just kidding this happened two years ago completely under your radar
just kidding this happened two years ago completely under your radar
Other urls found in this thread:
*four years ago
even worse, still on obongos first term
fuck this shit man
Death to all muslims.
What the fuck?
Even this shit doesn't happen in London.
At least muslims fight for their beliefs. You can go up to any white boy right now and say "You're a bitch, I fucked your mother, Jesus Christ was gay, Hillary 2016!" and he will just look at you like a cuck in fear.
really getting that cranial activity spiking
Thanks Obama
thats somalia 2.0, some people still call it by its old name michigan
No I was there. What happens is every year the bible thumpers check out a space at the annual Homecoming with big ass loud speakers and shout profanities at people about how they are going to hell and try to poke people in to starting fights with them in what is supposed to be an event for everyone in the community to enjoy and have fun.
They then came anyways and tried to hijack the event, which they failed at because one of the thumpers actually snapped and threw a punch.
They do this shit all the time to every event in Dearborn no matter what it is. They even harassed the old mayor Dearborn's family when he died for months after words. Literal scum bags.
This happened recently:
Those aren't Christians...
Hey I got an idea lets all go to a Jewish gathering with signs that say they are going to hell and then complain when the Jewish crowd gets angry and starts throughing stuff.
It a true. Whites have never been more skeptical of conflict.
Funny, whites are the most peaceful and accepting they have ever been yet the nigs, muzz and chicanos choose now to call us evil. Weakness makes you a target, through and through.
Damn it, stop whining to the cops and show up at the next protest with AR-15s.
If everyone is peaceful, good.
If not, open fire.
If the cops intervene, kill them to.
>violence works
>They said things
>So we stoned them lmao
defend dearborn culture
>islam is not violence
fucking lead water muzzie ridden shithole
>christians stoned, but refuse to fight back
They deserved it. Muslim master race coming through, prepare your anus, faggots.
>...because one of the thumpers actually snapped and threw a punch.
Learn to read. They started.
>not carrying a gun
Oh fuck I didn't even finish the video.
That shit at the end with the officers. Disgusting.
>Hey I got an idea lets all go to a Jewish gathering with signs that say they are going to hell
Their ancestors called for a curse to be placed on their heads and their children's heads.
Christians just want them to seek God and be forgiven.
Reading is fun user. You should try it.
Only because now they can be reasonably sure they won't get strung up from the nearest convenient tree. We should change that
what a shame
is there any place not infected?
>is there any place not infected?
Heaven. Muslims and pisslam doesn't exist there.
Government is on their side.
They are still trying to make self-defense illegal like in shitty Europe.
trips of trtu==hg
And when they do make it illegal, will you live in "shitty America"?
If they make it illegal there will be a war.
im muslim and i support death to all shiah rawafidh in michigan