Electronic Voting Fraud

What can be done to prevent voter fraud this November? Is there any way to force the makers of these machines to put out the source code?

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Electronic voting was a large mistake

I agree. Best case scenario we switch back to paper ballots completely but i doubt shillary would allow that to happen

Prevent voter frauding? I thought Sup Forums wanted republicans to win the election.

Seriously, I love you yanks, but what the fuck are you doing just accepting closed source electronic voting?! This is what your 2nd ammendment is for, fucking use it while you have it!

Paper methods were just as untrustworthy and had many people throwing away or adjusting votes

Use a paper ballot, they have them at every voting place as a backup if power goes out. Request them.

>what the fuck are you doing just accepting closed source electronic voting?!
What can the average Yank scrub do about it?
>This is what your 2nd ammendment is for, fucking use it while you have it!
How can the average American be sure his fellow patriots will stand by his side? A lone gunman today is just considered another nut.

>What can be done to prevent voter fraud this November?
Not much


>How can the average American be sure his fellow patriots will stand by his side

This is a great point, if people were to form a rebellion they would need an effective way to organize, which is difficult when social media companies act as puppets for the people in power.

My state has paper ballots that go into a big machine like a vending machine's paper bill receiver. Isn't that what everyone has?

this was back in 2001 and yet not much(if anything) has changed

Ask the bikers

You can't forge a million paper votes as easily as million electronic votes.

Electronic counting of paper ballots is just electronic voting.

It's still big machine where people put things in and a mysterious number comes out.

We put out ballots into sealed boxes which are only opened when EVERYONE with a stake in the outcome of that election is present to verify and scrutinise the counting process.

I asked this earlier, what can we do? Not even hypothetically, lets make a plan.

>pol doesn't even know that for the first time ever, ballot boxes will be available on all college campuses

It's already over actually

>jewish voting machine

Why can't we be sensible like this?

>disgusting fat boomer women who work for elections were too lazy to count


People need to get mad.

People don't want to get mad. It's easier to get mad about a story you heard about someone killing a lion. Or a story you heard about a gay guy getting beat up. Or a story you heard about someone not baking a cake. Or a story you heard about how you don't have any power and you deserve some and you'll get it by being led by a woman.

It's really hard to get mad about systemic corruption. And you have to think and look for information and not take what is spoon fed to you as gospel. Especially for the left, it creates dissonance and people naturally run away from dissonance.

What needs to happen is people need to lose something they want/need. That's the only way politicians will ever be held accountable.

Ideally top GOP leaders would be pushing this issue but since most of them are butthurt that Trump isn't in their pocket they're less likely to stand up for this issue

People also need to feel as if they are actually able to contribute to helping fix something. The problem now is a lot of people see the rigging/potential to rig but feel powerless to stop it.

The fact that this thread died so quick shows how little enthusiasm there is for this

I'm lurking.

Can one use a camera phone to document one's own voting process?

Wait, you guys are going to use voting machines?
If so, Hillary is going to win and there is nothing you can do about it. Welcome to banana republic democracy.

Dead people have been leaning torwards democrats for years though.

If both parties have access to this voting fraud, isn't it equal anyway?

OK, I looked some things up, you may be able to document, electronically, your own voting process, but it may be illegal to publically post it and may also invalidate your vote, be careful. Check your local laws to be sure.

ever see battlestar galactica (new) ?

don't matter

The (((Left))) is projecting again, claiming that Putin will hack the voting machines. That's the bullshit they're pushing now.

>drive bus or truck into low income neighborhood
>grab microphone and tell people you will give them a bag of food and some pocket change if they vote for your candidate
>they get in
>drop them off at the voting station. watch them closely when they go to vote
>they stand in a line outside to wait for their meal

this is how we do voting fraud in this country and it's very difficult to prevent

the only solution

The "I voted" sticker you get once you are done gets you some nice deals sometimes free things, on election day though. Not by groups/candidates but businesses like a free donut at krispy kreme or something.

At least you could have someone watching the votes being counted

>one of the last great countries to have guns
>w-w-what can we do guys

holy fuck you lads are cucked

>wanting them to put out the source code so that hackers can easily find exploits

You have to destroy the machines. In every other scenario they will delete votes for Trump.

""""Both"""" (((((parties)))))

That may undermine the secrecy of a ballot and the voting process.

the only way to prevent large scale voting fraud is written ballots

its not that hard

in the name of Greece i would like to apologise for democracy , it was a mistake , as long as people exist there is going to be voter fraud

Up until around 2012, we used these to vote in New York. They can't be rigged but they leave no paper behind. You flick the switch and turn the lever.

For electronic, I'm not sure what the best solution is to keep it from happening, but being an observer for the campaign is an important part:



Paper leaves an obvious trail. Imagine a million pieces of paper being hidden/destroyed. It couldn't be accomplished by a small group of individuals(CTR). Voting machines can be manipulated across the board by a couple lines of codes made by one or two people.

Paper is better.

What am I going to do? Watch the circuit cards multiply Hillary votes?

Best post I've seen from Greece in a long time.

Lmao literally this. Both are run and backed by corporations and big business. The will of the people means nothing; democrat or republican both are for the same economic action that ultimately supports subsidization of corporations and the continuance American corporatism.

Mechanical gear booths are the best way.

Think of it like an odometer for voting. Every vote brings one count to the odometer. It's all moving parts and non eletric. The technology is old but works.

Dead people and illegal immigrants always go blue tho

Take a pair of wire cutters and disable the machines. Force them to use the paper backups.

What is that called?

How does it work, exactly?

I like this too

Because real odometers can't be fixed.

Whats worse than electronic voting is the fact that its somehow unconstitutional to show an ID and prove you are a citizen of the US in order to vote.

This is going to allow illegal immigrants to vote for Dems, which is a yuge disgrace.

you know who else uses an electronic voting system? my country does.

i don't think any country would want anything from my country

>le open source is less secure meme

Can I sign up if I'm a leaf?

same here

last election we had machines voting alone on the same person over and over



anyone interested in why, or who doubts this argument, listen to the very smary tom scott explain it

i had a 2 hour long conversation with a computer engineer who didn't buy it at first, but couldn't get around the problems explained in this video and conceded that e voting is bad

Contact your local representative/governor and let them know this is an issue that concerns you.

how the hell do you prevent voter fraud then?

here we have a register where if you want to vote, you post a form in advance, and it's checked against the passport database, and you get in trouble for voting twice (and your 2nd vote is discarded)

you should forbid that electronic jewry as fast as possibe.

In MD, paper ballots are used for early voting, so go out during early voting week instead of waiting for Election Day.

I am registered but a lot of states dont make you register at all. Basically now you just walk in to your voting place vote and leave. Dumnshit courts in states say its not fair to make people show an ID because some people cant afford them. They are 24 dollars!!111!1!1!11. Makes me so mad.

so you don't have to identify yourself to someone who ticks your name off somewhere to make sure you don't vote twice?

if so that sounds insane

You do check in if you are registered. But those that arent just go to check in and say their name. The person checking you in rights it in a book and you are sent on your way. So illegal immigrants can just go to the check in tables and say their name and be good to vote now.

Trump seems like a crazy person not fit for even driving a car but he is honestly out last hope if we want to keep America, America. I dont have problems with other races i have friends of all races but this immigration thing is really getting out of hand. So much so that school in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Southern California are teaching students that America stole the land from Mexico and that the land is still owned by Mexico. Which its not because we destroyed those dirty beanbags and won the land.

putting out source code would make fraud easyer.

It's "racist" to even require a photo ID, according to democrats. I'm not even joking, that's literally their argument.

apparently it's so super hard for niggers to spend a tiny amount of time to get an ID, and the $10 cost is just so much for them!!

Absolute shit. Liberals ruin everything.

SQL anybody ?

that's crazy

why don't you just turn up at like 50 different polling stations and say a different name each time

hell say the same name, it's not like there's only one john smith in america

>why don't you just turn up at like 50 different polling stations and say a different name each time

well...funny story...

So, there is no guarantee that the machine is actually doing what you say and that your vote is actually private then?

Use a blockchain.

Thats exactly the point. Normal Americans wouldnt try voting multiple times. But the immigrants are the dems secret weapon and now they will be unleashed this election. Sucks to say that if Trump doesnt win this chances of a Rep. ever being elected to president again is so slim it wouldnt even be worth the time having on run in four years. It makes me sad because for being the young country we are we have already managed to ruin it.

Yeah, because nobody would have access to the data in an electronic database.

tom scott might have explained it in the video but basically, you have to be able to vote in private in a way that nobody can verify who you voted for, otherwise paying someone to vote a certain way and being sure it worked, or rewarding them after for voting a certain way becomes a possibility. also to prevent peer pressure and political persecution.

that's why you can't have a receipt from a voting machine, either

also with any form of blockchain/fully anonymous voting the issue of a small team of engineers 'stuffing the ballot boxes' is still present

everybody gets a voting id after they vote, have an online system where you can put id in to verify who they voted for, offer an anonymous posting service that will post your result publically, then write software to tally the results and make sure they are close to the national results

No, I mean it would conflict with voting laws already in place in USA.

post tally software online for free for anybody/any news agency to use


Are you even capable of reading their ridiculous sourec code ?
It's a shill group claiming much 2.0 .



You're given a paper ballot to fill out and return to your local board of elections. Other than that, the only way to prevent election fraud is for the candidate to win in a landslide.