
> conservashits

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump should pledge to bring the Bush administration up on war crimes charges.

isn't that picture very facetious, Trump has said many times he want the 9/11 documents revealed

or are we just going to pretend that Trump is pro-Bush for some reason?

1) bush and Cheney by extension hate trump
2) trump is and always has been against the war in Iraq
3) Congress voted for the war in Iraq with 97% in favor

Remember to put "sage" in the options field.

Didn't Hillary vote for the war? If she never did, Bush couldn't have gone to war ergo she is entirely responsible for creating ISIS.

Checkmate fat manchildren with small penises :^)

The kikes are trying so hard to keep the left-right paradigm alive, when everyone knows its the filthy kikes and niggers occupying world governments.

>Bush and Cheney

yeah they did... in cooperation with Clinton

and McCain

fuck them all. vota Trump


Obama pulled out like a fucking normie and didn't finish the job.

>destabilized the middle east
like setting a fan against a tornado

Ever since those desert mystics got a little bit too clever that region has been eternally fucked

post the entire picture please
especially if it's porn

The middle east has been been unstable since the Ottomans fell

Wtf. Trump was against the wars.

Shillary backed them and instigated and led her own even worse "interventions" in the Middle East.

You mad, commie?

This is what we call "a fact".

I vaguely remember our current chief and commander telling the American people that Iraq was liberated.

Was he wrong and rash or deliberate and intentional?

I mean my god, a country would kill for a spy that told them retreat dates on national TV.

>1 post by this ID

Like pottery

Remember to sage friends.

so... Trump. You just described Trump.

Thats the kind of thread that destroy Sup Forums.

Trump has a nine inch cock

Trump is only against the war now that it's conveniently unpopular

But CNN said some bloke named Al Baghdadi started Isis! They said it was a fact!

Second OD post I've seen.

Get out of here with that shit permanently before your ass is handed to you.



That's the whole point of these threads

I hope Sup Forums gets destroyed as it's becoming a major influence on brainwashing gullible white teenagers into becoming facist neo nazis . Sup Forums used to be libertarian but has gone to complete and utter shit

Sure, OP...So if we took your word for it and agreed Bush/Cheney birthed ISIS, are you willing to admit Prez Barry put ISIS on steroids? Barry has been awful generous to ISIS with the weapon drops, no?

Hillary is a neo-con war supporter. At least Trump was against it.

>shill faggots
literally kys you dickless twat

>occupy democrats

I feed off your mad kek

Millimeters and inches are not the same thing.

What did he mean by this post ?

good, a populist that actually listens to the populace

Le bump

Occupy Democrats
sub shit-tier memes designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, thought up by brain dead sjw lab chimps, with the functional intellect of a retarded clam.

Wait didn't Hillary vote for that war? So therfore she created ISIS as well?

Fucking kill yourself nigger.

except theres old footage (since hes always been on tv) of him being against it.

so basically youre full of shit. checkmate, kid.

More so than "Bush and Cheney", as it is congress that authorizes war.

Since fucking when. Are you literally some kind of retard?