Why do conspiracy nuts never show the other side of Building 7?

Why do conspiracy nuts never show the other side of Building 7?

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ok what are you implying?

They really can't believe that Muslim extremist have always wanted to kill us (even though it happens a lot know), they really can't believe that the thousands of people that were in Manhattan actually witnessed the events and weren't altered by some government agents, and they really can't believe that the Bush administration was just grossly incompetent.

They really just hate if something is too easily explainable.

Lol twins towers get

Building seven, far away get hit be debris?

Opposite side of building catches fire

Building collapses due to fire??

Ok goy

maybe they also can't comprehend that a country that outspends literally all other countries on its military can't stop an attack on its soil that took months of pre meditation and planning.


The 9/11 conspiracy is a conspiracy.

Un monde sans Juifs. It's coming but this time it will be real.

pull it

it doesn't support their narrative

We have it all. You shot mon chien but you were vanished.....he'll soon have similar company.

Japan is funny.

I still cant believe in the current year people still believe 9/11 conspiracies given all of them were debunked years ago. 9/11 conspiracies is like 2008 shit.

>wtc7 is the SMOKING GUN because obviously there were sensitive documents in the building so to get rid of them they brought down the whole building instead of using a paper shredder

Is the military in charge of counter-terrorism though?

What does it all mean?

You should should have heard him whingeing with 50kilos of enraged bitch massaging his face and neck. It took 2-3 minutes to prise her off him in contrast to the other 5 who loosed at first command.

WTF is going on here?

Flight 93 never made it there.

Because the fire is irrelevant. To this day, no other steel reinforced skyscraper has fallen due to fire. And when one side of them burns out, they certainly haven't collapsed symmetrically at near free-fall speed.

No, it's all about control.

If you tell conspiracy theorist that things in global politics are always unpredictable, due to the millions of different opinions and influences, that things just happen, it frightens them.

It's a safe thought that someone in charge is behind it, the illuminati, the bilderburgers, etc. They may exist but we have no idea what they are planning to do. You cant assume a secret organisation has this kind of power or even if they did that they would use it.

In the case of 911 i think the attack frightened a lot of people. It's scary to think a bunch of arabs living in caves in the middle of nowhere managed to pull it off. If the american government were behind it then it would mean that they were in some way in control of the situation. That the government haddn't failed to protect, that way the world isn't as dangerous as it really is to them.

Whistling past the boneyard won't save you Juif.

some nip practicing his english badly


But why is Canada being creepy:

>t.I listen to Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

I see you nigga

Pathologizing something you disagree with is a SJW tactic. It's not a fear of chaos. We're not constructing grand conspiracies to lull ourselves to sleep because we can't handle an un-directed world.

It's curiosity and higher pattern recognition skills with nothing to apply themselves to. Most of the genuine conspiracy theorists I've met have been exceptionally intelligent people. They see that something is amiss, and they're trying to understand what it is.

Take your gay theory back to plebit, where you picked it up from. Pop psychology loving faggot.

Qui es tu?

They never were anywhere in the Manhattan cosmopolitan that morning. They were bumblebeeing around the opposite shore neighbourhoods trying to gain a good visual vantage.

>he suddenly discovered a picture he hadnt seen 15 years later in the other thread and the proceeds to vent his frustration by creating a new thread

Im not even a tinfoiler, but you are pathetic.

That debunking failed. They couldn't actually find any corroborating evidence, so they just pretended that vaguely similar scenarios were sufficient stand-ins.

How does it feel to trust a site that just makes shit up to meet their desired outcome? Feeling like a cold rationalist, still?

This guys gets it


>We're not constructing grand conspiracies to lull ourselves to sleep because we can't handle an un-directed world.

In the face of over whelming evidence, I think that is exactly what you are doing.

Name one exceptionally intelligent conspiracy theorist. Just one.

Alex Emmerich Jones

In my opinion, the history of the human race has been one long succession of conspiracies. To deceive ourselves, we call the successful conspiracies "governments".

My buddy Frank. Among the smartest people I've ever met.


>Berlin conference
>Yalta conference
>Vienna congress
>Wannensee conference
>Paris conference

Yeah, because people getting together and deciding the world of tomorrow is so ridiculous right?

>My buddy Frank.
I genuinely hope you are joking.




it is. and so is the official record.

We cut him into 90 pieces on the band-saw, took the automobile keys we found under his insoles, gouged his .22 and suppressor into slag and packed him for broadcasting into le marais.


911 was an intelligence failure, not a failure in spending money on expensive gadgets.

Political groups always from meetings over domestic or global issues. It's how they organise efforts.

All you have done is cherry pick. Are you suggesting that all conferences are evil? I wonder how many conferences it took to free the saves? Defeat Nazi Germany? Commence trade? End conflicts?

Fire suppression systems failed in building 7. Also in both towers. Also Mossad agents had passes to the buildings to work on the fire suppression systems and got arrested driving around in a van after they had been witnessed celebrating the attacks.



We saw how you borrowed some trucks from Moishe's for cover. Where you parked them, why you parked them and how long you operated from them. Everything is the only thing we have.


Sorry familam

the CIA failed
not the military

It means you're a faggot

All that proves is that the building should have toppled over on it's side, not gone straight down at freefall speed with no resistance being put up by any of the floors.




Donald Rumsfeld, "2.3 trillion missing from Pentagon, we'll get to the bottom of this." sept 10.
Sept 11 towers freefall perfectly in controll demolition style o yea building 7 caught fire guys, o yea lets not discuss the updated insurance policy taken put b4 the attacks. Cmon son.

O yea an audit just revield 6 trillion dollars now unaccounted for and missing 1 week ago, get ready boys here it comes.

EWR service road and North Terminal.
Fair Lawn.
Union City.
Mt. Olivet Newark
Long Island City.
Gastronom in Westchester County.
Stadium parklot in Rutherford.

hey guys
hey guys remember when that guy bought several buildings that had previously been the target of terrorist attacks and took out insurance against terrorist attacks?
pretty crazy, huh.
I'm not saying anything, I'm just asking questions

Like with the larger towers, the damage doesn't explain free fall onto itself. Like the towers, the severely damaged portion should have buckled causing an uneven distribution of force. The physics don't support 3 evenly distributed collapses

Apres nous le deluge de sang.


>Goes to work in his building every morning every day
>randomly decides to take the day off
>his kids do the same
>building falls down
oy vey!

why didn't the building fall in relation to the damaged corner? it should have fallen over, not straight down.


seth macfarlane should have been on one of the plans. But the Jews warned him because they knew how much money they would make off him after they canceled his show then brought it back.

When buildings are built, they always make sure that the structure centers the gravity.

Everything would have been naturally pulled into the middle of the structure.

Someone got Seth McFarlane drunk and made him miss his flight. If we want to solve this we need to find out who.

The fear you feel is entirely appropriate...the lies you insinuate are risible. So very soon.


Fucking hate Alex Jones. We all know he is a fucking joke. Pick a side. We all know he can't. That doesn't work with conspiracy theorists.

I'm sure it rymes with "ews"


what does he brew?

That's some leaf shit. The design's intent was compromised after heat and force. Buildings aren't designed to collapse onto themselves.

>if we spend a lot of money that means we're invincible!

You are so fucking stupid.



He's right guys. In order to demolish a building, you actually don't need weeks of planning on how to set up the charges. Just disable the fire suppressing systems and catch it on fire. It'll collapse at free fall speeds, and almost entirely into it's own footprint.

Never saw this one before.

no more riddles nip, spill it.

Looks fine to me

Looks like a footprint to me.


Not all my pics were on point but my intentions and intentions were unbreakable.

KEEP IT UP FUCKERS, i love you all

If I had time and I was more sober, i'd fill in the gaps to add to this thread.

Normally I don't get involved because I knew the truth before it was ever mentioned here.

Keep talking as if you know how a building should react without elementary knowledge of the subjects you are wasting your time typing about.