Sup Forums has like a million videos on youtube. Sup Forums has had games...

Sup Forums has like a million videos on youtube. Sup Forums has had games, Sup Forums has destroyed the moral of an entire country.

Why Sup Forums hasnt ever had a comic or cartoon??

Even Sup Forums has tons of material, including cartoons (better animation that the avengers show)

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>Sup Forums has destroyed the moral of an entire country.


There is a Sup Forumsmic anthology, forgot its name.

>Why Sup Forums hasnt ever had a comic or cartoon??
Sup Forums did make a cartoon with a thread where people made and posted it frame by frame.

Sup Forums has very low levels of Meme Magic, which is why this shithole produces very little OC.

For all the shit Sup Forumsco/ gets, they've actually gotten shit done, which is more than most of us can say.

>Sup Forums has like a million videos on youtube.

Anybody can upload a video to YouTube. Sup Forums can proudly say they have a porn parody though.

No seriously guys, I want to know if this is true.

Sup Forums's meme magic actively screws them over. We're pretty sure that we accidentally made Korrasami canon, and we're pretty sure Stan Lee harvesting the souls of other comic creators is our doing too.

>Sup Forums can proudly say they have a porn parody though.

They have two now

>I have a movie marathon scheduled with my wife's son.


Wait wait, there's another baneposting porn?

Most people on Sup Forums aren't autistic enough to subscribe to board culture or "represent" a board

Argentina, Canada, and India are ded

>Why Sup Forums hasnt ever had a comic or cartoon??

Because all the Sup Forumsmrades who have the skill and work ethic to actually make a cartoon or comic make a real one which isn't filled with shitty Sup Forums memes.

Plenty of pro's and wannabe pro's visit Sup Forums on a regular basis, but all of them are making their own comics and do not have time to make a Sup Forums one.

Pulp. Which almost immediately removed itself from here until recently when they started up again.

Yep. Its pretty kino.

>Most people on Sup Forums aren't autistic enough to subscribe to board culture or "represent" a board

So is this is a Casual board?

The Sweden Yes meme. Swede's are genuinely butt hurt about this.

Also the Indian designated shitting streets meme.

Nigga what? Sup Forums had an extremely strong sense of "board culture," more so than most other boards up until Sup Forums flooded in and ruined the place.

Did that memeing really have an effect on an entire country? How?


Sup Forums managed to make UK exit the EU


Holy fucking shit, that caught me off guard.

I don't see why Sup Forums keeps trying to hold onto bane memes when it was clearly reddit that made it popular. I mean, Sup Forums explicitly went to a REDDIT AMA to meme about it.

actually its called Premier Comics now

>Sup Forums OC is 90% fetish porn

The indian meme really expanded outside Sup Forums it was tragic

I remember user. Back during hope corgi and what not. Sup Forums is just terrible now. Maybe the movies should be removed....

Shut up Sup Forums


I know what the first two are but whats PAY DENBTS?

Christ, I love the world view presented by these memes.

Jesus, Sup Forums can be pretty kino sometimes when they aren't whining like Sup Forums rejects.
Grease needs to pay denbts

They really should. And they could if people actually paid their tax's.


For fucks sake

You mean /vr/ and /vg/ have videos, not Sup Forums since the fall. Those other boards still retain the old spirit of creativity for the common lulz Sup Forums had pre-2010. Sup Forums does not.

Does the board think in Poland ball terms then?

Eh, this is debatable. Sup Forums retains that old spirit through things like Baneposting, or Driveposting, but they also have a tendency to cry about muh sjw muh tumblr muh degeneracy same as every other board.

The problem itself is Sup Forums as a whole went from being a place with it's own identity, towards being a place whose identity was "We're not Reddit or Tumblr".

Do they know JoJo's gonna air on Toonami after OPM finishes? They ought to show up and post stuff.

>Sup Forums has had games
Wrong, any projects all failed.
The only notable games where the devs browsed was Minecraft with Notch when it was super early beta/alpha
>wanting any sort of material from Sup Forumsumblr
>wanting any material from neo-Sup Forums infested with tumblr/reddit cancers post 2008
You're better off doing shit on your own

Hope corgi was pathetic. Sup Forums was on it's death bed then, and died shortly after. We didn't do a good enough job of corrupting the youth.

I'd rather have a dating sim featuring Sup Forums characters.

>Sup Forums has destroyed the moral of an entire country

>Sup Forums flooded in
It was people who should have been on Sup Forums. They didn't actually come "from" Sup Forums. Sup Forums just successfully repelled them.

What are you talking about? This place is still a dumpster.

Kill yourself.

No, Sup Forums is well. Really different.
But rollplaying as countries is the norm,

It's white different. It's one of the most cultured boards and at the same time has Sup Forums tier memes, once a year they have their "HDI" day, and stuff like that where they circlejerk about UN studies. It's a terrible board, it's leftist but extremely racist, it's cultured but the biggest joke is posting a map of benin and a picture of a bear. The poorer the country the richest the posters, is weird.

This. Around 2012 there was a huge debate on Sup Forums between if we should welcome the Sup Forumsmblrites or expel them. The problem is all it took was a few people saying that "Sup Forums is love" means we should let them stay. That turned into a hugbox and most of the Sup Forumsmrades just gave up. This is the Sup Forums you know today.

>Sup Forums has had games

They do? Every Sup Forums video game project I've ever followed has failed

Where did Katawa Shoujo and Panzermadels come from then?

Sup Forums and /k/

Don't make it sound like we were ever organized, you faggot newbie.

>Sup Forums
/jp/. /prog/ lives.

>Katawa Shoujo

that was Sup Forums

and the people who actually made the game aren't regular Sup Forums users. Just the initial idea came from Sup Forums

What do you think webcomics are?

Also, there's a lot of cartoon guys that are Sup Forumsmrades. Like the Rick & Morty crew.

Toonami Jojo might actually cause Jojo to be the first thing to start approaching Brony levels of autism on Sup Forums, and I say that as a fan of the series.

Just that one guy, and he's an enormous faggot.

There are a lot of things wrong with this statement. Makes me think you're being facetious.

You people created the bronies, and should be ashamed

I'm really happy I got around to reading the manga before the anime actually came out. I just barely got to avoid all the tumblr and Crunchyroll subscribers.

I've been here since 2009 mate, the downfall of this board was how nice it was to newcomers. You have to scare them away so only the mean and cold hearted stay.

lurk moar.

Cripple Fuckers isn't Sup Forums, it's Sup Forumsjp/.
And the other shit isn't Sup Forums. VNs aren't video games.

There is that fanfic, Sup Forumsco's Bizarre Adventure.
It's alright.

Sup Forums has very weak meme magic.

Sup Forums has had other things, like game shows which are actually put together pretty well.

Sup Forums can hardly put together a sing along

Wasn't the indian designated shitting streets more of a Sup Forums thing? I remember there were threads where some indian guy got superbutthurt, saying he was an almiral in a nuclear sub or some shit like that.

>Sup Forums can hardly put together a sing along

That's for the best. Sing-alongs are pretty fucking autistic and shows just how young the average poster on a board is.

I'm pretty sure that was a Sup Forums thread, it was a Blue board, not Sup Forums but i may be wrong

Sup Forums

Dude, Sup Forums helped fighters in Syria (or some other shit hole) find the location of terrorists. Then they got fucking bombed.

Sup Forums has a fucking death toll, how can we compete with that? We couldn't even win the Bill Cipher Statue race.

>We couldn't even win the Bill Cipher Statue race.

Yeah, that was shameful.