What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this flag?
Orale guey
The Spanish should not have raped all the those indians
low quality
Two things: Lazy ass free loaders and hard working based people who value family.
your work is low quality, like your post.
The brown fuckers who ruined the once proud European word "Hispanic"
Beaners, tacos, invading mexicans into small american towns in the southwest with the last white popuations shooting them down before they fall.
Freedom eagle eating the snake.
Too bad it isn't accurate anymore.
the flag is a fucking bird fighting a snake so it pretty much speaks for itself. Violence and misery.
Good anime dubs in the 90s
Your flag is a a maple leaf so I expect bored
When I see the Mexican flag, I pretty much think of pic related.
best food, hottest chicks, chill immigrant class, bad corrupt country. the wall will do no good, they're all here, already, roofing my garage.
black tar heroin
>tfw the snek got cucked hard
>inb4 you have to go back
t. a real American
Shit government, great people.
Would be great if they held their leaders responsible.
spanish speaking dindus
you heard it here first. my high school was 50/50 whites and mexicans...everyone got along great and much chilling was done by all. except for the 6 or 8 black kids out of a 2,600 student body who caused all the trouble.
trump's racism is pointed at the wrong people, senpai.
Macho Pajeets
One day he will smile at us, Maximiliano was a Saint
lawn mowers and leaf blowers
repetitive crappy Rancheria music
chicas wearing super tight jeans with panty lines
Drugs, Disease and Donkeys
Oranges being sold on the side of the road
Slowing down so I don't hit the spics crossing the highway because they are to lazy to cross at the intersection with a cross walk
Murder, Mayhem and Madness
That you should stop making the same thread everyday.
So, what will our next president will be like?
roof dogs.
Does it hurt to be reminded?
Mexican Intellectuals
You are 100 percent spot on.
>Not becoming the second necrocracy in the world
Lazy illegal immigrants who expect American citizens to pay for their shit
Thank god they killed Escobar before the cartels took over the government
Anyway, yeah we need another Porfirio Diaz.
We need to go full Philippines and get rid of CNDH.
>What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this flag?
Slowpoke Rodriguez
narcos razing the country to the ground, and pity for my relatives who live there
Those fucks are worse than ISIS. Voting for Trump in the election to stop that shit from spilling over. Also because I'm fucking sick of seeing customers who can't speak English. If my cousin in fucking Mexico can speak English your ass sure as well can.
Glad to know my cousins are becoming a doctor and an engineer and will have great chances of moving here. I've already redpilled one of them about Donald Trump. They won't vote Dem, they've seen how socialism and corruption ruins a country first-hand.
>inb4 someone calls me Paco, Pedro, or Juan, I've got an English name
You leave them on the roof so no one will steal them
Not even I understand why this is a thing.
crazy people, drug dealers.
Cholos run over houses too.
It's a poorfag thing. Their IQ's are below 50.
but why don't they bring them into the house??
The Nationalistic side of it is (autistic) and a e s t h e t i c af
And no, no Philippines. Give it some time, see it as a simulation of what will happen if Mexico does the same, The Philippines are Asia's Mexico. And the CNDH should not protect anyone guilty of a crime, the rest os ok-ish, I just want to genocide Tepito
Second floor of a house, the dogs go up when they hear any noise.
filthy dumb beaner scum
run down neighborhoods and "la cucaracha"
I fucking hate being Mexican
>Older brother has welfare queen girlfriend
>24 years old with 2 kids from 2 different fathers
>Has additional 2 kids with him
>See me 3 year old nephew running around diapers at her mom's house because they have like 10 toddlers there and they're too fucking lazy to take care of him so they just put a diaper on him in case he wants to shit, even though he's potty trained
>Nephew and niece always dirty as fuck
>Brother's girlfriend is in the process of taking everything away from my brother like he did with her previous sugar daddies
>Her two sisters are like this
>Older sister single mother of 3 with 3 different fathers
>Had my middle nephew taken away, you must imagine what shitty parenting it takes to have a man get full custody
>Everyone thinks he's an evil white Republican racist
>I think he child is much better off with his father and his wife than with my sister who goes clubbing every weekend and neglects her children
>Oldest brother is convicted felon
>His children are criminals as well
I love my family and they're good people but what the fuck senpai, I get why Americans hate us
>Mijo, No!!! El perro está sucio. No lo metas a la casa pinche chamaco! ¿O quieres un chanclaso, hijo de tu reputísima madre?!
That and many houses are very small and have no patio nor garden
maybe they are trying to avoid the dreaded Mexican rabies
I know man, they're everywhere. Also was happening with my neighbours plus some abuse, so I contacted some agency (was it PROFEPA? can't remember) and I think they gave them a visit since they actually bothered puting tents for their dogs.
Made my week.
Italian flag with a shit stain.
The Alamo
Taco bowl
>Why roof dogs are a thing
Because our version of niggers(Cholos) Run everywhere, specially over houses to run away from something or to steal something.
They work as great alarms.
Jesus why even have dogs at all. no roof over it's head, no interaction at all
Mothers of children with several different fathers are incredibly common. Whoever procures a Mexican wife in the hopes that she's a pure qt with conservative ideals is in for a trick.
The only way to get the good ones them is to steal them from their parents while they're young.
just hanging around
I think of Taco flavored kisses.
$140 for a threesome at the hongkong club.
Maximilian the I of Mexico.
Saludos desde Tijuana :^D
I'm not trying to be juvenile. I had a diarrhea attack at a Mexican restaurant once. I guess my bowels rejected the seasoning or the oil or something because it hit me like a ton of bricks. Haven't touched Mexican food since.
Mexican Radio....
saw a lot of roof dogs last time I was in MX... what's up with that? Guarding the exposed rebar?
>wanting to deport a mostly white Trump vote
Ah, I see you're #WithHer
Black lives matter, friend :^)
This part of history is simply tragic.
I mean, you really can't blame them, 4 months trapped in a ship with other men. When they came here those frog-like indians looked as beautiful as Russian chicks
I haven't been in a couple years. My buddies and I are planning a trip next month. Is it still easy as fuck to get viagra and is the quality still good at Hong Kong and Adelitas?
Avoid people running over your house and alert you if someone is around or knocking.
And a best friend.
I do not go to those places, I prefer going to Guadalupe Valley and eat there. But who cares, do all the sinning here that you can't do in the land of the free
>eat there
is that a euphemism for banging hookers?
>stole a qt latina gf from her parents while she was young (she was 17 I was 19)
>she became fucking tumblr incarnate thanks to her fucking bitchy white friend from California
>have to cut it off after she declares she's a "demisexual pangender" after two years of great relationship
It still hurts desu senpai ;-;
Tbh I think her head got fucked up because of her parent's divorce, and divorce is incredibly common among Mexicans
I guess the rule is If her family is still together, go for it. If her parents had a divorce, that shit runs in the genes, stay away.
Even then I wouldn't touch one, at least russian women are good looking and white