Uncanny Inhumans #12
The return of Kacy
Story time
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Maximum skittle power
I don't like red eyed Lockjaw
That cute little mass murderer
Is Medusa the most incompetent queen in the MU?
That is all good friends. Next month Naja, maybe.
I really like this Inhuman nation stuff.
Just about. I don't think she has done one thing right during her whole time as reigning queen.
Next time on dragonball z
too many spread pages
And to think that once upon a time Charles Soule was consider the next big thing.
Well, Marie Antoinette was probably more incompetent (even with the extra bad rap she's gotten over the years), but she's dead.
So yes.
>not a completely unintelligible dialect
Get out of here!
>Written by Charles Soule and drawn by Carlos Pacheco, the ongoing series dives even more deeply into the Inhumans and their struggles with Iron Man and his side of the conflagration which continues to heat up month after month.
>Pacheco, who actually co-wrote an INHUMANS limited series in 2000, talks to us about working with Soule, the importance of Lockjaw and how the Inhumans have changed in 16 years.
>Marvel.com: You worked on an INHUMANS limited series previously. How has the group changed between now and then in your eyes?
>Carlos Pacheco: So much that they seem to me another bunch of characters. Not just because of the physical changes that have affected Triton, Karnak, or Gorgon, but for the fact of the coming of a bunch of brand new characters that have substituted [for] them in the lead roles.
>Concepts like the Nu-Humans have also expanded the limits of the initial concept that basically were just a transposition of “Lost Horizon.” Jack Kirby's fascination for “alien activities” with human—remember the Eternals—and the even stranger American fascination for the Monarchy!
>Marvel.com: Did any of the updated Inhuman looks or new members offer you any challenges when first tackling the book?
>Carlos Pacheco: Yes, Triton has become a sorta Jack of Hearts! He’s not a new member, but to me he’s the most complicated to work with. I love to draw Medusa as well. Lash is a challenge to me.
>Marvel.com: How do the Inhumans stack up against their opponents on a power and physical level?
>Carlos Pacheco: Lockjaw changes any possible balance. He’s the pivotal key in any conflict the Inhumans may have with anybody in any super hero universe.
>Marvel.com: How has it been working with Charles on this book so far?
>Carlos Pacheco: Wonderful! He's building an Inhumans universe that keeps the inner logic of this particular universe and he’s expanding the limits of it beyond the traditional concept the reader had about them. And that’s perfect in the moment that comics are living today: preserve the tradition and build a new future. That’s pretty good.
Sauce: marvel.com
Next issue is delayed to next month
She's just a usurper like Cersei in GoT. She was even more retarded when the Inhumans went into space. What a piece of shit character.
I don't know how anyone could root for the Inhumans over mutants in the coming war. I usually make fun of all the "Cyclops was right" X-fags, but I gotta say he was probably on the right page in going against the Inhumans.
Huh, guess Lash really left a bad impact on her.
her power is having a big head?
>An Inhuman with the power to shoot out rainbows
Nigga you gay
Sucks in air, blows it out really hard
>Second panel
Medusa please stop making it look like you want to fuck your son.
She inflates her head then blows out gusts of wind.
The fuck is Black Bolt wearing....what the fuck is that guy in the back.....WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE INHUMANS?!?!
Black Bolt owns a bar now, he works at it.
...I ship it. Bring on the smut!
BB is having a bit of a mid-life crisis right now.
Black Bolt is wearing whatever the fuck he wants to
I'd be more okay with Marvel phasing out the X-Men with the Inhumans if, you know, the Inhumans were actually more interesting.
Seriously, what can they do that the X-Men can't?
Been a while since Lash actually showed up in Inhumans
But Lash is a known enemy of Medusa.
This would be like if some ISIS agents claimed they did something in the name of Hezbolah.
>But Lash is a known enemy of Medusa.
To the general public?
>Seriously, what can they do that the X-Men can't?
Not letting the main house eat the solo characters. If there is one thing they have been doing right it's not forcing all the Inhumans to work within royal family plots. Kamala, Lunella, all the other Inhumans introduced outside of the Inhuman named books have been left outside. They X-men seem never let their characters go and drag more mutants in see Molly haze. Hell X-fags complain when mutants show up in other books, just look at all the bitching they do about rogue despite her being in thee avengers for years, and roberto even though the X-books have been largely been ignoring the new mutants for decades.
The argument is: "why other marvel books are stealing x-men characters" not "why mutants show up in other books", you idiot
They have made up with Maximus, the kree, and Ennilux, Lash working for her wouldn't be much of a stretch. Especially since she actually did blow up some of Stark's stuff.
>>Mother Bones
Could they not think of a name for her?
The point was that they complain when characters get used in anything without an X in the title. There is no reason that they can't be used in other books especially the ones that haven't been used in years. If Marvel wasn't so uptight about characters pulling double duty this wouldn't be a problem.
There is no reason that other books can't use their own characters, unless marvel has no characters other than x-men
I takes time to build up characters, and in the case of team books that time is split between multiple characters. Not to mention the avengers take characters from all corners of marvel.
blah blah blah, thanks for proving my point
There is no reason to waste several good characters in books dedicated to boring mutant drama or Cyclops/Wolverine fics
So their squad has two spiky people
just one
In other words, X-Men = Marvel Universe?
There are no avengers, defenders, power pack, ff characters? There are only X-Men characters, and nothing else?
>There are no avengers, defenders, power pack, ff characters?
Power pack, are you serious? The FF characters are just like the X-Men ones, although I could admit that FF books were always a better place to be than the X-hole.
And yeah, Avengers characters exist and are appearing alongside their new Ex X-Men teammates, what's your point?
My point is that they shouldn't steal X-Men characters. But then again, you admitted that the only GOOD marvel characters are the ones from X-Men
Nah, I never said 'only good' in any of my posts, that's your own bias creating the narrative for you.
And they didn't steal anything, they own all those characters and can move them however they please. Even Claremont was fine with that.
It's you who are obtuse here.
I asked why X-Men, and not other characters?
The answer was:
-because they're developed
-because they're interesting
-because other characters are a joke / crap
Kacy is so fearsome she doesn't need a new name
You never asked that, you're trying to make it look like only X-Men characters are used in other books when that's completely false. All the Avengers characters are being used in Avengers books, just like many others like Spider-Man characters, FF characters, SHIELD characters and more are being used in Avengers books or other franchises and no one cares. The X-Men aren't special in that regard, they're just one franchise that for a long time wasn't included in the other sides of the Marvel universe until one person finally realized "Oh yeah, there are wasted characters in this franchise we could use elsewhere" and so they did.
No, the X-Men are in no way better than characters from other franchises just because they're X-Men. Yes, the characters from those other franchises (Avengers FF) are being used in current books. No, the Ex X-Men aren't special for having jumped ship to other franchises, they're just some other members of the teams.
IF that was true, we wouldn't have two avengers team lead by mutants and one guardian of the galaxy team lead by a mutant as well.
IF that was true, we wouldn't have shitty replacements
IF that was true, we wouldn't have x-men appearing everywhere.
And newflash, for over 50 years, each franchise, each book had its own roster, own cast, until Bendis and Quesada happened, and decided to kill the individuality of the books, and instead make a boring mesh of random characters
Wait wait, Air Head!
You're fired!
I fee like ahura is slowly becoming maximus
>Is Medusa the most incompetent queen in the MU?
Yes, most definitely, I wonder if she now understands better what Black Bolt did and why did it, I mean she herself has done questionable stuff as solo queen right now (besides have as sexual boytoy the ex of her sister)...
>accidentally locks judge dredd inside
>Black Bolt owns a bar now
I thought that was just for Secret Wars....why...why would they bring that into the new canon...
Black Bolt used to rule the fucking Kree empire...and now he's a bartender........
Did she not just say that they did?
Also does anyone have a link to 11?
It's sort of weird but I feel like this is why they took leadership away from Blackbolt and gave it to Medusa. If Blackbolt was leading the Inhumans, you couldn't have this sort of drama, because he's Mr. Perfect.
Anyways, thanks for the storytime, OP. I enjoyed it.
>and roberto even though the X-books have been largely been ignoring the new mutants for decades.
Oh man, this. As someone who did give two fucks about the X-Men, I could not for the life of me understand the wave of X-fan butthurt over Sunspot and Cannonball getting some time to shine in New Avengers. X-Men writers weren't even USING the New Mutant characters! They just want to write about the same core group over and over!
*did not give two fucks about the X-Men
The number of X-Men appearing outside of X-books is barely ten. Also, newsflash: Kitty isn't the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, she's not even Star-Lord anymore.
So are they showing her butthole?
That does sound like a porn parody
How rare is it to have a little girl be a villain in Marvel?
Akuma is with the inhumans now? Is he going to Streetfight vs the Tau empire?
I dont really have a problem with that
Sometimes you gotta take a few years off, relax and have some fun.
pretty rare, I can only think bombshell from ultimate spider-man off the top of my head and I don't think she killed anybody
While not really a villain, I did love loli Death whenever she showed up. Hope we get to see more of best avatar Death.
She also went good guy.
>lash fights the one person that doesn't shoot energy
Him running up to punch chavez is pretty funny
So what is Kitty right now, just the bedmate of Starlord? She is married now?
She isn't married, they backtracked after dogfucker left and went back to dating phase. She got an updated version of her Shadowcat costume so I guess she went back to that codename.
reading bump