(Justice porn)
Sand nigger knocked the fuck out on camera
>Published on May 1, 2013
>Encouraging senseless nigger-tier street violence
Jamal please go.
Do you shy away from pussy if it is a little old?
knocked out by another nigger
not the revolution quite yet
be patient
On step at a time my friend
Niggers are worse than Muslim, so no. Dashaun pls go
This... well I like Muslim women I like the hijab looks cute. Muslim men and black men send them to the sun.
niggers gonna nigg
>niggers hitting people
In other news the sun rose today and will likely do the same tomorrow
>Fighting induviduals and people instead of real reasons for todays situation
Deus Vult
That butthole turns me on
This is why I like Muslim women
Not sure how to feel...
Nigger doing nigger stuff and dune coon deserving what she gets...
Jesus fuck I literally live around the corner from that. Weird.
nigger beats woman is not news
woman beats nigger, now that's a story
how can you live in America and not be racist?
Niggers can/will be manipulated by anyone (including jews): chaotic neutral
Muslims belong to a race of people who still believe they're fighting a crusade which began thousands of years ago and will defect under any circumstances in order to return to this primal mindset: chaotic evil
verdict is the bitch had it coming
What the fuck is this mudslime cunt even saying?
>According to witnesses, the assailant shouted "Allah Ackbar, death to Shia devils" before attacking the victim.
Death to the west
Wouldn't that make them lawful evil?
yeah, thought about it just afterward
still, fuck a muslim and their crown too
where can I find stuff like this? fuck.
any shit I see is pixelated low quality
One shitskin beating another shitskin.. Great outcome.
A black guy does this to a white person at least once a day in America and no one cares.
Literally the same nigger has done this to white women and men before. He just runs up to 'em and punches them in the side of the head in London, he's been doing it for fucking ages.
Anybody who gets away with it that many times is basically doing a good deed.
He's showing people that they aren't safe and nothing can be done to make them safe because they're weak and stupid and cowardly.
Only a TRUE friend would be that brutally honest.
I think he just likes punching people in the head, honestly.
Then he ran to the USA embassy?
How the fuck is that justice?
You don't judge an individual based on the masses. That's the exact opposite of justice. The black asshat is the one who deserves a kick from justice.
On the one hand, it's a nigger being a nigger. On the other, it was a sand nigger who got culturally enriched.
Sure, but now he hit a Mudslime. Whites are protected by their privilege.
>Das fo 1300 years uh slavery, bitch!
That's not really what they look like under the garbage bag... is it?
Never, and neither should you
Smell a cheeto that's been in your armpit for an hour after a hot day when you look at these butts, more realistic
If we were smart we'd get on that video and encourage hatred between muslims and blacks
pls help
Did you guys realize how easy it is to knock out women?
One hit, and she was unconscious.
Women are so easy to rape.
It's a shame that it's illegal in the USA.
fuck offf nigger