Invincible Iron Man #12 Storytime

Riri rises.

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Conversations here feel like they're going nowhere.






What the fuck is a tsum tsum?

Remember when Tony's one true love invented cure for mutants in her spare time?

>Disney Tsum Tsum is the name of a range of collectible stuffed toys based upon popular Disney characters (including characters from the Disney-owned Star Wars and Marvel franchises). The name is derived from the Japanese verb tsumu meaning "to stack", because the toys are designed to stack on top of each other, forming a pyramid shape.
Today you learned.





Is Riri really name for black guys?

>needing an A.I. for your power armor


Tony looks like bearded Christian Bale.


Bitch he created a hunk of junk in that cave not a fucking A.I

>Um. Uh-oh.

This is some of the ugliest fucking art I've ever seen. Also this book is boring as hell.

How does Bendis do it? Why does this shit sell?

>Marvel NOW 2.0 teaser image of Doom is copy-pasted

Fin. Buy if you like it.
Nobody ever needed A.I. so far. I blame that story whose name I forgot that went with Tony I CAN'T COMPUTE EVERYTHING WITH MY FLESHY MIND, I MUST BECOME COMPUTER

Oh, forgot to ask. Purple hair, power armor? Any chance she's Johnny's girlfriend that became She-Thing?

copypasta Doom confirmed

It sells? You mean to tell me Bendis has people who buy his books because he writes them?

It says right there who she is.

>Toni Ho, the daughter of Iron Man's ill-fated buddy-in-kidnapping Yinsen Ho

Currently in New Avengers, sans power armor.

No she's Yinsen's daughter, the guy who was captive with Iron Man in his origin.
Her name is Toni....holy shit how did I not see that.


I look only at pictures in letters.
>Pepper barges in and wrecks everything
>S... save Toni

Doom is tonys father confurmed

But this time his right hand moves away from the right pocket and his left lower arm is slightly lowered.

The fuck happened here?

Stark Tower is destroyed in Uncanny Inhumans #11

Maximus framing Medusa




that's 9/11, traced
fucking deodato

Reminder that Iron Man 10 onwards all sold out :P Feeling the burn yet Bendis Naysayers?

it's deodato, he traced alego plane in avengers

I remember this scene, that's fucking 9/11
holy shit

So are the Inhumans an Islam expy now? Especially with Kamala "not a Persepolis ripoff" Khan?

maybe richard but hell no
i ain't know no niggas named riri

Truly a book constructed by hacks.

>it's deodato
I know

mike my man you've really done it now
this is his magnum opus

it's just one part you dinggus.

You'd think Marvel, the quintessential NYC company, would be a little sensitive about reusing 9-11 pics. The art style in this book might as well be a series of photo collages run through an image filter.

Oh god, he's not even holding the mask, it's just kinda balancing on his wrist. How can a paid artist be THIS lazy?

Ellis' characterization of Moon Knight with Shalvey's art comes back >when?

>Only MJ and one fireman is wearing a gas mask

AYYY Vincent's back!

Depending on the writer, sometimes the Iron Man suit is too complicated for one person to use it well without assistance. That was the plotline in Extremis, where Tony was complaining about how using the armor was like someone driving a car, and he needed to be wearing the armor like a second skin.

So theoretically an AI could help with all the other parts of driving a car except for the steering or something.

Perhaps you don't know enough niggas

So this is spoilers for the next issue of Civil War then.



I like Friday.

Tony did not build the AI in the cave. Just the armor. Even in the movie it wasn't more than a suit of armor and flamethrowers.

>Nobody ever needed A.I. so far. I blame that story whose name I forgot that went with Tony I CAN'T COMPUTE EVERYTHING WITH MY FLESHY MIND, I MUST BECOME COMPUTER
Do you mean Extremis?

Why does Tony's face look Pakistani?

Must be retroactive continuity again. Because he didn't have an AI until fairly recently in his comic history.

Invincible Iron Man 012 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)

This page made me so hot.

It literally means 'retard'.

No, that's not a slur. That's the actual meaning of the word. It's like if there was a Chinese character named 'Chee Sin', which means 'crazy'.

...I think HOMER was the first and that was in the Nineties.

I'll eat Riri's asshole clean. I bet she has those little asshole hairs. LAAAAWD

This girl is more obnoxious than I expected and I had pretty bad expectations.

>retroactive continuity
That'd be a super shitty retcon. I mean, it's barely credible because comics that Stark could built a rudimentary suit of armor pretending to create missiles while he's being guarded by terrorists/Vietcong. But how is he going to

Fuck this whole thing. Bendis is a fucking menace to comics.

How can anyone bring themselves to buy and read all this trash?

Sure Maria, good job arresting Doom. Brilliant.

God can this shitty event end already?

Why the name Riri? Seems, fuck I don't even know, just weird.

>having her ask Tony to just give her an AI to make her suit work

This was a pretty dumb choice imo. If you're going to try and stand up and say 'she's a genius, she built this on her own, using his suits as inspiration', having her just straight up say 'hey give me one of your AIs, I'm too lazy/dumb to make one on my own' is shooting yourself in the foot.

What the hell, dude. I'm trying to go into this with an open mind, despite BENDIS BENDIS BENDIS.

You're dumb, just because she is good at robotics doesen't mean she is good with AI.

It's like giving Stephen Hawking shit for not knowing enough about human biology.

Programming and engineering are technically different fields, and with the threat of arrests and such I guess she was sort of implying she wanted a quick start for the moment. Still kind of goofy but I don't know that I care to nitpick it all that much either.

Stephen Hawking isn't being groomed to build an iron man suit and replace Tony Stark.

While the abundance of polymaths in Marvel (hell, in comic books in general) is one of my persistent annoyances, if you're going to replace Tony Stark, be polymathematical or get out.


I've known somebody who has that name but it's pronounced


Fucking do it Tony

Sounds like an inside job

MJ + Maria Hill ass


I can only take so much of his work

>1.32 MB JPGIs Riri really name for black guys?

It is slang for retard
like craycray is slang for crazy
Marvel writers are riri

>to control the know

Fuck off Bendis and your lack of creativity and comic book pseudo science. What lazy fucking righting right here

>eating burgers after a traumatic experience infront of a crowd
just like my movies

but honestly, that dialog is so bendis it hurts

>tracing fucking 9/11

but why?

>that mask

It's everywhere

why is friday so perfect?
like really she is the best thing in this book

I can't give a single shit anymore

>Christian Bale looking Stark
>MJ's mask

Was getting caught part of their plan?

In what book did the inhumans did this? been out of the loop

jesus bendis this is a new low, at least pay attention to the movies you fat fuck

uncanny inhumans 11

Also Deodato hits low after low in this issue with edited copy-pasted shit.