Let's start a Texas thread, check in boys!
Houston here
Let's start a Texas thread, check in boys!
Houston here
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McKinney checking in.
San Antonio here
Thread ruined
Lubbock Here.
Texas voting for Hillary.
Faggy Austin here.
>had to to stop by Walmart
>literally every employee is a nigger
>notice every new hire at the local Albertsons is a nigger
What the fuck is happening to my hometown. I keep seeing more ghetto niggers walking to and fro every day. We're slowly going the same fate as Grand Prairie and South Dallas.
Britfag on holiday here. Howdy, chaps!
Enjoy your cultural enrichment.
>a wreck shuts down uptown Houston
It's fucking bullshit, Arlington was such a nice town too. The cancer that is South Dallas has ruined everywhere south of I-30 East and West.
You mean Tejas right? This state is ours now gringo. Jota
Houston has one of the worst, if not THE worst, highway systems in the US. It's fucking terrible.
Also 979, AKA the armpit of USA, checking in. Joining the military soon and can't wait to get the fuck out of this swamp...
Is there anywhere in north Texas where the seasons actually happen and I can experience the cool of winter for more than just 2 months? Somewhere it isn't 150% humidity outside every fucking day but also isn't small town suburban shit? A place with a nightlife?
I love Texas but my blood is too thicc for this shit down here by Houston...
Sounds like you're from Austin.
>live in jew york
>kikery is through the roof
>cost of living is through the roof
>$2,000/month gets you a 700sqft apartment
>$500k gets you a crappy little house
>every suburb is now infested with nigs and spics living off welfare
>suburbs are now being infested with orthodox kikes
>2nd amendment completely infringed thanks to kikes
I need to get the fuck out of this state. I'm sick of barely having enough money because the cost of living is insane. I'm sick and tired of working hard so some freeloading trash can suck up a percent of my paycheck. I'm tired of having an AR15 that looks like a retard chewed half of it apart because of kike gun laws.
I'm moving to Texas in the next few years and unlike those Commie faggots from CA, I'm not bringing democrap ideology.
>Texas is based as fuck
>but Texas will never be as based as my home state of Washington
>because Texas beer brewing laws are so fucked up that Texas microbrewers can't sell in Texas, they have to export it to other states
What's it like not being able to taste the fruits of your labors? Seriously, look this shit up, your legislature has cucked you out of delicious Texas brewed beers and all the economic gains that come with it. Write your lawmakers and fix your shit.
Texas is wholesome
I know that feeling, I'm just north of Arlington -- I'm in Watauga -- and there are degenerates everywhere here.
Just like how the South will rise again, right? And just like how the Native Indians will rise again, right? lmao
Same senpai.. its my birthday and i'm alone tonight
Texas Tech detected.
San Antonio, Northeast side. Can someone come and buy everything south of frio street so we can actually enjoy exploring ALL of our city?
Archer City reporting.
I don't like beer, my dude. Tastes like piss.
Ayyy Houston here, unfortunately in Pasadena area tho
houston here
when are we gonna make laws prevent migration? tired of faggots walking in saying texas is full of jobs then turning around and saying it needs to be more like their shitty home state
fuck off
You what the good thing about Houston is though?
The place is a wasteland
Southwest Austin reporting in (yes it matters)
Sup fellow Houstonian!
Body of Christ reporting.
The city council destroyed downtown in favor of big banks and subsidies to commercial district.
it has a variety of small businesses offering a variety of good food. if you stay in a suburb its alright
Just avoid El Paso, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, 2/3 of Austin, Corpus, and most of the Valley in general and you should be ok.
Man there are quite a few houstonbros in here, what's y'all's favorite part of town? Least favorite?
Been to Watauga, at least it still is nice. Keller isn't bad either and still retains alot of it's original residents but the rich Cali refugees from Southlake are getting there. Fucking new apartments everywhere are 900 and up for a 1 bedroom. Apartments built in the 80's or older are now garbage
> inb4 beaner
City wide gang stalking going on against myself and i'm sure many others in this 555 devil town of Abilene Texas by police and their relatives and other operatives, i'm under constant surveillance by infrared and or ground penetrating radar by USAF Satellite/Blimp/Drone, they even have people in the stores tampering with the products i like to buy, this was the only bottle on the shelf so i'd be sure to get it, notice the yellow cap? that has meaning against me from 1981 and throughout my miserable existence on this planet! And let us not forget about the witch temple that's been on the United States Air Force Academy grounds since the 90's! Oh and by the way my blood type is O Negative!
Fuck you mexican.
It's true, only thing we've been able to learn about you so far is that you're a massive faggot tho
we dem bois
I miss glorious white paradise that is Georgetown. I moved down here for work
The State should require mandatory firearm training at all Texas schools. All individuals eighteen and older (excluding felons) should be required to own a military-grade assault rifle. The State should provide arms to those who can't afford to purchase them.
(You) if you agree, or have a better idea.
The entire metro is a shithole. I was born and raised here and I want to move to the Tyler area. The Tomball area is my favorite part
Portland is a bastion somewhat, but the kids are almost /too/ white and spoilt.
Ingleside here desu, aka Mexico Pass.
Basically Tejas again.
I hear Tyler is cool, my mom lives out in Willis and it's real nice out that way, see a few Trump bumper stickers here and there, but it seems there is a large influx of mexishits there now
El Pasoan reporting in to make America Great Again.
Half Spic as well.
forgot pic
>The State should require mandatory firearm training at all Texas schools.
I agree completely with all of your post.
i am glad for the economy and all but everyone needs to stop moving here
Yeah I went to SHSU just up the road. Willis is nice, I like the woody area.
Wait there are people in 979 who aren't there for school?
Bastrop County, 512 you jigaboo
Theirs no girls in texas?
Um go figures.
I'm in Dallas Texas and it fucking sucks. Nothing but whores and blacks. Mexicans are bro tier though. Hurricane Katrina was the worst thing to happen to Texas EVER.
Unfortunately, yes. awful place tbqh.
Brownsville checking in. Plus I'm here illegally you racist greengos
Can an actual Texan tell what it's like down there? I'm considering joining you
No niggers are the worst thing.
They fuck up everything.
I dislike the "day of the rope" meme, but dammit the blacks here make me want it to be real.
Also check the bottom left image, Dallas bros will get it.
It's ok
Fuck you pedro
Dallas checking in
Also Houston, Checking In.
210 San Antonio checking in
>all the light skin Mexicans at work calling the other Mexicans Beaners, everyone having a good laugh about it and we meet up after work at Whataburger to plan some paintball on Saturday
feels *really* good, man.
Psyched for the San Japan anime convention this year too. If any of you live close to San Antonio consider scraping up a bunch of money to blow on weebshit and overpriced tourist food on the Riverwalk, it's a fucking blast. Every year people get confused at the thousands of costumed nerds walking the streets, it's great
El Paso here.
Stationed at Fort Bliss
The base is ok. its like a little slice of the midwest smack dab in Beanercountry.
Moving from Austin to Garland on Sunday. Lived here in Austin for 5 years while going to school. Now I'm moving back home and looking for jobs while being a NEET for a few months.
Cheap property, good economy, red State. Come on down anytime.
New Yorker in Houston right now
Depends on where you want to live. 20 years ago the Dallas suburbs were nice and the inner city was garbage and dangerous, now the suburbs are increasing decayed and niggerfied and downtown Dallas has improved immensely. If you do move to a suburb make sure it is North of 635.
Fort Worth is nice, especially around the Museum district. If you're a nigger please fuck off we're full.
texass sucks
Full of disgusting sub-human "people" t.b.h.
Die slowly crossing the desert.
Reporting in.
Ive lived in Texas for many years (Austin for 4 and San Antonio for one)
It is an armpit. I want to leave. Its redeeming qualities are outweighed by its negatives.
Hell yeah bro I grew up there
Also, tx has won more gold medals than france.
Too many fucking niggers here.
They need to be lynched.
The Woodlands reporting in
>Hurricane Katrina brought all the niggers
>Califags showing up all over the place
>Texas may go blue in your life time
Has God forsaken us?
Officer Casebolt?
We need planned parenthood placed in the blue districts
Hopefully Trump will deport 90+% of south Texas.
Oldie but a goodie.
Have you ever Hurd of slaves?
You have to use niggers to push you as you make them a slave.
La Joya here
>in b4 spic
You're a faggot my dude
>Nueces county not blood red
Corpus Christi, my homeland, i know you are better than to fall for Shillary's lies. You already have the seawall, now build the real wall
>only the CC mayor had the balls to tell the Katrina refugees to get a job by the end of the month or to get out
>he inadvertently caused Houston and San Antonio to suffer
your either a nigger or you have a few hours to live
Flower Mound, because rich people are boring.
Had a gay HS classmate of mine come into town (the guy's decent enough for a degenerate) and we went to Montrose.
For some STRANGE (reads:legit) reason my debit card got locked and I had to go into my bank days later and explain how "Montrose Mining Company", etc charges were legit.
One of the more embarrassing days of my life.
Why is Houston so violent if people can carry guns? I thought that someone would have peace if killing the niggers. Why aren't they scared?
Texasflag reporting