Why do Asian men and halfbreeds get so buttmad that they're getting cucked...

Why do Asian men and halfbreeds get so buttmad that they're getting cucked? There's a reddit called HAPAS that's basically a cry fest that tight little Asian pussies want to get filled with hard white circumcised American cock

They are worthless losers.

it is hilarious how many times the OP picture is posted. Here is a google image search of the pic

t. triggered gook

Why do hapas often look like the have downs?

Are you projecting your own insecurities user?

Op is beta fat white that can't get Asian qt lol

Isn't that basically the whole premise of the Sup Forums?

True dat, forgot where I was

It's another uncomfortable fact that most people don't want to admit. White guys are in general more attractive that Asian guys. Just like White women are in general more attractive the Black women. Not saying that white women are not attractive, but the average Asian women is more attractive than the average white women.

Nearly all women prefer white guys over all other men due to a combination of white male social ranking and their natural attractiveness.

Even the feminist and SJWs that profess their hatred for white males only have wet pussies for white males. I think a lot of the hatred is generated by this lust.

Now that /r/Asianmasculinity fag is going to come here and post cherrypicked images of AM/WF couples

That's just like.... Your opinion man
White>Asian girl any day
And at the same time tons of neck beards post cherry picked images of wmaf couples all the time, happens on both sides

What are the chances of passing down green or blue eyes if you were to fuck a asian chick?

Except that Asian female white male is a million times more common than AM/WF, not remotely comparable.

Who cares. This is the same thing with the black male white female, white male black female couples.


>white women marry Asian men at 2.5 TIMES the rate they marry black men

keep fantasizing bitch nigga

>who cares

What do you even mean? Look how much more common WM/AF is.

Look at response rates too, lmao.

To be honest whenever I see white people posting pics or bragging about having Asian gfs it just reminds me of black people going "muh dick", becoming the person you hate the most I guess

never mind, I cannot into colors

Woah, and guess what? Both are fucking MINISCULE.

And guess what else? Women prefer white men more.

Except I'm just posting facts, not shit posting about "muh dick" like a nigger.

I thought your people liked facts and numbers?

it looks like this data blows out molyneux's theory that women were naturally selected to be race traitors through conquest. Men are the real race traitors.

Stahp please, this is just
>muh dick white boi