
____ edition

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*is happy*

since when did this become a reference to a porn site?

any swipe down man in?


>unironically moving to a secluded cottage on the south coast of Ireland in 25 years. Will spend the last of my days with the pintmen of Waterford.

*bursts through the front door all red faced and hyperventilating*


the future gf

big family argument today
stormed off to my room and cried

>tfw a majority white highschool class photo from 2000 gets you emotional to the point where there's almost tears

George, George, George of the Jungle,
Strong as he can be.
(Tarzan yell) Watch out for that tree!

George, George, George of the Jungle
Lives a life that's free.
(Tarzan yell) Watch out for that tree!

When he gets in a scrape,
He makes his escape
With the help of his friend,
An ape named Ape.
Then away he'll schlep on his elephent Shep
While Fella and Ursula stay in step...[2]

With George, George, George of the Jungle
Friend to you and me.
(Tarzan yell) Watch out for that tree!
Watch out for that... (Tarzan yell ... "Oooh!") tree!

George, George, George of the Jungle,
Friend to you and me!


which one

>, ect.

any Mao Zedong man in?

Any trance man in


end yourself





what album should i listen to?

horrid jumper


he must be really strong to be able to carry that fridge on his back


apparently something called simply loveleh, didnt even know it was a thing until people started complaining about clucas doing a celebration

t. ethnostate nonce

current mood: feelin' fine

The Lonesome Crowded West

>will you accept crypto

probably the most embarassing part of this conversation

too old

Think he was a bit of a melt desu.



Who lonely here?

my chinese mate wasn't allowed into the communist part because he didn't do well enough at school

any /essay/ man here
whats your word count

business idea: hyper-capitalism

I sweat really heavily in the crotch region lads. I don't know what's wrong. Every day I start off fresh and by mid-afternoon my ball region is dank and sweaty and I can smell it. Noticed once or twice people wrinkle their noses as I walk past their desks. What can I do?

is it only me or does anyone else find taylor swift incredibly unappealing?

Just realised they called Kyle's little brother Ike in south park because of KIKE

me in 107


I'm banned from reddit

lose weight you fat fuck

talcon powder and/or coconut oil.

you fat?
you hairy?


>Kissing is better than sex


Do you think she's sitting there writing all of her own music?

the ex was going to join the communist party if she moved back home

would have had a very comfy life (financially) with her but she was annoying and psychotic

shopping cart

imagine having nothing else to have emotions over

chassis powder

do yanks think this photo is majority white

Wish I had a qt Neanderthal gf tbqhwy lads.

why are yank class sizes so big

even the whites seem to have third world population growth. literal brainlet nation

There's a few.
What you'll actually find is most history books are "revisionist" (ie: west brit).
Because of this (and it being true that the full depth of Irish history is not really understandable through Wolfe Tone songs and leftie SF memes), it's best to read broadly on the different eras of Irish history, because there are several and they are surprisingly disjointed.

[Early Era]
>Prehistory - 400AD
>400AD-800AD: Early Christian Period
>800-1000AD: Viking period
>1000-1169: Pre-Norman period
[Middle Era]
>1169-1500 The Norman era
(Understanding of modern Irish history is dependent on the history after 1500)
[Early Modern Era]
>1500-1641: The Tudor and Stuart eras (bad)
>1641-53: The ultimate clusterfuck/tragedy
>1660-1688: The Stuart Restoration (looked up but went bad, looked up then went very bad)
>1688-1691: The War of the Two Kings
>1692-1798: Penal Laws, 1740 famine, "Georgian" period
[Modern Era]
>1798: Two rebellions, deliberately dismembered
>1798-1815: Napoleonic Wars
>1829: Repeal of the penal laws
>1845-1849: The famine
[Later Modern Era]
>1880-1916: The Home Rule CHEAT
>1916: 1916 and all that
>1918-1922: War of so-called independence
>1922-1923: So-called civil war
>1923-1937: Dominion Status
>1937-~1960s: Devalera Era
>1973: EC (now EU) membership
>1960s-1998: The Troubles
>~1990s: Pedo priest scandal, US vassal status, return of the west brit
>1990s-2008: Celtic Tiger
>2004: When the EU let in all the Slavs
>2015: State-enforced homosexuality

me, the classy gentleman in the 'dora

me in the top left

any of my anxiety family in?

hold tight the depression man
hold tight toiling wagesmen

looks like a photoshop of shakira

>the lad with the blue tie die and his arms crossed

I wonder if he's still about.

feel sick

>hahah le sparrow, EPIC xDD

Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made

It began here. It will end here. Have you any parting words? Or would you prefer to skip the speeches, and get to our business. You are the challenger here, after all. So to you goes the courtesy of the first blow

>even the whites seem to have third world population growth.
Statistically incorrect.

mad how so many of us are in one photo haha

any lonely man in?

me as the jacksonville jaguars fan

Yeh mate

mao mong please leave

so easy to tell who the chads and autists are


Same Tbh. Thing is I just can't relate to this hyper niggerfied culture of today. Not even a racist, got loads of black mates but I just can't get with it. Not my cup of tea.


>Not even a racist, got loads of black mates but I just can't get with it.

only racists say this

>Lt. Dyaaan
>iice craeem

I'm a bit overweight, like many people but not "fat".

>got loads of black mates

*smacks your captive god's heart*

any crippling self-doubt man in?

i'm really anxious lads
i worry everyday that i forgot to lock the apartment door
i worry that i will lose my keys
i worry that i forgot to switch off the stove and i will burn down the house
i worry that someone will dox me on Sup Forums after i make some kind of mistake.
i worry at toil about whether my work is shit

constantly worrying lads. the sad thing is that the mental toll means that i actually become more forgetful and panicked in doing things which is more likely to lead to mistakes.

hate having to constantly reglate my emotions.

*in 10 years time*


Created another fake Instagram to stalk a qt I went to school with, what should I say to her so I won't get blocked?

I reckon the people who radicalised Darren Osbourre are the pathetic weasely apologists of Islamic extremism and Muslim cultural issues.

Why is it these far-right terrorist's primary targets are not Muslims, but the people they see as enabling and endorsing societal chaos; Mair went for a Labour MP. Breivik went for Labour Youth wing in Norway and Osbourne's was Corbyn.

that's their entire year group

hello nigger

Good advice, thanks.


how is culture hyper-niggerfied

go get a script for klonopin

>got loads of black mates
Why, if I may ask?

Me gf STRONK bottom third left

? ? ?

low self esteem man here

Love how "radicalised" is a bad word.

ever talked to anyone about it la?