Just Bendis things
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Because she will have a conversation where she says she's damaged, and the other person repeats it back at her.
He's using our memes! That bastard!
Damaged? Yes. Damaged!
Yes, Damaged. With a capital D.
By having violent drunk sex with a random man that she just met while giving an internal monologue about how she just wants him to fuck her up.
Shots fired damned he going in on them.
There's literally nothing wrong with telling the audience exactly how their characters feel.
That's how I knew that tank was really really mad in that last David Ayer film.
>Implying that's the purpose of that sort of thing.
Is Bendis autistic?
How will we know who's straight if Jean doesn't tell us
Hmm, so Jessica Jones is damaged huh?
Has he responded to some of Lobdell's best writing in years yet?
DC mad as hell at this nigga. My nigga bendis comign with the heat.
Hes taking the piss out of SKWAD, I think you might be the autistic one.
But how can his black daughter relate to Jessica if she isn't black?
Autistic? as in his brain not functioning like normal, right? I mean, like his brain is damaged or something?
Yes, I understand that.
I'm saying a character having "damaged" tattoo'd on their forehead isn't to tell the audience that they're crazy. It's meant to show the character is aware of how they are perceived and making some sort of statement based on it.
But I guess I'm autistic because you just assumed I missed Brian Michael "Subtlety? Subtlety." Bendis' point.
>It's meant to show the character is aware of how they are perceived and making some sort of statement based on it.
Good try, Ayer. But we're not buying the shit you made up five minutes ago.
She'll relate after her first blacking.
>It's meant to show the character is aware of how they are perceived and making some sort of statement based on it.
so this... this is the true meaning of capekino
there's too much variation in their poses for this to work as a parody of the original
>The Joker is some hot topic kid who's trying to make a statement about "how the world sees me".
The Joker doesn't work like that. Self-awareness, or concern for how others relate to him, just isn't his thing. Traditionally, I mean.
Yep, it's eating shit and convincing yourself it's high grade caviar.
>I'm saying a character having "damaged" tattoo'd on their forehead isn't to tell the audience that they're crazy. It's meant to show the character is aware of how they are perceived and making some sort of statement based on it.
You can't be serious.
I didn't say it's good, you chucklefuck. It's one of the most basic forms of rebellion. Kids love wearing shit with negative words on them to associate those ideas with themselves.
But fuck me, we're too busy with the circle jerk I guess.
Yeah, but that's what the design is going for.
this is Sup Forums youtube.com
Absolutely savage.
Bendis BTFO
Jean Bobby would've been an actual good page if done like this. The reveal would still be shit but the page wouldn't be the laughingstock.