What did he mean by this?



I don't get it.

That guy is the new face of vasectomy

Except vasectomy is a permanent method and abortion isn't

I don't have a problem with abortion but men need the option of "financial abortion"

Your body, your choice
My wallet, my choice

Otherwise you're making men become fathers against their will.

Indeed. I want to get it just so I can creampie women and then have them tell me theyre pregnant like it's my problem

>if you are a person against murder, you should kill yourself

Opinions they are not facts.

Dumb tv bitch.

I'm pro-abortion so do I get a blowjob or something?

Just because I'm opposed to sucking fetuses out of the womb with a fucking vacuum cleaner does not mean Im opposed to having my own children.

Full retard / 10

Exactly, just whip out those vasectomy papers and its ogre for the gravy train.

Oh fuck, are you the maddowposter?

WTF? I love the UK now!

Who the fuck opposes abortion?

where's the occupy demoshills tag?

Your option is don't put your dick in.
Wear a condom.
Pull out.
Don't fuck chicks you don't trust to be on birth control.
Pray that the birth pills for men come out soon.

Abortion also has a risk of fucking the woman up and making it so she can't have children at all. Rare but it happens.

There is no fair balance in this debate because ultimately everything has to be focused on the welfare of the kid while balancing the freedom of the body.

100% if more men were eligible, and vasectomies generally easier to get (some DRs don't like giving them unless you've already got kids... shit like that) women would complain that too many men are getting snipped.

Can't get her pregnant, no child support? Sweet, I'll take three.

Well the girl should just let us fuck her in the ass.

If you are a woman who wants sex, get married

I think it's supposed to say NOT get one.

OR sluts can take birth control since they are so entitled to the shit.

Women are 100% responsible for not getting pregnant. Child support should be abolished.

Christ that is retarded
>I want kids, therefore I dont want my wife to abort them!
>"wow just wow, you should permanently disable the function that makes babies possible because you want kids."

This argument only works when a black person is against abortion because 70% of them leave the mother before the child is born.

WhilenI I think he is a cunt. Vasectomy is ok if you are someone who does not want kids.had one when I was 21 best decision i have made. Bareback sluts and deny them pregnancies.

>Tfw some whore thinks you are the meal ticket and then you show them notarized vasectomy and failed fertility test.

That doesn't even kind of make sense even if you do believe abortion is murder. I will agree that you should probably kill yourself though.

If women get to be the sole decider of whether or not they have an abortion, then men should be able to sever any responsibility to an unborn, unwanted child.

Anything I can pour salt on and it dies, is not a human. Abort those fucking fetus' if you want. I give zero fucks.

>men becoming fathers against their own will

You realize what happens when you dick goes in a vagina right?

Why he such an asshole and not touching on the actual point of contention with the pro-life debate?

>I will fuck sluts untill Im 85 and then Ill die alone.

Hope you got some semen stored because you are facing 50-60 years of lonelyness because you want 10-15 years of fucking random sluts...

It's fine if you don't want to, but the point is if you think that because you feel that way that means NO ONE is allowed to have an abortion, then you're unfairly pushing your view points on others in a way that effects them but has no effect on you.

>1 post by this ID
>Occupy Democrats bait photo #1247
Saged t-b-h.

If your a women who is pro abortion you should get your tubes tied.

Condoms are a better option. And if an accidents happens deny deny deny.

>Your option is don't put your dick in.

Nobody tells women to keep their cunt in their pants.

Of course abortion has a risk but pregnancy can literally lead to a woman's death. Yeah male birth control will be good but this sort of situation will still arise. What if a married couple agree they don't want a child, then the woman gets pregnant and decides she wants to keep it? The man will be made a father against his will.

Shouldn't it be, you should not get a vasectomy? I mean, so they can have kids and raise them since they're pro-life?

You realise men do not always have sex with the intention of impregnating a woman, right?

You're never going to get people to give up casual sex.

Yeah! Or just, get on the pill probably. It accomplishes the same thing.

Also I don't know of any group that is PRO abortion. The pro choice argument is that abortions should be safe, easily accessible, and rare.

Most abortions are nigger/mud spawns, so I'm a-ok with it.

who is that ugly man, and why is he advocating murder of babies?

>If you are a woman who is for abortion, you should get your tubes tied
See how this doesn't solve the problem... oh wait

thanks for helping genocide your family

Are you supposed to be at the Cartel shootout right about now, OP?

I can get on board with this...

But women have to accept that if you decide to have ''my baby'' I might decide to tell you about the vasectomy as you go into labour.

Alternatively anal

chilena sucia.


Nah, abortions should be the norm.


But then who will fund the children? The mother? ahahahahahaha

Abortion isn't contraception.

I'm not out bangin hooers anyway so it's not a concern for me, but vasectomy + frozen sperm seems like a pretty sweet deal.

If you are a female proponent of circumcision you should get a circumcision


If a man can prove to the courts that he took reasonable steps to ensure that a child was not conceived during sex, i.e. wearing a condom or he was lied to by the female that she was on the pill and the man can prove that he had informed the girl that he did not want a child, he should be allowed to financial abort if the woman goes on with the pregnancy.

Of course he forfeits any rights to the child but it is ridiculous that women can literally hold a man's life hostage.

Condoms aren't 100% effective.

How hard is to have a condom at all times near goddamnet. You have no excuse.

vasectomy would only be a good analogy if we were talking about a hysterectomy for women, which we arent

god this dude is dumb

Sometimes they break. And then sometimes you might not realize it until after it's been 72 hours and the morning after pill is no longer effective. Then what? You're just fucked for the rest of your life and very possibly the child's if you aren't in a position to provide care to raise them properly? That's ridiculous. There's no reason why that should be the case.

Just as women can vote to send men to die.
Men can vote to have the state regulate their vaginas.

moron what if I want a baby retard libcuck sucker faggot democract shillary cliton

The CTR shills keep posting this abortion meme crap, seemingly unaware that Sup Forums loves nothing more than chopped up nigger babies.

> Being this much of a materialistic selfish asshole.
So you can't raise them properly? We have Welfare for that, adoption for that, charity for that.

>Abortion is totally ilegal in Chile exept of the usual 3 bullshit causes

You mad pro murder slut?

That's cool. And you should totally consider that if you ever find yourself in that situation. You also shouldn't take away the right of women chose what happens to their bodies. Are you one of those people that thinks life begins at conception or something?

I should care what a dyke thinks about reproduction?

Why would anyone on Sup Forums be against abortions? Guess who uses them the most.

If you're under 5'7" you should get a vasectomy, also if your IQ is not 120 and you aren't physically fit enough to do five pull-ups and run a mile nonstop.

Eugenics is not a bad thing.

It's fine if you don't want to, but the point is if you think that because you feel that means NO ONE is allowed to murder children, then you're unfairly pushing your view points on others in a way that effects them but has no effect on you.

>your opposed to rape you should just remove your vagina

same argument

And that guy obviously did remove his vagina and all other traces of feminine rapeability. Your move.

Or use a fucking condom.

Anyway, men that abandon their child are no better than women that kill their child

If you are a woman who supports abortion, you should stop being a massive slut.

>don't like guns?
>don't buy one

You mean what this man has to say about abortion

>You also shouldn't take away the right of women chose what happens to their bodies.
Why is the fetus not considered a human with rights?

If you are for abortion then you should also be against child support. If a woman can opt out of motherhood then a man should be able to opt out of fatherhood.

then """"""""he's""""""""" a hypocrite

so there

>weakening the family even further

Whites need to be having double/triple/quadruple the number of White kids presently being born.

>If you are a man who opposes murder, you should kill yourself.

>fetuses aren't people because that would complicate my ideas

If you are a woman who has an abortion, you should be sterilized.

>If you don't want fetuses murdered you shouldn't impregnate people
>Implying you don't want the children
>Implying a fetus is more important than sperm
Its like "Maybe we should teach men not to rape" but reversed
fuck her
maybe we should teach women not to get abortions,
she consented to sex it's not 100 percent our fault for sperming
If you;re a woman who is for abortion, maybe you should make responsible choices about your partners

And if you're opposed to getting pregnant, you should get your tubes tied.

Eat shit.

>If you are a woman who supports abortion, you should get your tubes tied.

If you oppose war.

You should move out into the woods, not pay taxes and go to prison.

This is literally and logically the same. Which is to say the original is not an argument.

I'm sorry, I just don't see it that way. I think abortion is a last resort that should exist when the positives of bringing the unborn child into the world vastly exceeds the negatives of it, and it should always be available for that purpose. What does anyone involved gain from the situation if bringing the child to term results in the mother's death and the child is born into poverty and becomes a strain on society and possibly a ward of the state because of future criminal activity? It should be RARE, but available.

Both methods of keeping the goyim population down. Nice propaganda, user.

>ward of the state
I meant to say "burden on" not "ward of"

>you don't realize a condom breaks until 3 days later

You realize it 3 seconds after pulling out, you moron.

Strawman. Almost everyone supports exceptions in case of medical emergency. Even the Catholic Church implicitly supports it these days.

What are you even talking about? How would you not know immediately? Just put it up for adoption. Idiot.

Pretty stupid argument, especially with contraceptives available. Also doesn't really make sense in the way that "if you are opposed to artificial control by surgery/influence, you should do it". I mean, it's clear what she's trying to do, but it just doesn't work. It's not clever, it's just a weird statement.

That said, I'm not even opposed to abortion, it kills way more niglets than white kids.

This is the only reason I support it as well.

I literally meant the murder of children, as in ones even you would consider life. Because the same argument applies. It doesn't affect you if children are murdered because you're an adult. They're not as intelligent as "real people" and they aren't independent, and while maybe one day they'll be an adult, that doesn't mean anything now. They're just a clump of moving cells.

What if a child is a strain on society (and this is actually a better argument, because a fetus can only "become" a strain on society, a child already is)

Why don't you support the economic murder of children?

Less than 2 percent of abortions are your special exceptions (rape, incest, life of the mother) as such it doesn't justify the Abortion Industry.

But they aren't. And nothing suggests they will in the future.

Yes from the man hating lesbian.

Good luck.

White kids are worth infinitely more than any number of niggers. Especially when those niggers would end up killing each other anyway.

>if you're opposed to having children you should be stripped of your ability to have children!

The only two options men have for birth control are literally condoms and vasectomies, and one is permanent. Women literally have all the responsibility here.


>Abortion got legalized so women could be sluts without consequences
>You're misoginist if you oppose to allowing them to be sluts, or reject a girl for being slut

That alone should be enough reason to trample abortion under our boot. If you oposse this, you're cucked beyond repair.

A lot of sex gets had while people are inebriated and not at their sharpest, or it could just be a small tear and difficult to notice even if it wasn't dark (which it often is). There's a lot of reasons why you might not notice immediately.
What if you can't get the plan b pill in 72 hours for some reason?

When you have sex, you are accepting all of the risks associated with it (STD, pregnancy), if you don't want the risk, don't commit the act.

Why am I morally obliged to pay for your bad decisions? If women want us to stop telling them what to do with their bodies, they need to stop telling men what to do with their wallets.