaking in your room
>only .5 seconds to react
>take 8 seconds to get out from covers
>takes 20 seconds to reload AR
>.5 to take off safety
>.2 to pull trigger
Its too late for you, meanwhile I've already teleported behind them and impaled each on my blade
You mean that pellet gun?

maybe its cuz' we have our guns

In New York most of the state is pro gun rights, unfortunately politics here are decided by all the liberal cunts in NYC. We really need to cut that cancerous shithole off from the rest of the state.

>Questions for Ameribros concerning guns:
>Can politicians who are for gun control, whether they are Democrat or Republican, "survive" or are these people immediately voted out of office?
First, "gun control" means restrictions on gun rights. Democrats favor this. Republicans are against this.
They being in office depends on them voting for their district.
>I have heard that Dems were voted out of office in 94 after a certain ban, but to which extent is this the truth? Someone on Sup Forums told me this a while ago, and he called guns in general "a grassroots issue".
There are man reasons why, but the Assault Weapons Ban did not favor them so it wasn't universally approved. It was a temporary measure that the next president chose to not renew.
>Are there a lot of people who are a single issue voter on this aka gun rights?
A lot? no
Some? Yes

DEVELOPED you inbred

venezuela is the socialist dream all the gun banners want to take us to. i guess they dont use toilet paper so they wont miss it

daily reminder to all anti gun fags: 60% of all gun deaths in America are suicided and 80% of legit homicides are gang related

it isn't a gun problem, it's a demographic problem

Yes, there are a lot of single issue voters where that single issue is gun rights. For Republicans, voting for gun control measures is a lot more likely to be political suicide than it is for Democrats. Whether it is political suicide for a Democrat depends on what part of the country they're in. Democrats are a lot more likely to be pro gun in my state than, say, in NY. Both candidates for governor in 2010 had their concealed carry, for example. I can literally also walk into my state's capital building with an AR-15 slung over my shoulder. I've never done that, but I have carried a pistol in there several times.

And yes, this is a grass roots issue. When CO enacted some BS gun laws, normal people banded together and not only forced a recall election for a couple of the politicians that pushed the bill through, but they also got their asses kicked out of office. This was in the face of billionaires like Bloomberg financing their opposition.

I'm a life member of the NRA. The gun grabbers always accuse the NRA of owning politicians. This is flat out not true. What they donate to politicians is peanuts compared to what the financial industry gives. What the NRA brings to the table is it has around 5 million members. During election time, it makes sure that its members are aware of the candidates stance on guns. They even do this for local candidates. Not every gun nut is a member of the NRA, so this actually affects a voting block bigger than its membership. If a particular candidate is particularly pro or anti gun, I make sure that all of my non NRA buddies know about it.

>american gun owners are literally insane.


preach the truth brother

You mean you euro fucks that wipe yourselves out every 100 years....

>demographic problem

That sure is a polite way to say 'nigger'

Great comment, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.

I have a feeling he was talking more about mexicans

that's correct, but what do you honestly expect if a leader intentionally destabilizes a country and causes chaos among the population? that people are just going to stand by and not arm themselves against increased violence and crime directly encouraged or instigated by obama??

>leafs not understanding sarcasm

par for the course

Bill of needs? Oh wait it's the bill of rights

In Iraq they did everything they could to remove arms from the people and the attach video shows how well that works......

I guess the bad guys did not get the memo....

No, blacks. I wanted to show an image that showed it, but I didn't find it. I think it was a graph that compared the black population to the amount of gun deaths.

See this: