Hillary Says She Couldn’t Even ‘Get Up’ After Exhausting Convention

What's wrong CTR? Does it hurt knowing that the woman who pays you is low energy as can be?

>“By the end of those two weeks that’s exactly how I felt, it was, ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t know that I can get up, let alone what I will do if I am vertical,'” Hillary Clinton said in a campaign podcast.

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is that right?

She's just tired after working so hard. There's nothing wrong with her.

Podcast in question:


>yfw Hillary goes full FDR and wins the presidency via sympathy vote

FDR did his best to hide it.

thanks for rectifying the situation

Someone help granny up the stairs.

>Trump's first breakthrough was with this entire "High Energy" thing
>His final opponent is going to be defeated simply by the fact of how low energy she is
>Trump is a living breathing Chekhov's gun

>talking and standing
>hard work

Starting at 5:21

She talks like an exhausted baby boomer manager at some restaurant who's been working way past the age of retirement and just ruins the workplace for all the younger people but she keeps clocking in and will retire into the grave because she has nothing else

They don't give a shit, she is their satanic queen. They will follow her until she destabilized every country with their immigration ruse followed by her carprt bombing and poisoning of her fellow citizens.

They all worship moloch and human sacrifice.

Sounds crazy but it's true.

She got caught in those emails worshipping Satan.

I think this is the one true thing in the emails that scares them the most. Americans and the world finding out America is run by one giant satanic cult that uses the citizens as sacrificial cattle.

Take this, Hillary. It'll replenish your energy, just like it does for me.

She sounds like she's suffering chronic fatigue like symptoms. The tiredness and the cognitive and balance difficulties fit.
Could it be post viral or post stroke?


She couldn't even 'Get Up' because she was so exhausted after I fucked that dried up old dank pu$$y last night

The thing is,I used to think my yank Christian conspiracy theorist friends were batshit crazy

And yet over the last ten years everything they've said has all either happened or come to light. Im gobsmacked by it all.
Who fucking knew and international cabal of Satan worshippers was real

This was proven fake, shills want this spread so they can point at this and call us rubes, delete your post

Need any bengay for the butthurt when Hillary wins this election?


Lets hope she's ok, she's going to need the energy for running the country for the next eight years.

Whats wrong with CTR. Its called getting the message out.

>Are there any mornings for you where you wake up and you're just like "[yawns] alright, this is, today's, I'm not sure about today, like I would rather just not, if today could not happen, that would be great"?

>Yes. The short answer is yes. Especially the convention week was so intense, and then we got on a bus, Tim Kaine and I, we went to Pennsylvania and Ohio, and then ended up at home Sunday night, then got up the next morning, hit the trail again. So [[[[by the end of those two weeks that’s exactly how I felt, it was, "Oh my gosh, I don’t know that I can get up, let alone what I will do if I am vertical."]]]] I think it happens to everybody.

>How do you keep that stamina up, like how do you just keep going?

>[[[[I, knock on wood, am pretty lucky because I have a lot of stamina and endurance, which is necessary in the kind of campaign I’m engaged in. But I also try to eat right, not always succeeding but try, try to get enough sleep, try to get exercise. Now I’m not going to pretend that I like it because I don’t but between yoga and walking, getting on the treadmill, some weights, I try to keep up.]]]] And just get the, you know, the energy reservoir filled up again.

Lmao, implying this hag has touched a treadmill or weights in her fucking life.

I guarantee she could not do 15 minutes on a treadmill at a very calm 4 mph

>some weights
She lifts, I like her more now.