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Also nice double dubs



but since he was being sarcastic that would make him wrong

sarcasm doesn't always mean the opposite most of the time its an exaggeration of the truth
he may not be the actual founder but he is responsible

Why do they always choose pics with his mouth hanging open?


What did they mean by this?

Why did he said today it was sarcasm? Then later today he said that it wasn't sarcasm. People start defending him on this and then he backs off that statement. 5 hours later he says he wasn't sarcastic.

Trump really makes me think.



Im confused, was it sarcasm or not? Why cant trump just say what he means? Is he being controlled by the jews? Whats going on? Will i be paid by the ctr for this post? Please send me a private message.


Sent ;)

First of all, it's verbal irony, not sarcasm.

Second of all,

> Donald Trump has hit the headlines again for yet another ridiculous comment.

this is where I stopped reading you people are getting ridiculous surfing the web searching for any and all click baits to sustain your idiot candidate, he is trolling you idiots and y'all so stupid to even notice

> inb4 thanks for correcting the record

>I love Trump, HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS no bullshitting around
>"He didn't exactly mean that guys, verbal irony, read between the lines"



Did you know that the inability to interpret nuanced subtexts in speech is a hallmark of autism?

I'm a mobilefag. It was a link for independent news off of twitter


Build wall.

Well, lately he hasn't been good for my heart.

While he's pulling a lot of people to his rallies, these polls, whether you think they're biased or not ( and some of them probably are ) are a serious problem that seems to be getting to Trump. The Clinton media has caught on and add are actively using confirmation bias to damage Trump with his own words. I believe he can use this to his advantage.

And his fighting other repubs instead of going after Clinton and Obama ( which he's doing more of now ) needs to end, or at least stop taking prominence.

Stop talking about losing. Start talking about winning. Stop trying to sidestep your calls. Start listening to your gut again. Talk about how your policies will work. He was partly right on ISIS and how they are using the border and refugees to their advantage, and his Russian email thing was a beautiful actually 4D chess move that redirected back to Clinton's email scandal, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Start going after undecideds. He's got a loyal and ardent base. He has to up his game now.

And Trump supporters need to start shilling more proTrump arguments whilst going with anti Hillary arguments. If the undecideds just aren't sure, convince them how anti war and pro small businesses Trump is. If they won't vote for Trump, make sure they stay their asses home.

Fuck, these past few weeks haven't been good for my stress levels. Oh, and Sup Forumsacks needs to stop being faggots outside of Sup Forums. Remain fucking calm when promoting Trump. It just pisses people off without any rewards.

I just wish he hadn't pulled the sarcasm nonsense. should've doubled down on it like he usually does

At least through the primaries, trump was using a form of the Hegelian dialectic (classic liberal technique used on CNN in all interviews). The pattern I've noticed is: trump says something huge, the media will try to prove his statements are wrong, and in the process of disproving him they concede major points. Once they concede that point trump moves the goalposts and presses the issue from the new platform that is corroborated by MSM
a good example was when he was saying Hillary would just open our borders up and take Syrians, MSM refuted, now he is attacking from the launch pad they built for him (1000% increase).

Oh look it happened again.

thanks for correcting the record

Trump, if you're lurking, please take this into consideration. Try and court those independents. Your core base would already take a bullet for you.

What are you talking about?

He went onto that talk show and said "I meant exactly what I said"

Well, it was sarcasm because he knows it was really the Jews.

Thanks for sounding like a nigger

Where should Trump supporters shill?

He has a secret hard on for Trump. He puts in little blurbs that make it sound like he dislikes Trump, but he sure writes about him a good bit.

He was saying that he wasnt LITERALLY the founder, that part was sarcasm. But the notion that the decisions of Obama directly led to the founding of isis remains true.

Its really not that hard to get your head around.

What's so hard in following his reasoning, it was hyperbole/sarcasm with truth in it. Obama created ISIS, that's a bold statement that is false at face value but everyone knows with a bit of background info that he was responsible in helping creating the right circumstances for ISIS to flourish and even supported them by indirectly arming them.

What? you guys didn't see this as another "97% of blacks" moment right from the start?

When will they learn? When will YOU learn?

This was all according to plan. Trump says something outrageous that is mostly true and the media btfo themselves correcting him.

Why is trump affected by the dumb shit that is said by the media? Why can't he just stick to his guns?

>blatant lying is the same as hyperbolic humor
What's it like having autism?

You think this'll help in the election? I'm afraid there are just too many brainwashed.

Build it, spic boy.

mind games bro

>he said it was sarcasm and that he was wrong and the media jumped ontop of it like they are paid to attack Trump and prove that he was wrong about his sarcasm claim then realized what they did by linking the president to Isis.

Like CTR. Anywhere there's pro Hillary or Anti Trump stuff. Except less inflammatory. Less... annoying.
>Hillary's not looking so good
>Trump's wall may be good for deterring terrorists taking advantage of the border's state
>Trump's tax plan looks pretty good for small businesses and employees

Also, understand that Trump IS NOT PERFECT. He doesn't have a great grip on foreign policy, his liberalizing the immigration policy is damaging to his plan to build a wall. He does better shooting from the hip, but he needs help sometimes shooting in the right direction.

Don't be an asshat and go OMFG U DISRESPECT MUH GOD EMPERER. Be agreeable, and the never trumpers may have an easier time voting for Trump. Respect when they have good points.

Although it would be good to insult the Bernouts into sitting at home or voting for Trump.

>they'll just sit home and smoke weed instead of taking task to vote for a real change for Jill Stein or sticking it to Clinton with voting for Trump.

Oh, and don't get me wrong on the foreign policy thing. He could very well stop this 3rd world war we're heading into with Russia. We could very well take down ISIS for good. We could very well heal America's race relations that Obama's Marxist ideology took an axe to. We could very well suppress and purge this marxism from this country.

But understand that we don't really know. Like with Brexit, it's so unclear what's going to happen under him. The possibilities are endless, but we can reasonably predict what's going to happen with Clinton. More scandals, more pay for plays, more wars, more betrayals of the American people's trust. And maybe even the fracturing of America. Listen to Molyneux's excellent video on the fall of Rome.

But look. We're in a fight. Trump needs to get it together and put up, which he's doing more of, thank god.

>First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

I believe the 4D chess meme now

Trump was right and he didn't even know it. Now that's what I call genius!

t. Jamal

7D chess. Try to stay at least two steps behind.