Can she beat him /co?

And will they battle in her movie?

Captain Marvel can defeat anyone.
She is stunning and brave.

>Movie fags.

Not a chance in hell.

Explain why, o wise one

I figure they will battle in her movie to demonstrate power levels.

Pfff, no.

He's on a completely different level.


She can't even beat War Machine

Not unless she goes Super Saiyan binary. I hope they make her more powerful in her movie. That would be cool.

This is what happened when he punched Red She-Hulk.

But a Thanos killings missile can :^)

Only when he was world breaker, and it took and the combined force of him and She-rulk. Carol destroyed a planet by herself.

She will easily beat him because muh empowerment, this is marvel se are talking about here

Of course not. Big guns like Thor and Hulk are on a whole different level than Carol. I recall a guy with Spider-man's powers was strong enough to break her nose, Hulk would murder her.

Yes but not on pure strength
unless someone decided to write it that way because it's fiction anything could happen

Wait a minute, that was World Breaker and She-Rulk was amped by a magical well to be his equal in strength. Then the two collided and did that. It wasn't an average Hulk punch.

He is the deluded Hulkfag, don't argue with him.

One of the most satisfying parts of Time Runs Out considering we were still knee deep in KSD's Captain Marvel.

I loved this page.

Someone post Hulk in Heat

>Exiting the atmosphere

Kek. Hulk looks like he just got a satisfying blowjob from her too. Stay in your fucking lane, Danvers.

But I think she'll be amped up more for the movie. Like her baseline will be Thor/Hulk levels of power. MCU is banking on her being their prominent female brick, so the best way to impress audiences is to have her upstage the male powerhouses.

Honestly Ant-Man kicked ass in his movie and Civil War, Wasp will be even better
And Wanda is ridiculously powerful.

They don't even need Carol at this point.

based Hulk