Klaus 7 (of 7)
Klaus 7 (of 7)
You are not a fast storytimer.
This art is gorgeous.
How is the writing? I'm planning on getting the TPB when it's out.
Anyway I would get it just for the art.
What a great page
shiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeet i was going to collect this but forgot about it and now its on 7th issue
Still so weird this was written by Grant Morrison. It's kind of neat seeing him write something more lowkey and contained
Oh for fuck's sake Morrison. It's *julenisse*, there's no 'r'.
>Still so weird this was written by Grant Morrison.
He's done stuff like this before, Vimanarama and Joe The Barbarian for example. Santa's sleigh and the elves were also classic Morrison.
Thank you based Santa
I love this book so much
Well technically there are r's, but only if you pluralize it.
Yes yes, but if you're a degenerate Scandinavia-fag like me, then you know good and goddamn well the r goes at the end of the word, not added willy-nilly in the middle.
oh a wolf sled
This Dan Mora fellow done art for any other books?
Isn't the flying sleigh something the Santa-mythos absorbed/amalgamated from Norse mythology?
Based Husbando-Claus
I couldn't say because I'm not too familiar with norse mythology
No. But the guy is really good. Meet him once at a con. His stuff is great.
Well, in norse mythology Thor got around via flying chariot drawn by two massive rams.
Did this come out today?