If those dumb landwhales would just dump the fuckin USB onto dropbox we'd be done by now.
Dominic Stewart
Heyo guys! to tired to do organization atm but just a heads up. Gonna make a documentary of the Cipher Hunt and I want to get as many people as I can from all different sites to get their perspective and help. Anyone here want to help? I will probably add in CipherJust
Chase Reed
Best part was May getting spitroasted by hundreds of black men
Also I hate to tell you but your documentary will not be complete. There's one stream that ended because the streamer's phone died, which means the stream wasn't saved. This unfortunately was one of the good ones, one of the Finger Guy ones. It was actually the last stream by "I don't know who Jason Ritter" asian boy, the one before he switched over focus to the Finger Guy's stream (MineCreatr).
It's a shame but I'm starting to get over the loss.
-He camped out at Confusion Hill for us overnight and was the first one there that morning (although the clue was snatched the day before with no one's knowledge). -He drove home and then left again right away to go to the Trees of Mystery in the middle of the night to scout it out for us. THEN, got a hotel and made certain he was the first one there in the morning and explored the whole area for god knows how many hours. -Now he's raced to the Bill statue and although he wasn't the first one there he got us some treasure coins to spread the love.
All the while doing this with minimum attention whoring and a god damn A-fucking-plus attitude.
Please pay respects to our Cipher Hunt Champion, Sup Forumsmrades.
Jack Price
Which arc was the best arc?
1. International Arc 2. Cut Finger user Arc 3. May's Adventures Arc 4. Jason Ritter Wants to Die Arc 5. Puzzle Shithole Arc 6. Discord BTFO of the Puzzle Arc 7. user's Based Mom and Little Bro Arc 8. Whoops We Dropped the Fucking Clue in the Garbage Arc 9. No One Has Any Fucking Clue Arc 10. Wacky Races Arc 1: Let's Drive Into the Woods at Night for a False Lead 11. Begging Alex for Help/Polybius Arc 12. Wacky Races 2: Furries 'n Families
Will it be something yet to come? And overall, how would you rate this show put of 10? Was it better or worse than 2B?
Grayson Murphy
Post an email instead of us posting ours
Camden Cruz
Ian Phillips
>Bradley Picthal >Little Pyro >Bill burned his dimension
Bill's real name confirmed.
Elijah Ward
No refunds confirmed. May must sooo be happy.
Logan Sanchez
wow he's an actual fucking idiot >shilling so hard he put it in the flashdrive
fucking dropped, i was hoping for the "bradley is our hero" thing to be semi nice, but holy fuck
holy shit nothing good came out of this except for a nipslip
Carter Ward
where did this come from?
Nathan Clark
Thread before this people were posting THEIR ACTUAL emails. Lemon party payed them a visit.
Wyatt Perry
The USB drive
William Cooper
I'm probably a bit late on this but what was the exact location of the bill statue again. All I know is that it's in Reedsport OR. Might take a trip to see it and see my family while I'm down there in Oregon. My grandparents use to own a farm that was right near the Enchanted Forest and I remember going there as a kid, and I spent my summers going down to see my family. I miss those days... the show really reminded me of what my summers were like as a kid. Didn't seem that long ago either ;_;
Christopher Flores
Working on it
Nathaniel Brooks
can...can we BYPASS the 401 on the tmogf Pilot site guys?
Isaiah Gray
what nipslip? If you are trolling I will murder you. I want to see a titty after all this bullshit.
Brandon Campbell
Nice to know he follows Log in to Twitter.
Ryan Cruz
I posted my throwaway on that thread too. Never got a visit from my favorite party :(
Jose Nguyen
Nicholas Price
Remember when we thought it was awesome Bradley swooped in months before hand and beat the tumblr faggots?
Then we found out he shilled hard. Writing his name on the money wasn't just a "hey i was here first haha" but an actual bitch move, took the USB and put his fucking twitter account on it, and this is his life. Who knows if he deleted something, even if he didn't who the fuck can say Bradley is based now and mean it.
But saying or hearing Bradley Picthal doesn't make me pee myself and orgasm at the same time like the AMA said it would.
Joseph Walker
Jaxon Moore
It may take awhile to arrive... also don't open it. Seriously its got a bug that causes never ending pop ups of horrible things.
I made it and sent it to May. Basicly doggy dicks, old gay sex, scat, guro anime.... and given she blocked me...
Logan Davis
Nothing suggests he's deleted anything, unless Alex confirms something that's supposed to be there isn't.
Kayden Ortiz
Bradlason is a terrible ship name.
Blake Richardson
What's the subject of it, so I know to click it lmao?
Mason Roberts
He hijacked the hunt. Dick Dastardly would be proud.
Hunter Collins
>Implying this even has anything to do with Alex anymore and isn't just some arrogant hiker self-promoting
John Mitchell
Trust me you will know it when you see it.
Justin Cook
Holy shit
Matthew Myers
From the original stream from the audio find.
It's astounding how there was a text file labeled Hi.txt and it didn't occur to her to open it. I mean it was just a retarded account from some guy who came in earlier, but.. why wouldn't she click it before?
Dylan Kelly
I mean he must have known something about the hunt, seeing as he knew to dig to find the box.
Cameron Hall
>Bradley Picthal was the real Dick Dastardly the whole time
James Gutierrez
Wait let me check what was the email again?
Ryan Garcia
He might have buried it. Maybe he saw it placed around the time it was set and it wasn't buried as deep as he put it.
Luke Carter
It's probably nothing
Hudson Thomas
oh please, no more teasing, as if the cancellation of season 3 is not enough.
Cameron Reyes
haha nice meme, if you fucked up and didnt send it to me the first time, you won't be able to do it now
Anthony Gomez
i knew it was weird that Stan was giving all of the clues and said that it was "his" statue on that MP3. we fucked boys.
Xavier Jackson
Hunter Rodriguez
you think the "but her aim is getting better" file is the username and password for the pilot?
Well okay, but what's the point? The choose your own adventure book basically says that Bill's alive but the show is over. Bill isn't dead but Gravity Falls is. Just comfort for the fujoshits and nips?
Sebastian Wright
Fuck, did we just allow Bill back into our world? Canonically it's been about 3-4 years since Dipper and Mable first left Gravity falls, right? What did we do?
Colton Hughes
Not even worthy
Juan Garcia
Are you faggots literally responding to a twitter post that took what we said about an hour ago before? We already talked about this and we noticed first.
Carson Adams
you have to go back
Dylan Sanders
look up Bradley Picthall on normiebook...
Jason Jenkins
If Bradley was just a hiker guy and he found Bill and the box he probably found the black light and congrats note inside too and realized this was something he'd be a dick to fuck with.
Even if he is trash based on who he follows on twitter I'm happy that even if someone found it first they didn't wreck it and instead left a silly note (which is ideally what we would have done anyway).
Evan Brown
DAMMIT you got me kid HAHAHA Well played. Hey guys wanna know a secret.... Wkh rog jxbv qrw dv dorqh lq khuh dv kh wklqnv. Klv eurwkhuv qrqh wkh zlvhu. Wkh nlgv duh frplqj edfn vrrq. Wkh sduwb lvq'w ryhu.