Coal burning whore

What do the jews get out of their racemixing agenda Sup Forums?
What is their endgame?

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dumb Americans.
easier to convince to die for israel

World domination

this...and the lulz. I think the lulz is the biggest reason.


who's that slut?

Dude, put down the tin foil hat and quit eating those red pills. Your brain has turned to mush.

Extermination of the white race whom """"persecuted"""" their people since the middle ages.

basically to get rid of all the race's except the jewish one.

People with no history who have no attachment to their tribe or their land.

Jew have a cuckolding fetish. If you support interracial relationships, you're supporting some Jew's fetish.

Judging by his attire he looks pretty effeminate, but these girls always end up paying the toll. He'll chimp out and beat the shit out of her or kill her over something trivial.

Explain the second part Jew bro.

If western armies are fighting for Israel in the middle east and the majority of people who join western armies are White; how are mixed race easier to convince?

They do it too, but enough don't that we still have Jews.

There are a couple of reasons the Jews push miscegenation. By far the most important is that mixed-race people have no racial identity. They often struggle with identity, period. This is important as it will massively reduce the risk of a nationalist uprising. Another important reason is that mixed-people are less intelligent than White people. They are also less adept at warfare and will be much easier to control and repress if necessary.

Long story short, miscegenation is pushed because a bunch of brown people with no common heritage is much easier to control than races with thousands of years of culture and history.

S'true. I'm a Jew and nothing brings joy to the ice cube where my heart would've been like the sight of an innocent Aryan wheatmaiden being defiled by the clay of Gabon.

how do we stop it?

Based straya

Guarantee her parents are upper class social climbers. A negro boyfriend for their Aryan princess is the ultimate signalling trophy they could ask for.

We need to lower the age of consent so we can get to this princesses before disgusting jobless niggers taint these wonderful girls.

a niggerloving whore.

False flag the bitch.
Send pics of her sucking dick to the nigger's phone with the text:"how does my dick taste?"
Nigger kills her and he goes to jail.

How long was the accident that left you an uncontrollably drooling simpleton ?

It also dooms their prestigious family lineage to pretty much end at her though.

Superior genetics, you get superior strength and speed plus intelligence and stamina. Essentially you get the ultimate race

Jordyn no!

it's too late brother. jojo has already been BLACKED.

did you drop her too?
my heart is shattered family ;_;

That's not how race mixing works user.
You don't magically combine the best of both into a superbabby

Nope, you wont be a specialist in any of those traits when you dilute your genes like that.

So brazilians are the master race?

Probably because when they are eating their bagels in Jew York and spying on you through their Jewvision spy network, they can watch you angrily smack the table because Stacey thinks Jamal is hotter than you and the only girl who wants to fuck you is the fat sweaty one.

It's probably hilarious to them that the ultimate master race can't even figure out how to find a Gym And exercise, and the subhuman dindu can.

In case y'all are wondering, sticking your tongue out like you're (lit'rally) brain dead is common among kids, but it's not universal. Kids (and adults) who don't feel comfortable with their smile or their resting face do this.

I guarantee you she hates herself.

As for how to stop it?

Compared to women of other ethnicities, white women are remarkably loyal to their men. This is despite *enormous* media media pressure to race-mix.

The moment we take back the media, it's over.

You know, gyppo, there's something called "human decency" that prevents such as. I guess they don't teach that in caravans and your dad didn't have enough time between scams to do so either. Fucking gypsies, when you think you've reached the rock bottom, a Romanian is knocking from below.

Jews openly admit that destroying national identity keeps Jews safer. Let me look for an article.

>The shit handler gives lessons on decency
How does my shit feel in your hands, kurwa?

This. Get into your head the gigantic, the total, and the pre-"racial" significance to Jews of Jewishness -- they equate it with reality and existence and everything good -- and then notice the wider pattern of collecting and curating everything that is objectively good for themselves and pushing everything that is bad for outsiders.

Praktischer Idealismus.epub

> Ooga booga

It never happens, since we Poles only clean toilets and gypsies just shit on the street like their Indian cousins.

What is it with you gypsies and using "polish plumber" as an insult every time? Can't you think of something more offensive that claiming Poles actually have jobs? Really makes you think.

Sup, Jude. Can you do an amigo a favor? Can you tell the Elders of Zion to make Spic-White relationships a thing? White women seem to bladda up with Blacks before Hispanics. It's not fair.

t. Paco Gonzales de la Chalupa

There is no racemixing agenda, just tiny dicked white boys with tinfoil hats.


Handling shit is not a job, it's a fetish, kurwa.

>slut face

No big loss.

Handling shit as a fetish? This is probably the vibrant Romanian culture I keep hearing about. Stay brown.

Create a large group of uneducated brown people who are the workers.

>getting reked this hard



A less intelligent populace. Easier to control.

blacks and half-whites don't have as much courage nor do/can they work as hard.
It weakens them, and I know as a half-white

i wonder why they don't chase guys like these

Honest question: What is the origin of the term coal burning?

>Gypsies hating on plumbers
>pretending plumbing is not an essential trade to any civilized nation
Is the clean toilet the natural enemy of a filthy gypsy?

A dumbed down population thats easy to control


the jews want a subservient sub 80 iq race of caramel slaves. they know that individual cultures wont let this happen

>miscegenation is pushed because a bunch of brown people with no common heritage is much easier to control than races with thousands of years of culture and history.
It's the actually the other way around. Mixed race people are their own person. They are free to live their own lives and not influenced by other group.

On the other hand, nationalism is literally sheep herd mentality. It it by definition, binding and controlling.

What a mess of a case.

Not exactly. Clean toilets mean there are gadje around to beg, scam and steal from, since Romanians never use toilets.

Says the retarded symeion


nationalism is the cancer that caused the mess you see in the ME today.

>people are weaker when they unite together for common goals
>and stronger when they separate and go their own way
only a leaf could say such a thing


Halfbloods do not know who they belong to, and there is no culture for them.
And look at what happens when they try and choose, they all, ALL become rap singing white hating niggers.

>They are free to live their own lives and not influenced by other group.

Except they almost always identify more with one side, and hate the other. And they are never truly accepted by either, they know this, and it makes them resentful.

The biggest good goy

>What does HIV get out of its rabid infection agenda Sup Forums?
>What is its endgame?
Parasites gonna parasitize.

>Except they almost always identify more with one side, and hate the other.

That's more an consequence of the continued existence of race. It will disappear once races are eliminated.

You're not dark enough. They're tired of seeing the same skin texture. In fact, they grew up looking at that skin texture.

Least he didn't cum inside her, amirite?

globalists can't get total control over strong nationalistic countries, so they must be destroyed via cultural marxism and mass immigation

>By far the most important is that mixed-race people have no racial identity. They often struggle with identity, period.
I'm mixed race. My granddad was Jamaican and I can confirm this. I've dealt with identity problems and conflicts for years.

I don't agree with the cultural marxists and believe their ideology is poison, but at the same time I know whites reject me.

It's like offering your services to the Alliance and knowing you're going to have to go back to Orgrimmar.

You know why they are burning coal?
Because the majority of the white men are acting like beta pussies like you faggots that stay the whole day in your room shitposting about white women dating black men while doing nothing to change that.

This is why America needs school shootings.

Shut the fuck up you smelly little puke, you have nothing to talk shit on anyone for, especially Poland. There's a saying here when something smells awful "God, that smells like a Romanian bus station". Go back to selling your neighbour's daughter, getting caught for it and having to sell your own wife to avoid the death penalty, loser.

this is what she wore for her date with Jamal.
you tell me.

My cute ass country gf says the main rule for her and her sister was never date a black. I fucking love her.

Most of them grow up to hate whites too

I'm quite serious when I say that white women that burn coal need to have their legs broken

Your country is a shithole because of black people you cunt!

Races will never be eliminated, only the white population is declining. African population of earth is going to be over 4 billion by 2100.

It's probably in your head. If you don't act like a nigger almost all whites will accept you.


we need to fight fire with fire

diluting white genes. We're too individualistic to ever accept slavery. We've gotta be dumbed down and this is the fastest way

The destruction of European ancestry and an identity void population of low IQ mulatto slave labor for centuries

Yeah but i'll still be a race mixer no matter who I'm with.

And no I don't act black. I met a girl who was from Zimbabwe and she said I was really white. So there is hope.

There are pretty much zero white dudes that are in that age group who are that cut.

Of course she's burning coal. If she wants a ripped white guy he's at least 25.

Jesus fucking Christ. Promoting this shit to white children.

judging by her Instagram, she seems to be going out with this Aryan faggot.

He's too perfect. Something must be wrong with him if he's going out with a coal burner. He's probably a bisexual furry.

>Massive red pill incoming

Rootless cattle whom they will force (with massive inherentence tax) to "re-set" every generation

An ethnic group (either real, such as native Germans, or partially constructed, such as 'Aryans') has a very strong ability to resist subversion.

Think of it like someone who has lost their memory, you can mould and abuse them to your will. With no ethnic identity all forms of identification become purely memetic; you see proto stages of that now, in my country in the past 5 years we have seen this in the form of "British Values", essentially the British state, its taxpaying citizens and its values could exist without a single Briton in it. And that's the point. It can be entirely controlled; one day our values are war with Oceania, the next with Eurasia.

Population demographically speaking will be almost wholly African. And yes with some mixed remnants. Very low IQ, very easy to manipulate and critically; no other identity other than WHAT JOB THEY DO. (for the Jew). Mixed race have an advantage to the Jew as they have no other identity than "is human".

Two classes of people. Gods chosen and the goyim. London is a great example of this emerging (note victim card l, and yet aggressor, from this " right wing) Jewish rag), Jews have marked out thier territory; native Brits are now just one part of a mix of people, an "international zone", this is the other side of the coin Jews are pushing to create a world of worker cities where the bee-goyim work, and the Jew forms a neo feudal ruling class, and they reap, occasionally they let it slip; (3:50).

The Jew is playing 5D chess; Israel is a sacrificial nation, ever wondered why alt right etc shills against " Zionism"? They don't want a nation, they want the world.

fuck you mohammed

The race mixing miscegenation agenda being pushed on us is absolutely evil. Nobody deserves to feel like they do not have an identity. Miscegenation should be shamed by society in the same way pedophilia is (as of now at least... that will also change if cultural Marxists succeed). I have the utmost sympathy for you. Sorry, my friend.

Yes, I was thinking maybe it's a manufactured romance. Possibly her coalburning didn't go down well with her fanbase, thus the studio found her a suitable boyfriend.


the biggest mercy to give him and those like him is ending their pathetic lives painlessly.

You have to curb the societal acceptance. Women can be persuaded in any direction. They have no ideals and are ruled by hormones and emotion.

Beat me to it lads

what do we do about Yellow fever pol?
