
>no ancap


Other urls found in this thread:


>no child slaves


That's retarded. If you get kicked off of someone's property and you end up on another person's property, you still got kicked off of the first person's property.

the Mises Insitute published an unironic article defending child prostitution




>Defending the Undefendable is a book by Walter Block originally published in 1976.[1] Marcus Epstein describes the book as defending "pimps, drug dealers, blackmailers, corrupt policemen, and loan sharks as 'economic heroes'."[2] It has been translated into ten foreign languages.[3]
some spaniard ancaps also support privatization of outer space, selling human meat ,so on.

Some fresh OC.


>where you privatize biological warfare and the respective antidotes and form an army of sickness slaves

>defending the undefendable
That's a legit thing to do just to cut to the crux of the matter though imo.

>when you try to do something that doesn't affect anyone and someone claims you can't do it because government

Too bad you anti ancaps can't refute this

>When you kill the children of your wife's first marriage to have ressources for your own
Like nature intended

>when you destroy the atmosphere and then charge exorbitant amounts for oxygen tanks

>when you try to come up with new content and not endlessly repost old stuff

Oh wait that never happens.

I once publicicly an unironically defended police brutality against the working class.
I said police are working class to and that as long as proles as communist shitlords they will never care for themselves and better their own lives



china is a meme

>obligatory pedo-german

Every time


This meme reminds me of psychopath Zack Braff from 2009.

>Canadian company
>tfw trudeaus wildfire was just a master ruse to jack up global clean air prices

Fucking defending the pedo-dollar.

Home sweet home


For you, Hans.


in which area do german theoligians excel the most?

in SCAThology!

>When you make a meme about the economic ideology anarcho capitalism and you follow the format of wacky thing that ancaps talk about going wrong > violence

Oh fuck I'm laffin' I love these threads.

wouldnt the existence of feudal lords defy ancap?

No why


Under feudal lords there would be no ancap, at least on their territory

This is what it comes down to.

Also hey, it's just good business practice

>When liberals and other faggots cannot debate Ancaps in facts and logic, they make meme posters using slippery slope fallacies and wild sarcastic idiotic fantasies because they've been indoctrinated for decades in schools that taxation and government is the only way to live and being taxed hundreds of times every day and thousands of dollars is the only way to live.

How did people exist before governments were formed?

Then you get kicked off that new property, and the process repeates itself all the way to the ocean

By getting cubed if they didn't submit to the authority of the strongest.

Chillax pham it's just for fun


The idea of ancap is that you're allowed to do whatever the hell you want on your private property

Dude, you realize most of the people posting these are nearly ancap or fully ancap themselves, right?

Me, I don't think it is the best system, but I would rather live in it than in what we currently live, mostly because I think that I could make it

They existed poorly.

>implying I wont own a large area of the ocean and kill everything that enters it

Not if the individual signs a voluntary agreement with the landowner to become a serf ;^)

i dont see what is really bad about ancap

Libertarians = Degenerate Libertines

feudal lords=rent seeker








>they all agree
B A R V O stateddit


Template pls.


Just crop it you degenerate

these ones are better



free trip to the beach, I say

because we don't need slide threads

Kek post more



Free Market, bitches.


Communism memes

this one's my favorite




ancap sure sounds like a paradise

>implying that's why burgerland went into Iraq



It is just a meme and there is no intent to debate anyone rationally especially when a lot of those who post these memes have libertarian leanings a coupled with a great sense of humour.


Fresh OC.

why did you make it like this? You can change the font size you know


Its wrong , no manner to enforce copyright

Try again

I kekd a hearthy lel

fuck off ted cruz, go back to canada


In what period of time did governments not exist?


Here you go friend


What about functional government town?

It's literally the opposite of that. That is today's society. 0/10


Summer really is the fucking worst.



Nothing wrong with that. A lot of women enjoy being raped.