Why do men look less masculine today? What is going on?
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Why do men look less masculine today? What is going on?
less physical activity means less testosterone
>modern men look less masculine
>posts feminine man from 20th century
nice b8
Define the traits . Generally, higher quality food and poor face posture is elogating faces. Lack of exercise and high calorie diet reduce muscle mass.
There are xenoestrogens in the environment. Israel outlawed xenoestrogens back in the 70s.
>high calorie diet reduce muscle mass
>born in the 1830s
>sharp cheekbones and jaw line, narrow eyes, strong browridge
I don't think he's feminine. I think you just happen to be gay.
Here's another example
Because we still have teeth?
There has always been "pretty boys". If you look back at paintings and pictures of men in the past, you will see aristocrats, the rich, the famous etc etc... they wore wigs, dressed in the latest fashion, shaved all the same shit you see today (replace wig with hairstyles).
You're not helping yourself
>There has always been "pretty boys
But even they had big jaws, etc
See Lord Byron
you're pretty fucking stupid.
>lack of teeth leads to masculine looks
Numales were a thing back then too
Byron was a boss desu.
He looks much better than the average numale tho
idk, it just seems like there are fewer men who look like adults these days. I see thirty year old men who resemble babbies every day, though.
Humans have always been distinguished from other primates by our larger heads and "cuter" faces. This is nothing new.
>becoming less handsome and more stupid is evolution
Nothing has changed except obesity, which is fixable. Technology has advanced so that you can see just how many ugly people there are in the world - painters' hands and film are neither so precious that they need to be reserved for the most special people and occasions, and social media helps even the ugliest faces get into circulation.
>painters' hands and film are neither so precious that they need to be reserved for the most special people and occasions
They weren't back then, either.
Sedentary lifestyles.
Hell it wasn't just the other day that your average man would do hours upon hours of manual labor a day.
PSA: If you're white and you don't do strength training then you should commit Sudoku.
It's like you people never go outside or live in a big city
On the contrary, we're getting smarter with each successive generation.
And what's handsome is more or less an opinion. You could argue that whatever is sexually selected for (in this case, "cute" faces) is the most objective definition of handsome.
stop eating food with soy in it and avoid bpa whereever possible
it is chemical castration and responsible for all the gender confusion
also stop frying your sperm with your mobile in your pocket or putting your laptop on your lap
processed garbage food = higher body fat = less defined jawlines
>On the contrary, we're getting smarter with each successive generation.
The flynn effect is much more complicated than that, although I knew you'd link that article.
We have been getting dumber
>You could argue that whatever is sexually selected for
There is no such thing as "selection" in nature, as selection implies intent. If the films started pushing asymmetrical faces, people might begin to select mates with those. Doesn't mean it's beneficial.
Please don't tell me that's what I think it is
People are better able to operate smart phones, but significantly dumber at life. Also, lacking toughness. Less attractive than in the 80s.
Definitely less testosterone. But this was only a thing I'd say again from the 90s onwards
>implying this dude doesn't smoke weed on the daily and drop a box of Oreo cookies *and* Cool Ranch Doritos....
check dat jaw, honey.
the Addams Family?
Just an old pic of some really weird-looking characters f a m.
A hard life leads to manly features, an easy life leads to feminine ones.
Really makes you think...
thought it was post mortem photography tbqh
Damn, that's some strange shit. You may be right.
his jaw is shit, so is his chin
Those guys didn't have fast food and supermarkets. Or computers or televisions or video games or constant porn. Subtract these from your life as much as possible and you will improve yourself as a man beyond measure.
>Because of the phytoestrogen content, some studies have suggested that soybean ingestion may influence testosterone levels in men. However, a 2010 meta-analysis of 15 placebo controlled studies showed that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable testosterone or estrogen concentrations in men.