Ask the eternal jew anything

Ask the eternal jew anything.

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Who should be our next president greatest ally?

Why are you so hellbent on arab and negro rights?

I have a FIRM theory that orthodox jews succed because they don't masturbate

is this true?

Doesnt matter. Your presidents come and go but your country's politics towards the world and yourself stays the same. I will let you figure out why.

Financial advice pls.

By giving them more right at some point it becomes priviladges they recieve. All at your expense, all to take rights from white europeans just like hitler took our rights in 1933. Make no mistake we hate arabs and nigs more then shit. Whites are just more dangerous.

No. In reality they are the bigest degenerates on earth. You cant spread that shit all over the globe and be non affected by it at the same time. But yes nofap is acctualy healthy both for mind and body. There is great wizdom in the wirds of religions people sadly forggot how to see.

Stop consuming shit you dont need to survive.

also some terrorists killed 60 jews on here and the prosecutor investigated that got shot :DD
did the case make the news there?
or they don't care bout diaspora jews dying?

This is the only truth you'll hear from this degenerate.

I did underground utilities for these fuckers for years and the natural ingrained hatred you are born with towards them is justified. They are the biggest degenerates on earth.

They don't care about fucking up the local water table, they don't care about normal sewage laws or any building laws for that matter. I take tremendous appreciation in the fact that they are fucked and they will die horrible deaths when the shtf. Then their hatred for us non degenerates will finally be justified.

Please ask God to reveal the messiah to you, and ask that He sends the messiah in to your life.

God loves you and wants you to repent.

Why did you ask Pilate to murder Jesus and then you said "his blood will be upon us and our children (all Jews) forever"?

Why is it so hard to find out why so many countries out kicked Jews the past millennia, other than Jews get blamed for bad things that had nothing to do with them?

Why are there so many Jewish owned media platforms?

do you like living in the promise land? cause ive heard a lot of orthodox Jews can return to the promised land unless Jesus returns or something, right?

why are your women who don't look jewish so beautiful? do they all get plastic surgery at some point?

The messiah came allready once. We killed him. We wanted a conqueror to kill our enemies not a teacher.

*cant return my b

Its all a meme so to speak. Jews dont want to return here because they will lose the grip on thier glovalist empire.
Mostly shitskin kikes here. No sooOros. No redshild

>We wanted a conqueror to kill our enemies not a teacher.
The next time He comes it will to beat people in to submission after the wrath of God is poured out. Why do you reject the great teacher, when you are in desperate need of Him?

So, you don't deny that Lord Jesus is the messiah? I don't understand, why don't you want Him?

Are you that wandering Jew that mocked Jesus on his way to the crucifixion?

If so, where have you been wandering recently, and where do you think you might be wandering to next?

>why does the Jew seek dominance?
>why did all races in the world seek dominance?

At this point if the white race gets exterminated we deserve it.

The world is a racial struggle for survival those who fail do not deserve to inherit this beautiful Earth.

If you wasn't a Jew would you think it was justifiable to dislike jews?

Basicly this. Pacifism is a false god.

I think its justufiable even as a jew. Its natural to hate those outside your groupe. Its called survuval instinct something the modern white man was striped by us.

At least you had a good run.

>At this point if the white race gets exterminated we deserve it.
>Whites are just more dangerous.

Do I deserve it? I just want to live in my country with my own people, with God's blessings and peace. I've never invaded anyone's country, never been in the army, never killed anyone, never plotted to overthrow governments, never owned a slave, never been a banker, never voted for a leader.

Why do (((they))) want me dead?

How are sephardic jews looked on by the rest of jewdom?

Oh noble merchant why are your women so perfect?

No where to go next but up. The path is almost at its end. If somebody does not intervine soon it will be the wondering aryan in my place.

>No where to go next but up

Medival mind set. They honestly believe having children is the best thing to do in life. The more the better. If there is one thing i am proud of in this world its our women.

also what's IDF like?
are recruits abused there like in russian army?

These are the words they put in your mouth. If you say things like this you go against nature that gave birth to our wretched kind. No living thing takes death volonteraly but struggles till the last breath. You kno w how many times the world tried to get rid of us? But here we are.

We practice waterbearding only with shit instead of water.

We are highly tribalist and hate each other.

just to bully or to create arab-killing psycopaths?

regarding the holocaust do you actually believe jews were gassed?

I do think many Communist jews were killed by the National Socalists but i would like your honest thoughts on hitlers war against International Jewery


Kys Ahmed.

Before we do.

>arab killing
You got it all wrong we are responsable for the growth and expansions of arabs in the world.

Nobody tried to get rid of you, you paranoid fuck. Empires simply required of you what they require of everyone else they conquered - submit to a superior show of force and assimilate. Most everyone else is happy to do that - after all, being conquered can be humiliating, but the efficiencies that come with belonging to a bigger and stronger empire usually offset it. But not eternal jew. No sir, his god is special, and his land is holy, so he's determined to preserve his unique identity (which is pretty ordinary and boring, btw), even if it means setting the world on fire. Kill yourself, faggot. Shalom.

background pls

I'm not white though.

The two are not mutually exclusive
I know israel has best life quality and arabs live better there than in islamic M.E.
but to helps arabs you gotta kill arabs. they're mad dogs and cant be quite reasoned with all the time

Let me tell you a bit about hitler. Unlike most politicians he acctualy believed all the shit he said though geopolitics once head of state made him backtrack and reformulate some doctrines. Sure he did some serious damege to us jews. We make all these movies about him till this day. The crimes against civilian populations happen always regardless of what war we are talking about.
So in short no. The holocaust is largely misiterpreted by modern historians.

Palestinian doing Palestinian things as usual.

Well in that case. Nobody is trying to get rid of the white race. We are just assimilating you into the first global human empire. How do you like that goy?
You dont? Yeah thought so.

Wtf are you then?

תעוף מכאן נאצי


That is a lot of "i" 's there. Reality is life is not as egocentrical as we persive it. We come and go into this world. Like drones in ant colony we move slowly slowly larger processes over the courses of generation. The individual has no worth what so ever on the scale of history. Only in large grouos can things be achived.

>not white
>is aryan
Pajeet my son is that you?

How can i be a nazi? They wont notice my hitlerstach from under my curved nose.

My home country is currently under the rule of worshipers of a demon from the Arabian desert.
We should be allies but unfortunately diplomacy failed us since you helped us keep Saddam in check during the first gulf war.

I believe Jews see White Europeans as their biggest threat (when organised and not under influence)

My question is if Jews and white Europeans were true allies do you think the world would be a better place for all?

You are just pretending this entire thread. You are trying to emulate the jewish boogeyman that Sup Forums has crafted in order to troll for (You)s and sew malcontent. I am an actual jew, not a stormfag masquerading with an israeli proxy. Fuck your shit and stop larping you fucking niggerfaggot.

you can assimilate the entire world but you'll never assimilate western europeans, shlomo. Keep pushing us to these limits and you'll see what happens when the truth reaches the surface again on what you really are

If you dont agree with Sup Forums why do you come here? Posting nigger cuck threads baiting these poor innocent children who are afraid for the futur of thier race? Shame on you.

All it takes to destroy your western civilization is a nigger to say "eh...climate change..."

are you guys for real when it comes to stupid deities or just use them to rule the western world?

Where are the decedents of

Many Jews seem to lack empathy and have a major persecution complex. Do you think this is a result of their propensity towards mental illness, in particular schizophrenia, that leads to this condition? And, I imagine this inclination like other mainly Jewish diseases comes from inbreeding. Or, does it have more to do with how Jewish children are raised? I often hear Jews speak of childhood traumas, but am never quite sure what kind of abuse to which they might be referring. And ultimately, is this mechanism, nature or nurture, how the Jews are able to rationalize everything they do to others?

>Insanity - Jewish Encyclopedia

>Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia

>Mental Illness and the Jews

>Genome-wide association study implicates NDST3 in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

>Schizophrenia research and the Jews