Should I become a NEET Sup Forums?

should I become a NEET Sup Forums?

i am a republican but wageslaving is killing me

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no, utility & craftsmanship is its own reward, your mental acuity & accurate grasp on the world will wither

this is not to say that our can't figure out how to become massively, incredibly rich & retire young but you have to do that your own damn self, not rot for the rest of your life on the government titty

Nothing is more honorable than taking advantage of a corrupt system to crash it to the ground quicker.

If we were all NEET's, welfare reform would get passed really fast.

it's killing us all bro..
keep working with dignity and use or intelligence to plan an escape from wage slaving -- if the kikes can do it, you can

I'm NEET right now cuz I graduated college and am job hunting.

Pretty comfy in my parents attic. I spend all day learning advanced computer science concepts. I'm working on making a stock market forecaster that I can invest with.

I'm going to miss having all this free time when I get a job.

no, trust me dude NEET lyfe is hell

i forgot to mention my gf is fucking a big cock NEET

Went through two years of community college and another two years at a four year school to earn a degree in civil engineering. Currently working as management for a commercial glazing company. Honestly, it's shit. I use to mow lawns, collect scrap metal, etc in college and it just was just enough money for beer, junk food, basic bills, etc. but I had a lot more free time and I was a lot happier. These days, I'm "lucky" enough to own my own house and a nice car, but the stress of working and having more bills is just not worth it. I'd rather be eating chicken tendies in my mom's basement and using my sporadic cash flow from odd jobs to pay for bullshit.

Why don't you just get a job that isn't absolute shit? Obviously working sucks but unless you have a fat trust fund NEET life is just a path of depression, but without money.

I was NEET for about a year after high school. It's fucking PAINFUL. Doing nothing day in and day out gets old fast after a few weeks. While being worked to the bone isn't much better, it's not the only alternative. Finding a good job with enough free time to fuck off every week is hard to find, but being NEET is literal decay.

Bro if that's no joke, I'm sorry to here that. Don't stay with an amoral whore, dumping that bitch is step one..

fuck being a neet, at least work from home, theres a million and 69 ways to make money on the internet

Sorry most NEETS can't be camwhores

this is what women find hilarious

explain what i can do to work from home and ill quit my job rn

okay, thats one option down, there are still a million more ways to make money online


go farming abroad

Don't expect anything higher than 10$ an hour for maximum concentration slave labor. Most likely you'll get 5-7$.

what for?

it depends on what someone is good at really and their skill sets, and what they can learn.

its not something one can research for an hour online and then magically have an awesome online job. but if someone really wants an online job and puts in the research, they are out there, its just figuring out what online jobs match with what someones good at or can become good at

sorry for the vague answer, theres just a shitload of online jobs out there it depends on what fits best with you

Any of those "one million ways to get money online".

Here's an example
5-10$ an hour for non-stop effort and stress.

>gainfully employed
>95th percentile dick
>have never had a gf long enough for them to see my benis


to be more specific, this guy is talking about unskilled online jobs.

When you talk about "making money on the internet" that implies unskilled jobs.

>have never had a gf long enough for them to see my benis

Sounds like you've never had a gf

NEETs are leeches.
Online jobs are a bad meme.
Work hard, invest, repeat.

Stop being a lazy little bitch.

>playing by jewish rules
you should burger