So I'll be teaching AP Gov/Econ this year, and I really don't know how to go about doing it. When I took that class...

So I'll be teaching AP Gov/Econ this year, and I really don't know how to go about doing it. When I took that class, it was a very liberal teacher (he gave us a disclaimer at the start of the year) going on about the evils of Bush, and discussing current events.

How do I teach this class? Do I show movies? Talk about Hillary/Donald? What the fug.

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at least show them the Laffer curve. my father cunt pig nosed teacher literally said don't look at it, it won't be on the test. was on the test

If your class is small enough, encourage arguments. It's always fun to watch young liberals freak out when authority doesn't side with them and they're left out in the cold.

t. person that just took the class

Also, isn't there supposed to be a seminar where AP teachers learn how to AP? That's what all my old AP teachers told me, at least.

You have to have your syllabus approved by the college board, but literally any teacher can teach AP if there's an opening. I'm also teaching World History honors for a period.

When I took it, we played a stock market game for the Econ section, did some book work, and discussed the elections. I know Gov and Econ can be pretty boring for most plebs, so I really don't want to bore people by just lecturing.

Make sure to tell them to disregard capitalism, and build communism.

Just talk about how Bush caused 9/11. That's how I was taught.

Yeah, that's why you make things fun by encouraging shitflinging across ideological lines, and make the Sup Forumsacks in the room speak up.

But yeah, there's a lot of material to cover, so make them take lots of notes and quizzes so everything on the test's covered.

Just tell them that Trump is right about everything. The school system can suck a cock

Communism is Jewish propaganda

>ignoring the real threat

Sounds like you fell for some Mick propaganda m8

Tell them Jews start all wars and share Bill Still's doc on monetary reform with then.

as unbiased as possible. let them form their own opinions but give them the foundation to do so. it isn't your job to teach them right from wrong. just to guide them towards their own conclusions. whether that agrees or disagrees with your own opinions. if you can't teach this way kill yourself.

>How do I teach this class?

Why aren't you using one of the many study guides available for the AP exam as a guideline for your class content?

My AP micro econ class was power point presentations of straight definitions and concepts but the teacher pretty much had an entertaining stories/analogies thrown in there. i think it was mostly tests for grades and 1 or 2 small presentations thrown in

How many exams did you have?

i would say at least 4, my school wasted plenty of time the second semester so it sounds right to me

Whatever kike.

we also did a review packet before each test and spent a whole class or two going over it

>I don't know how to teach
Ladies and gentlemen America's public school teachers.

I know how to teach I just want advice for this course.

Im taking that this year, class starts on monday. I dont know what to expect. Last year in ap us history it was all clearly jewish brainwashing. The (((AP Board))) has ulterior motives

What did you get on the exam? I got a 5.

Same, it was about feminism kek. Also there was a shit ton of bernouts in the class. I lold when he got destroyed and people were in a bad mood after super tuesday

yeeee my son. Yea the last prompt was fucking stupid. I totally winged one paragraph and I was quite amazed I still pulled off a 5. Feels good man.

You look at current events and take from all sides. Also see if you can compare older events to newer events. Compare this election to another crazy old election too. Encourage discussion and try to prevent things from becoming an echo chamber.

OP here.

I'm terrified runts like you are going to smell the Sup Forums in me depending on my word choice and how I speak. Is it obvious to tell when a teacher is a loser 4channer?

I also got a 5 on the AP Gov exam 3 years ago. Now I study political science because my teacher made it fun for me. Also she had the fattest ass everyone wanted to get up in it.

It's cool, user.

Remember, you used to hate Bush too before being redpilled. Just tap back into that feeling when you were a youngin' on Sup Forums and all angsty about the Iraq War and Patriot Act.

This was my problem teaching basic econ at university.

Trying to convince 100+ students that le socialism techniques such as price controlling, limiting supply, quotas on international trade, etc. is shit.

Tip for teaching: nobody you teach will except basic truths because anyone below the age of 25 is borderline retarded.

you have a duty to teach to the AP test, first and foremost.

apart from that, it's whatever. i would focus on economics probably -- fiscal and monetary policy, that kind of stuff. it's too hard to teach high school kids about justice and law properly, because they have little to no experience in philosophy and ethics. they just assume mommy and daddy's political beliefs for the most part, and for the most part they're also really edgy

Ive never met one personally. But if you say shit like "what did he mean by this" and "really makes you think" you are going to give a lot of kids cancer

We watched this show every day in class at the beginning.

Discussed everything that was on in an open debate. Teacher didn't really side with anyone, just let everyone speak their mind. Best class I had in school.The show was a great way to start discussion of current events.

>anyone below the age of 25 is borderline retarded.
This tbqh.

Also, I don't know how the grading system works where you teach but I used to give extra credit assignment papers for an extra 1 - 5 points on the next test if they would write me a chapter summary from an older economics book (didn't really care what). The Wealth of Nations, The Theory of Money and Credit, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, etc.

>Protip: Avoid mentioning faggot works like Marx's Das Kapital

>theyre also really edgy
In my experience the fringe "rebellious" teenagers of today are ironically sjws and gender benders. I havent met an actually edgy person that was not a relic from the 90s and 2000s punkfag age

Drop Sup Forums memes discretely and closely examine class for subtle facial reactions. Grade those people favorably, thus enhancing their ability to succeed in the future and slightly tipping the balance in favor of the Sup Forums party line.