Why is this so underrated?
Why is this so underrated?
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it's not Sup Forums to Sup Forums standards
This OVA is my guilty pleasure.
Also, even though it overlaps with Sup Forumss interests more than Sup Forumss it's still technically Sup Forums material.
i wanna cum in their ears then watch them jump and spin around to get it all out.
So am I gonna get banned?
Not Sup Forums but it's the best non-game Sonic, capturing the tone and aesthetics of the games better than any other animated Sanic.
Aside from >Sup Forums and Sup Forums, what weird SatAMist groups have you been wandering around to get that impression? I've always seen it held up as the ideal standard for the best Sonic visual style, character relations, and action-comedy balance. Isn't there a game named after the main setting?
Also: Princess Sarah, Madonna, Elise, Topaz, Lah, Shahra, Merlina, or MARIAAAAA?
Topaz. One character from X I genuinely wish had made it into the games as one of Rogue and Shadow's fellow agents.
Though Merlina is by far the best and most interesting character.
There isn't enough porn of Shahra.
That's all I have to say.
technically not Sup Forums
but definitely the best Sonic animation.
I fucking hate Tails' voice in this.
Other than that, great movie.
did he actually flip the middle finger????
I loved this style so much. As a kid I used to have the highest hopes that they'd keep this look and you'd have Sonic games that played like CD's opening cutscene.
This world is pretty terrible.
I sure hope we get to see Sara in the co-... oh...wait...
Sega isn't allowing any references to the OVA in the comic for some reason. Because of course we have the one thing that is unanimously liked by everyone and Sega wants to pretend it doesn't exist.
The one time they were able to get away with quoting the "strange, isn't it?" line was when a Mega Man character said during the crossover.
Because it costs $100 fucking dollars to buy it on DVD. Fucking scalpers.
Why is that, anyway? Is there some legal dispute?
Probably. Same reason there's no remasters or reprints of it, either.
We talk about Sonic here for the same reason we talk about Godzilla.
Firstly, it's not really Sup Forums, but there's plenty of other Sonic Sup Forums material that it doesn't matter anyway, and I only say that to be a smart ass.
Secondly, if anything it's overrated, which doesn't do it justice to just say that, because it legitimately is pretty much the perfect Classic style animation, but it's not faultless.
Why is this so fucking good? The animation, music, and overall aethetic. Not a fan of the US OST, but the song fits the ending perfectly tbqh.
In other words, I'm with you man.
Kind of unrelated, but I would kill to find out who animated the CD animated sequences. Toei Animation looks amazing when they have an actual budget.
It's a great movie. I just wish it was as well animated as the toei/studio junio sonic cd intro/outro. Would kill if there was even a 5 minute short as well animated as those clips.
Why does it look like an anime
I really wish the intro/outro got redrawn in a native widescreen aspect ratio. Sure it'll lose it's cel-animated glow, but at least it would be in native HD without any cropping or ghost frames. Especially since Sega probably lost the original negatives to do a remaster.
>tfw that god-tier soundtrack will never see the light of day
>tfw the fandub OST was a good attempt but didn't live up to the original
it hurts
It is an anime
Seems like Ichiro Furuichi, Kenji Kajiwara, Tetsuya Kumagai, Toshiyuki Komaru and Yasuyuki Shimizu were among the animators that worked on the Sonic CD FMV sequences. The Sakuga booru's pretty useful for identifying animators' work.
So this came out when sonic CD came out
one Sunday riding my bike
I notice, I notice, many many things that look alike
Oh, they actually added their names in? They weren't there last time I checked.