
He cowered out.

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Damn, does he have AIDS? He looks like he's dying.

This guy actually became funny. Watching him regularly now lol

>implying the vast majority of his viewer base can even vote in the election

he's trying to grow with his audience, when he first started he was aiming for the younger gaymers but obvious as they grew they didn't watch that shit anymore so he kinda reinvented himself for dat youtube $$

>Damn, does he have AIDS?

He's Swedish so it's like a 50/50 chance.

And I just noticed he has an eye tattoo.
I guess he's their bitch now.

>cowered out
He's Swedish, what did you expect?

Literally who?

Just average swedish genetics.

How is he funny now? I remember all he did was yell randomly before and it wasn't funny.

>pewdiepie thread on Sup Forums
Who wants to play a game of spot the CTR employee?

What happened?

So his target audience went from 12yo to 14yo?

Your adult self will cringe for ever watching this crap.

he has called SD racist and sexist too. He is a cuck

Hating and being jelous on other people sure feels good doesn't it? Faggot

Confirmed to browse Sup Forums

Yeah, it's not like I needed any more confirmation of you being underageb&.

user you don't understand.
He gave clear hints that he supported Trump for a week or 2.
He cowered out now.

He looks like Carl Cuck's brother

I was suspicious for years, but he backed down, right? What a cuck.

At least when it comes to the internet, never back down. Always double down. Makes you look pathetic if you don't.



Why does some swedish faggot think he has the right to tell americans who to vote? Its not your country fag

he's starting to look like elton john

no, he's white


He supports Trump though but chickened out.

It was pretty obvious he was never serious about it, m8.

Tapping into the same crowd who watched h3h3 and GradeA

Damn, this is the first video of his I've seen since highschool, five years ago. He looks sick and the tattoos really don't help the tweaker look.

I didn't understand anything

He's very fatigued from prepping government mandated bulls.

SRS, it's Sweden.

Nah he still supports trump, it's just something you can't admit when you're the most subscribed person on jewtube, so you gotta pretend it was just a ""joke"".

no he like any other skinny white guy prob 6"2 in height? that doesn't eat or works out.

He CASHED out. His audience is pathetically bluepilled. I dont blame him, good busines practice to hide your politics.Trump did the same when he needed to.

can confirm i was that guy


>Damn, does he have AIDS?
Came here to type this

>This guy actually became funny. Watching him regularly now lol

pic related

no he doesnt. hes a cuck,

His audience created the bluepill, most liberal tumblr fags that I'd be glad to hunt


where can i cop those dank himmler glasses?

Swedes are fucking retarded