UN Draft Resolution on Cultural Genocide

>Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocideand cultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:

>(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;

>(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;

>(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;

>(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;

e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.

What did they mean by this?

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i know how i interpret it but god knows how those insane globalists view it

well considering this is a draft that never made it through?

who cares.

I wonder if theyll be able to enact it before they are ripped from their spiderholes by patriots for what theyve already done

sause sir faggolot

Happened in Israel, India/Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Germany, Korea and many others but it's legitimate because
>muh WW2 victors

>if you ban burkas we'll put you in the Hague for war crimes t. UN

it means that lefties would be guilty of genocide in Yurup

>indigenous peoples
Does this mean native Americans can sue the shit out of the entire American government?

And Mexico also for America stealing half of their fucking country?

>watch Sup Forumstards say no

>Be Eurocuck
>reason that the influx of refugees violates statute (a) of UN resolution

Violates statute (d) user.

This. Lets see it.