Getting out of jury duty

Got summoned for jury duty. Not doing it. Need the best way to get out without getting a contempt of court charge.
Legit hate immigrants, especially Muslims.
Thinking of wearing a shirt with a confederate flag....

Help me /pol.

Other urls found in this thread:

show up wearing a hillary for prison t-shirt

Repeatedly express that you belive in jury nullification

>a fucking leaf in charge of fulfilling civic duty

you need help alright

shout "AM I BEING DETAINED?" over and over again when they question you.

If there is a nonwhite just say that you don't know why there is a trail because you know they are guilty or lying because they aren't white.

If it arrived via regular mail, just destroy it. They cannot prove you ever received it, and probably cannot prove they even mailed it.

If you say something outrageous with the obvious intent to get yourself disqualified, all that will get you is a jail cell.

Just say "Is the defendant black? Then he's guilty"

>Not doing it
Why would you not want to do your civic duty? What's wrong with you? I got a jury duty summons a while back, I was real disappoint when they cancelled.

I told them i have severe claustrophobia/agoraphobia, and even if i managed to contain myself in my seat, i wouldnt be able to concentrate and do a good job.

In my case it was the truth. Id really love to serve on a jury but it really wouldn't be fair. Id be too busy counting my pulse down.

Also youre a leaf so i dunno.

It's your civic duty just fucking do it you faggot.

If you have a job, just say it's critical for you to go to work during that period.

It's what I did, the sheriff acted snooty, but I got out of it.

Or just go the homer Simpson route and say you are prejudice against all races.

Tell 'em you moved to a different address outside the jurisdiction.

If you don't want to be there you can simply stand up and say so. If you can muster the courage to stand up and simply say, "Sorry, Judge. I'm just not into this" then they'll let you go. You potentially hold someone's life in your hands. They don't want you there if you really don't want to be there.

Joined a new company and made a new division from scratch. Literally only person in company who knows how to do the work. Joined up because my employer is on he approved contractor list and is looking to expand.
I also take care of my mother who has MS.
And Fuck making 40 bucks a day.

Ask some questions when they interview you. That generally will get you out.


tell them you hate immigrants, especially muslims.

Jury duty is fun you niggas

show up for the first day when they pick the jury

they'll ask you questions and then just tell them some bullshit you know they don't want to hear. easy

Just don't go

I burn all mine and have for years. I know it's my civic duty but I have no desire to miss work and listen about how deshawn dindu Nuffin.

Fuck you bitch. Go and serve your court duty, you could get a white guy on some bullshit charge like a gun charge or drunk driving and you can free him by voting "not guilty"

on the other side-- you could get some shitskin in which case--- GUILTY AS CHARGED YOUR HONOR.

Do your duty you cuck.

You could be a force on the jury to ensure you counter SJW. But instead you would rather shitpost.

Return the paper in crayon.

At least I'm not shilling for Hillary.

Lol I got one in mail and just threw it somewhere over a year ago and nothing happen to me just don't respond

If you didn't sign it then you didn't recieve it.

Did you call the number they give you to check if you need to go in already?

shut up faggot you will most likely not be called up, or if you are, the defence will stand you by, so then you go home and have the rest of the day off

also by law your employer still has to pay you

lol i fucking love jury duty, pity i dont qualify for a few years because ive already done it

was called in for 4 different cases, was called up 3 times, each time stood by from the defence i presume because they didnt want me on the jury

just get a sexy 4+1 buzz cut, wear combat boots jeans and a white-t like i do and you'll be fine

No. Being Canadian I immediately shit posted.

Easy ways to get out of it:

Show up and say you have a racial dislike twoards the person.

You feel like you're biased in your view and have already made a decision.

Say you believe you know the person.

op, how do they track where you live?

Tax returns.

You're on Sup Forums dude, just "be yourself" and they'll let you go.

When I was a NEET I volunteered for jury duty (1-800-NYJUROR). So I could send dindus to prison.

Rest assured I sent many, many dindus to prison

Then just throw it away

like other people said, they cant prove you received it

Or go participate in leaf justice

How does that even work there? They just lube 13 of you up with maple syrup, slap guilty/not guilty signs on your back, and see who catches the defendant first?

you are the same as leftists who bend the law to their desire then

Are you more likely to trust the word of a police officer simply becusse of the fact that he's a police officer?

State that you are prejudice against all races, especially minorities.

just say you're "a fucking white male"

Don't worry, they're experienced. They'll recognize you for the little shit you are the moment they see you.

I enjoyed jury duty the one time I did it. Got paid time off from work. Plus listening to a prosecutor grill a defendant is very entertaining.

Just do your fucking duty, you baby.

They interview you, go to the first meeting and tell them you hate niggers and mexicans and not pure blooded aryans.

Also tell them you browse Sup Forums regularly and keep up with the local, state, and federal news.

I think I'm just not gonna respond. It's dated July 20, so I'm not sure why I just got it today.

Leaf justice is just varying levels of slapping the defendants wrist.

just ask if there are any niggers on the jury

>our criminal justice system in a nutshell

>get summons
>call night before
>normally need to report at 8am, message tells me call at 11:30
>this is a sign
>Call the next day
>Turns out the judge is more of a lazy-ass than I am
>feels good, considering not 13 months ago I was on a grand jury for three weeks
>fuck jury duty

Thank you and God bless you sir.

>If it arrived via regular mail, just destroy it.
I ignored my jury duty letter, nothing happened. They try and call you if you have a listed number apparently, but I'm never home during business hours and nothing ever came of it. I figure they spam 20x as many people as they need for screening knowing full well at least half will just ignore them.

Contempt of Court. Do not do this.

The trick to not getting jury duty is by never receiving the summons in the mail in the first place.

*hint hint*

This. Be careful though.

go. If you get called in for an interview, tell them that you believe in Jury Nullification, and you will vote 'not guilty' regardless of the evidence if you think the underlying law is unjust.

"Sorry, I lost the summons in a tragic boating accident"

When they interview you, bring a rope with you, and say you got the noose ready for the nigger.

>not wanting to do your civic duty

I got summoned for jury duty and I called and asked if they could make accommodations for me since I was in a wheelchair and the lady who answered just said she would take me off the list and they wouldn't summon me again.

>bring a rope with you, and say you got the noose ready for the nigger.
kek, reminds me of this:

>Canada begging for help.
Ironic how the shoes are turned.

This is bullshit. Most of jury selection exists to weed out the people who DO want to be there. They want people on the jury who want to go back to their regular lives to incentivize them to make a decision in a timely manner.

This leaf land. Even in Alberta I'd probably be locked up longer than the defendant if I said nigger.

You can't be held in contempt of court of this. ROFL

Go to court as soon as the accused person shows up yell GUILTY

>MAGA hat
>Hillary cunt shirt

If they pick you, you know they are good so you just keep voting not guilty until they get off. But probably you will be sent home.

I always do this with mine.

Go to the courthouse and say, "Let me tell you about the Jews.."

Oh fuck, my sides!

Say you studied a bit of law classes and know your right. Not even memeing they don't want anyone that has legal knowledge.

i legit lold


>This is bullshit.

No. It's not. That's not my experience at all. I've been called for jury duty on 3 occasions and each time the judge told us if we were brave enough to stand up in front of 300 other people and think of a reason to leave then they'd let us go with no questions asked. On each occasion there was a serious and solemn vibe to the entire process.

Tell them you are autistic. Won't be lying.

>free the whites
>jail the blacks
>do your duty

user for president

Forget everything else in this thread.

Say you would love to serve on jury duty and you've been looking forward to it. Surefire way to get out of it.

They don't want people who WANT to be on a jury. It indicates you're looking to judge someone and they don't want people like that.

This might be phrased as a joke but it's actually highly effective.

You don't say anything until you show up for the selection process. It's not a joke though. Fuck up and you could wind up fined or worse.

Litterally tell them your racist.

Can't judge if you're racist.

Yes, definitely say this, Canada. If you don't then you're a cuck.

tell them you have planned a vacation and any letter you get from them afterward return to sender

It's really not that difficult OP. Just demonstrate a clear bias for convictions in the questions they ask.

Mention "Jury Nullification"

do it and send some negro to jail

yeah, do this and play coy.

Jury Duty does indeed suck. Have done it a few times(all of the cases were cancelled or other shit) and its boring as hell. The court system should do is if you hate Jury Duty, they should take you off the list and leave you the fuck alone for the rest of your life.

Not fulfilling your civil duties to your country when summoned makes you worse than a neet that lives off of autism bux. That being said saying you don't recognize authoritative opinions is a great way to get out of it.

I ignored mine and nothing happened

>why wouldn't you want to do your civic duty?
Nigger why would I want to hang out with the idiots who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty

>They don't want people who WANT to be on a jury.

Being eager is definitely a turn off. been there done that

And ask a lot of questions about the process. Be annoying.

I got one of those and never responded.

Have I been a criminal on the run for the past 6 years?

Do your duty and be happy that you have this system.
Or do you want courts with politically appointed lay judges? Letting a bunch of senile old socialists decide everything?

>Go to courthouse in a distant town/city I've never been to.
>Court cop and judge basically state that no matter what we have to wait until ever single case for the day is delt with.
>Sit and wait for 6 hours in jury wait room for a possible trial.
>No trials happen. All the inner city youths either took a plea bargain or their case just plain didn't deserve a trial.
>Go home, excused from jury duty for the next 3 years.

6/10. I lucked out and didn't even have to serve jury for a trial. You could easily spend the entire day there if that was the case. Chairs are uncomfortable as fuck though and I was rationing my phone battery by the end of it, bring a portable charger. Also considering it will take place in a town that you will most likely never visit again ever try to look up some decent restaurants or ehatever strikes your fancy there just so the visit wasn't a total loss.

If you have to go wear a MAGA hat

I hope I'm on your jury. they call me the hanging juror.

They don't have a list for jury duty, they randomly pick you from voter registration.

Don't want to serve on jury duty? Don't register to vote.

I don't ever answer a jury summons.

Worst case would be if the court put a warrant out for my arrest due to non-response.

If I found out there was a warrant for my arrest, I would hire a lawyer to take care of it. With something like that, the lawyer can almost always just get it settled with a fine, without requiring me to attend court.

Absolutely worst case would be if the police came to arrest me because of the warrant. I've read that's unlikely because police usually have a lot better things to do with their time.

But if that happened, and the police officers escorted me to court, then I would then ask if I was free to go, or if I was being detained. If they said I was free to go then I would leave. If they said that I was being detained then I would tell them that I must assume that I am under arrest and therefore I will not answer any questions until I speak with a lawyer.

I lucked out of mine.
I called everyday and it kept getting delayed.
Finally it told me my services were not required and my duty had been fulfilled.