Oh this is rich!

The Clinton Crime family deducted $1,000,000 from their income taxes in 2015 by donating $1,000,000 to themselves.
Think the IRS will do anything about it after they get done terrorizing old ladies running little Tea Party groups?


Other urls found in this thread:


lol, Crooked, Crooked Hillary

Think the leftist media will report it?

Think the normies will ever become aware of it?

The Clinton Foundation is a charitable non-profit and Bill and Hillary do not receive any salary or funding.

Why on earth is it bad for them to do all their charitable giving to a foundation that they know will be doing exactly the kind of things they want to support, because they helped set it up in the first place?

fucking trumptard

>donating $1,000,000 to themselves

you know everybody does that right? you know you can deduce charitable donations on your taxes right?

goddamn fucking trumpTARDS

Wiki leaks will post docs any day now...

hahaha OP is a fag

Bump for Second Amendment people

Fake and gay

CPA here, IRS probably knew about t

posts about what? about how they donate charity to an organization they created themselves? just like 99% of philanthropists out there?

I mean I knew drumpf fanbois were retarded, but like at least try and make an argument instead of parroting alt right talking points

Wwew, that looks bad. Good thing the media is covering it up running stories about Trump's tweets 24/7

>charitable non-profit
Go and watch Clinton Cash. They use it to funnel money to donors while cutting a nice slice for themselves. It's one big money laundering / corruption machine.

I think it's time to filter all Canadians, there's too few legit posters left.

>call on Trump to release tax returns
>he doesn't
>release your own tax returns to show that you're not scared :)
>reveal that you pocketed around 96% of your charity donations

She stumped herself. Does anyone still think this 4D chess shit is a meme?

Just a question for leafs. Why is JT bringing in immigrants to take jobs when you're already only making $0.02 per post?

>Go and watch Clinton Cash

Fuck you nigger.

The US government at the federal level is corrupt and illegitimate

da ass

Thank you for Correcting the Record. $0.02 has been deposited into your account.

It is the duty of all American citizens and patriots to do whatever is in their power to erode the tyrannical control and of the corrupt and illegitimate federal government, and to do the same to its corporate propaganda arms and puppets in mainstream media

ITT: morons who have no idea how charity works

no wonder Drumpf likes dumb fucks like yourself

but do go ahead and keep repeating these moronic "revelations" while your oompa loompa candidate keeps slipping in the polls

>>"reveal that you pocketed around 96% of your charity donations"
>I have no fucking idea how charity and taxes work


Clinton Cash wasn't very convincing desu.

I have a master's degree in tax. Try again.

t. Toronto

Just google the Foundation, then. There are articles even in MSM like the Washington Post, WSJ etc.

Does it matter? They'll still vote for the traitorous whore because Trump being 'rayciss' is far worse in [the current year.]

This is all legal. Don't give a shit. You Drumpfkins really need to get some real dirt on her. Not this tattle tale bullshit you do daily.

Completely legit. I do it all the time.

>i have no idea how foundations work

Thanks for playing.

Why would they do this? It only ends up with a gain of $0. Think before you link bullshit articles next time.

It means they dont have to pay that amount of tax since they paid it being 'charitable'.
Legit tax fraud.

Has there been any world leaders as corrupt as the Clinton?

>expecting drumpftards to know anything but what their Retardo Leader says on his twitter

You know, whats worse is that when you think about it, these morons thought that a seasoned politician would have released her taxes if she was actually commiting fraud to the tune of $100 million

>I've been cheating the system, what should I do?
>I know, lets release my taxes!

I mean, just because Drumpf keeps fucking himself every time he opens his tiny mouth doesn't mean the rest of the world are that stupid

anybody can write off charitable donations
its not tax fraud
try again

Funny how Clinton's taxes are in the news.

Funny because she lets everyone see them, every year.

What is Trump hiding?

Criminal Hillary.

Thank you for yet another informative and helpful post, Canada

Charitable donations to yourself is fraud. Its like insider trading.

But... but on MSNBC they said that the Clintons paid 43% of their total income in taxes!

They also said on MSNBC that the Clinton's total income for 2015 was only around $150,000 for both of them...

In other words, fuck the Liberal media.

Not true. You have to itemize your deductions in order to deduct charitable contributions.

except that it wasn't to themselves
they set up the organization so they could coordinate the distribution of the funds to whatever causes they wanted
they received no money from it
even when joe schmo donates $5 to Faggots Without Borders, he can claim that donation
which is what Hillary did
that's how charities work you gigantic faggot

repeat with me


Donald Trump is not releasing his tax returns until his audits are completed, his special counsel said Thursday. In fact, he said, advising Trump to do so would be “malpractice.”

“I personally will not allow him to release those tax returns until the audits are over,” Michael Cohen, Trump’s special counsel, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “There is not a lawyer on this planet that should give that advice — any advice other than what I just gave — to their client short of suffering malpractice.”


His lawyers would open themselves up to be reviewed by the bar for malpractice if they let him.

Funny how liberals are fucking retarded.

how come he doesnt release older tax returns?

Why do you think so many charities exist, its to make money. The cause they represent is irrelevant.

Trump will use it as ammo at the debates.

Those could be audited as well. The IRS has three years to assess taxes.

Fucks with Net Worth

Because he has years worth of taxes being audited, and the IRS reviews more than just those years in their investigation. Finally, like said, the investigation for each individual year can take up to three years to conclude where they can continue monitoring your future returns as well.

Repeat after me: I'm a stupid leaf who believes everything liberals tell me.

besides the point
she didnt do anything illegal
rich people do this all the fucking time

I hope he does, it will only make him look like a fucking retard when they have to explain to him how charitable foundations work lmfao


It may be a non-profit, but someone, somewhere, is getting a six-figure paycheck.

>protip: clinton's donors and allies

Ha your leader

The Clinton Foundation has been scrutinized for spending a fraction of its funds on direct aid, and has been described as a “slush fund” for the Clintons by a former fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, the supporting document says.

Charity Navigator briefly added the foundation on its charity watch list, which signals to donors “that questions have been raised” about the group’s operations, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. This came after news outlets raised questions about donations by corporations and foreign governments to the charity in exchange for favors from Clinton as secretary of state, the Chronicle wrote.

The super PAC also pointed to travel and other expenses covered for the Clintons when they travel on foundation business.

On Aug. 9, new emails were released raising renewed questions about the “close and sometimes overlapping interests between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department” under Clinton, the New York Times reported. While these emails were not available when the super PAC made the ad, it shows that it is legitimate to raise questions about the charity and Clinton’s actions — regardless of whether the family’s net worth was affected.

The super PAC points to evidence that Bill Clinton had his travel and related expenses covered by the foundation while he was on trips that combined foundation work, paid speeches and political events.


The Clinton Foundation’s finances are so messy that the nation’s most influential charity watchdog put it on its “watch list” of problematic nonprofits last month.

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

The group spent the bulk of its windfall on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends.

“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group where progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout was once an organizing director.

In July 2013, Eric Braverman, a friend of Chelsea Clinton from when they both worked at McKinsey & Co., took over as CEO of the Clinton Foundation. He took home nearly $275,000 in salary, benefits and a housing allowance from the nonprofit for just five months’ work in 2013, tax filings show. Less than a year later, his salary increased to $395,000, according to a report in Politico.


does it go to charity or do you use the money to go on vacations under the guise of charity

The nonprofit came under fire last week following reports that Hillary Clinton, while she was secretary of state, signed off on a deal that allowed a Russian government enterprise to control one-fifth of all uranium producing capacity in the United States. Rosatom, the Russian company, acquired a Canadian firm controlled by Frank Giustra, a friend of Bill Clinton’s and member of the foundation board, who has pledged over $130 million to the Clinton family charity.

The group also failed to disclose millions of dollars it received in foreign donations from 2010 to 2012 and is hurriedly refiling five years’ worth of tax returns after reporters raised questions about the discrepancies in its filings last week.


More donors who just happen to give kickbacks to Clintons, but it's completely unrelated to the foundation obviously!
Vinod, CEO of Info USA, misappropriated company funds to the tune of $9.5million to pay for his lavish lifestyle.

It was on Vinod's private jets that Hillary flew from White Plains, New York, to Washington, DC, to pick up Huma Abedin and then travel on to Charleston, South Carolina in December 2005, Bloomburg News reported.

Hillary turned around and billed the Senate $858 to fly on Vinod's planes.

Bill Clinton made more than $3million as an adviser to InfoUSA in 2001 and received options on 100,000 shares of stock. It paid to be close pals with Vinod.


I am no Trump supporter (I am a Bernout I guess), but you are absolutely correct. Pretty much 90% of my bernout friends shifted to Hillary. It was weird to see them talking about how currupt she was one second, to defending her and completly reversing their logic just to fit their belief in her.

There is pretty much nothing she could do that would cause Hillbots to leave her. She could lead Assange out onto a stage and shoot him in the face, and her supporters would still be like "well at least she isnt Trump"

Any other charity with such shady practices would have lost its non-profit status long ago.

I like how he was poor and after his campaign somehow bought a 600k house.

He was not poor before. He had a decent net worth, I mean he was senator for 40 years. And a 600k house is nothing.

600k really isn't that much if he didn't buy it outright.

His net worth is actually shit for someone who's been a senator for 40 years though. That money management.

thank you, ya taking out a second mortage on a 600k vacation house is like barely upper middle class tier.

yup his net worth is middle class because senators make $175k a year (currently) and I don't know if his wife worked. I mean a couple who both work in decent 100k jobs already push 200k, with room for advancement.

It wasn't so much money management as it was him not playing the corruption game, ie like getting a tax break because you donate part of your income to charity, a charity you own.

He shouldn't be raking in Clinton money, but I'm guessing he doesn't actually have an active portfolio, or at least put enough in it. That's what I meant by money management. Not that he's blowing it on hookers.

the charity which by law has to distribute the money you donate to it? which gets audited like every year?
you mean just like when you donate money and you can yourself claim that in your taxes?

Hillary is corrupted but its hilarious how you morons keep thinking this is illegal or corrupted

Can someone shoop this to "347 examples of Hillary killing someone"

>Being this Canadian

it's almost as if a "non-profit" is the perfect way to keep a layer between you and any legal connections to illicit activity...

>they didn't give US money in exchange for a favor, they gave our foundation money!

>We know her foundation is corrupt and used as a slush fund to pay her "friends" with lucrative, short-term contracts as well as negotiating favors while she was in the State Department..
>But there's nothing wrong with her dodging taxes by putting a million of her own money into this shady, corrupt foundation that is used as a slush fund to pay her "friends" with lucrative, short-term contracts as well as negotiating favors while she was in the State Department!


>2% of donated money actually goes to helping end poverty
Someone's poverty is being ended and it sure as fuck isn't third worlders. Like what does it even do? What have they accomplished? I know the Carter foundation is close to ending human infection of a parasite.