Sup Forums Jeopardy

Take a break from the campaign, shill, slide, and shitpost threads for some good ole fashion Sup Forums jeopardy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bob Ross


Jesse Ventura

answers must be stated in the form of a question

What is Jesse Ventura?

Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Who is Jesse Ventura?



Who is Solomon?

Who is Mansa Musa?



Who is Val Kilmer?

King Croesus of Lydia

Questions must be spelled properly, or can be misinterpreted

Who is Woody Harrelson?

Who is Donald Trump?


Who is Harambe?

Who is Desmond Tutu?

Who is Tutu?




Augustine of Hippo... Who was

Who is Augustine?

answers must be stated in the form of a question


Who is Lyndon Baines Johnson?

Who is Lyndon "been hating niggers" Johnson

That's what the B stands for

Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?

Who is L.B Johnson?

Is it Lyndon B Johnson?

Who was that cunt Lyndon b. Johnson?

That question is worded like shit, but who is Lyndon Baines Johnson?

Who is Johnson?

Who is probably LBJ? He loved to jaw about how his decisions affected voters.


Who is Oscar Wilde?

Who is William Shakespeare?

who is (((ginsberg)))?

Who was Lenin?

It's Oscar Wilde, right?

I really hate this game, it makes americans answer questions in the form of a question and it makes me think every time they are asking me a question and not answering me until I remember their entire culture is based around what they watch on TV


what is relativism

Isn't it physics?

What is philo of mind

Who is the entire cast of Seinfeld

What is metaphysics?

What is ontology?

What is Quantum Physics?

What is analytic philo?

What is Modal Realism?

What is natural philosophy?

Q: this former chancellor did nothing wrong


What is pragmatism?


What philo of religion?

string theory

Someone look this shit up

What is falsification

He never actually said the quote you're referring to btw

What is logical positivism?

what is dualism?


I got it right... Analytic

What is Transworld Identity?

What is cosmology?

What is Philosophy of Science?

Enjoying the Olympics, shitskin?

What is Transpersonal Psychology, I'll take General Shitposting for 500.

Its ontology. It was from Aristotle. Op is on vacation. Ontology is metaphysics

I suppose you could also Say Skepticism or Pyrrhonism if you want to go way back.



Kebert Xela !!rEkSWzi2+mz

Who did he stare at in Predator?

still here. you guys just haven't answered it correctly yet. We've had these threads before and people have gotten it correct.

Who cares?

What is solipsism?

Pretty sure FF didn't get v& just yet, so...
Who is MadThad?

Oh I know Leibniz, right. Am I right? Please be right.

who is chris christie

what is Pluralism?

Natural philosophy

what is teleology?

whatever branch Erwin Shrödinger belonged to

You honestly have to be kidding.


What is catholicism?

Well he said that we lived in the best of all possible worlds, that implies other worlds are possible.

Two Asians?

Who is asians?

What is white man black woman?

Black Female White Male senpai

What is white male black female?

asian woman / (fucking) white male

white man and asian woman
Wtf is that shit?