Well if we're going to have every Rebirth comic storytimed on Sup Forums guess someone has to do the Harley Quinn Rebirth series.
Here's Harley Quinn #1.
Well if we're going to have every Rebirth comic storytimed on Sup Forums guess someone has to do the Harley Quinn Rebirth series.
Here's Harley Quinn #1.
Other urls found in this thread:
Do Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 next out now at nuDemonoid
Maybe this will surprise us and be good like some of the other books that we thought would be bad.
>It's another Harley/Ivy scenes by Palmiotti and Conner
I wish Bennett would write them. I liked her Harley/Ivy work on Bombshells
One moment. Sup Forums says embedded files in the images.
I still don't get why this title didn't get a creative shake-up when every title did at the Rebirth announcements event. I still don't get why DC didn't give Bennett this book as a consolation prize for not getting Wonder Woman book
The End.
How did you like it?
It's still shit
Are there any issues where HQ has really developed controversial personality and not just a generic fetish clown?
A.J Lieberman run on her first ongoing
i like the art and the colors but the story it self.....no and hell no, but ty for the storytime.
Because this book sells. Because Palmiotti and Conner still want to write it. Because outside of Bombshells, Bennett hasn't written a single good piece of work in her life. And even Bombshells is on the edge of decent.
>A Scooby Doo gang pastiche gets killed off in the background
NEXT: In a first for DC Rebirth, the two regular artists, Chad Hardin and John Timms, will work together (with guest artist Bret Blevins) on Harley Quinn #2, out in two weeks!
>The sells crap
Look Snyder also sells and Batman got Tom King, Batgirl also sells and got Hope Larson, Superman also sells and got Tomasi. Bennett couldn't make a brilliant or good work, bit at least she would have been better than Palmiotti and Conner
Isn't this plot lifted from a plot around the original Skrulls who turned themselves into Cows?
>Harley was never really obsessed with the Joker, it was all an act you guys!
>Fuck 'Mad Love'!
Snyder wasn'ty kicked off of Batman, he didn't want to keep writing after 5 years. I'm sure if Snyder and Capullo asked DC to keep going, they'd let them,
Nothing to say.
Fucker, come up with something to say.
>someone has to
Let's not and say we did it on tumbluh instead
>Fucker, come up with something to say.
More mediocre than JL
>Harley Quinn was never in love with The Joker
They finally did it, they killed her character in it's entirety. I've never dropped a series this hard.
Yeah, I mean it's not like anybody it's going to miss something. This book doesn't feel like a Rebirth book at all, so yeah OP next time skip it
Gotham City Sirens is a really go read.
>They finally did it
This is old news famalam. I don't blame you for staying away from New 52 Harley, but that's been her shtick since Flashpoint.
Really? I read Suicide Squad and an entire arc was started because Quinn was still madly in love with the Joker.
DC made a ripoff Deadpool? That's ironic.
Question. When did Harley's skin become White and not make-up?
When the New 52 started
Oh. That's kind of dumb.
Everyone thought that at the time, why they did it after the fan backslash I will never know
So DC wants to make harley into a female deadpool, right?, or they already did it?
They already did that.
So are they ever going to properly answer how Harley is free and kind of anti-heroic and 'light hearted' in this and imprisoned, bombed up and a lot more murderous in Suicide Squad?
Maybe two Harleys?
Red Tool ongoing when?
>Maybe two Harleys?
I'd be fine with that
You guys realize this origin was narrated by Harley and she's an unreliable narrator, right?
she's crazy
This one is completely non-canon. It's just a mindless "silly" book that prints money.
I feel like I jumped into this not knowing what to expect. I still don't know what that even was.
>that hug
>Harley being lonely
New Suicide Squad
>dat reading comprehension
Where do is say she didn't love him? this has been her origin since the nu52 started
They literally explained it in this issue. This is set in the future after she leaves. Read the damn book senpai.
I eagerly await the Joseph Michael Linser issues.
I'd prefer the edgier Harley we get in Suicide Squad got a solo book, this book is still a mess just clogged to the brim with worthless sub characters also how many times are they going to do Harley vs an Angry Mob issue, this has to be the 3rd time in this run that the mob were zombies, it's so played out.
>I eagerly await the Joseph Michael Linser issues.
Linsner is on the art rotation for the book along with Hardin and (yuck) Timms along with a fourth artist
I knew it had to be an artist, I don't know why I hoped it was a writer instead
Other than that, i enjoyed this issue.
>Other than that, i enjoyed this issue.
like Deadpool the problem with writing white hot characters, it doesn't matter who the writer is the book is going to sell so the creative team are untouchable the rare exception being Spider-Gwen .
maybe PGC gets bored and they just leave they're already rehashing storylines.
So why is there a blue border around Gotham Academy and Earth-2, anyways?
If anything, you should move Super Sons to the blue box, since that's as TBA as Earth-2.
I have a feeling that we should have read the entirety of Conner/Palmiotti's "Harley Quinn" run before this issue.
Why?. It's not like you're missing anything important, trust me
I'm just saying, that's a bit of what this feels like. It manages to summarize everything up, of course, but it feels a bit too compressed in that delivery of information.
Maybe what this title needed was its own introductory Rebirth one-shot.
Nah. It just typical Palmiotti and Conner writing. This is just a continuation of Harley #33 (or was #32?).
Sup Shiklah
>mfw DCU becomes Harley oriented
>mfw we're already seeing this with Harley being a part of the Suicide Squad and the Suicide Squad inserting themselves into Batman
>mfw i have no face but must scream
I think he means hot as in popular
Sup Forums btfo
>Harley #1 sold more than Batman #1
being King is suffering
hey its the gang in in the back
This outsold Batman. What a world.
ayy lmao
It didn't say she didn't love him, it said she was pretending to be a ditz. Which is still bullshit; Harley is a dummy.
As someone that's literally never read a Harley comic before it was alright I suppose, super fucking exposition dumping though. But even with all the dumping I don't think they explained who the guy in red and black actually is?
Agreed. She is not so forgivable with full mental faculties.
400,000 copies
Let it trigger you
You realize Snyder is still writing Batman just in a different book.