
Films women will never understand edition

Other urls found in this thread:

spankbang.com/11ned/video/miss noir


Watched this the other day great film but the ending was a bit abrupt

there's a county library less than 6 miles from my house
there's a public library for the community about 2 miles from my house
there's a University library about 10 miles from my house and another at a Community College about 12 miles from my house
the city library is about 15 miles away
really are quite a few libraries around here, not sure why everyone is so dumb.


spankbang.com/11ned/video/miss noir


>6'6" 245lbs of sheer muscle
>5'1" 90lb 21 year old wants me to shag her
wew lads. i'm almost afraid to.

Do you seriously think white men have it harder than black women

i posted this op a few weeks ago

Think I've riled up the runts again. Will have to bang on their cage a bit until they settle down.

who? Princess Fiona?

Fuck you jerry.

abolish VAT now


like this blogposting gimmick

>Yes I'll have a craft beer with extra soy and a side of salted soybeans

I am just a poor boy though my story seldom told

The amount of mixed race couples in adverts isn't even annoying anymore it's just fucking hilarious

Rorke's views and opinions don't have to make sense. He FEELS he's right and that's all that matters.

Why are women rubbish at darts, snooker and chess?

*bangs on the Kraut cage*
damn thing starts yapping at this same time every day

victim complexed runt

Some people have zero creativity and are followers.

reality denying retard

if you dont you need to grow up

>gets pregnant in the first half meter
>spend the rest of their days living on welfare and trying to remember the name of Jamal's father

The Dad


YES! The woman didn't report me for looking down her top but the manager caught wind of it and all she did was invite me for an informal chat about "sexually appropriate behaviour" and tell me I'm not in any trouble. RESULT

>Beer? Oh my gosh, I LOVE beer!

not sure if it's because I was consuming an abnormally large amount of television media today or if it's the memes taken hold but nearly very advertisement had an amerihgoblin
they put mixed race people in nearly every ad now
bizarre stuff really


affirmative action is only really a thing in the united states, and even then it only affects college applications. if you legitimately think black women are more privileged in western society then white men you are a pathetic runtoid that will never, ever succeed in life because you'd rather be a victim

>why yes, I do post shitty bait on /brit/


>6'6" 245lbs of sheer muscle
>5'1" 90lb 21 year old wants me to shag her
wew lads. i'm almost afraid to.


lol no

Please explain, in detail, how white men have it harder than black women

FYI :- Soyboy posters are projecting.
We are still in the EU.....

this is the only gook pic I've seen on this website that makes my willy twitch

The point of the comic is that he's handicapped himself so that the race is fair

I'm in hell


Inheritance tax is immoral

>affirmative action is only really a thing in the united states

whats her name?


don't understand why libertarians fetishise flat taxes

quite like the case for tax cuts, but personally would hike the tax free allowance and possibly add more tax bands

men will never understand sex and the city

Watch this one too. You will like it.

*enters /brit/*
hell is empty and all the devils are here

Bet u have a micro penis

Inheritance tax should be 200%
Pay up Tarquin

because racism towards white men isnt recognised

whats a flat tax


>affirmative action is only really a thing in the united states
there, point made
even if that's the only affirmative action program in the world, it's one more than whites have

>Inheritance tax is immoral

>In the UK, any discrimination, quotas or favouritism due to sex, race and ethnicity among other "protected characteristics" is generally illegal for any reason in education, employment, during commercial transactions, in a private club or association, and while using public services.

dont care about runt feminazi countries like sweden, we're discussing the true west (the anglosphere)

Having a taste of the homebrew lads

*industrially dominates you*

heritable traits are immoral, need them gotten rid of immediately
cant have some people being more intelligent than others

>*hires only non-whites on bbc*
yeah whatever you say

I was at my most depressed at age 14

Break her in more ways than one.

How is it a Union if I don't even like u

instead of paying (say) 20% tax on income up to £45,000, then 40% on income over that, you pay 30% on all income whether that's £20,000 or £20,000,000.

the gf is actually a massive fan of Stand By Me and Dead Poets Society

>Employment equity, as defined in Canadian law by the Employment Equity Act, requires employers to engage in proactive employment practices to increase the representation of four designated groups: women, people with disabilities, Aboriginal peoples, and visible minorities

I am a white Greek man

being a virgin over 20 should qualify me for benefits

women just don't get war, I thought that was obvious but Sup Forums feels the need to spell it out

Yes it is, we don't have affirmative action in the UK

i want to be eaten alive by nile crocodiles

BIG poll

Man in a wig


*accepts fate*

Don't understand why he is used in soyboy pics. He's married to a Hollywood babe

alri pollyank

getting pissed off the boxed wine again

hot desu


There's no such thing as racism against white men

*hands you your australian citizenship papers*

fed up of living, simple as

>No Reuben

will not be opening as I am assured of benis

> muh huwhite race !!


little graffiti bit next to my study booth
>"I poo'd in your mom"
is this aimed at me? should I be offended?


haha pooey mum yank

you're wrong and here's why: express.co.uk/news/uk/670266/BBC-advert-white-people-ethnic-equality-staff-job-internship

>the Act requires that employers remove barriers to employment that disadvantage members of the four designated groups. The term reasonable accommodation is often used for the removal of such barriers to employment. Examples of employment barriers are wheelchair inaccessible buildings, or practices that make members of a designated group uncomfortable. Employers are also required to institute positive policies for the hiring, training, retention, and promotion of members of the designated groups. Examples of positive policies include recruitment in Aboriginal communities, job advertisements in a Chinese-language newspaper, or an apprentice program directed toward people with disabilities.

not saying i necessarily agree with this but nowhere does it force employers to actually hire from these 4 groups over their preferred candidate


I forgot Edmund too
I'm a dumbass

Disgusting little yid

people actually believe this
it's the only way to understand how they think it's okay so be so blatantly racist

anyone else have that one subject that fascinates them but wouldn't study it at university because there's no money in it?

it's geology for me