When are these fuckers leaving?

When are these fuckers leaving?

to be honest, i wouldn't want to send us anywhere else. we'd just pollute and shit up everything in sight. what we need is a good old ethnic cleansing. nuke us.

Nothing better than a self-hating faggot. Jesus Christ. You don't have any reason to be upset, at least our alcohol laws aren't retarded like in the rest of this country.

Yeah but they're french, that alone is a reason to stop existing


I don't want them to leave. I also agree with their desire to preserve the language and culture from being swamped.

I hate 50% of Canadians because they speak French.
I hate the other 50% of them because they LET the other half speak French.

we're not french tho, it's like calling the mexicans "spanish", it makes no sense, but I don't expect a monkey to understand that

Sure thing Pierre, whatever you say

you do know there is a difference between french and francophone...

There's more nationalist sentiment in one of those fleur-de-lis' then in all of english speaking canada, tabernak.

Why would you want them to leave? They managed to become the whitest place on the continent, they preserved their language throughout the centuries while being a minority

If canada is a chink then america should be a nigger


>be anglo
>country being filled with sandniggers
>still worried about quebec

Niggers represent only 2,5% of their population and arabs 1,5%

How jelly are you?

Not soon enough. Western Canada FTW

>Western Canada FTW

They also threw off the shackles of a coercive religion, and have lots of lily white kids. And their old people are based as fuck.

he's a fucking monkey m8, the only things he's good at is to eat bananas and make the shittiest olympic games ever held

Don't worry, Mr Poodle will fix that.

No that's Argentinian.

ok brazil

Queers For Quebec

whenever you anglofags actually let us go. But you need us badly so the feds imports migrants to us and teaches them how canada is great and shit and would run fear campaigns like the EU just did recently.

Jacques Parizeau said it in '95 that the referendum was lost because of the "ethnic vote". If it was true in '95 imagine now.


fucking stinky-ass huehue monkey faggot
I wish the zika virus infected your mother while you were in the womb
oh wait it probably has balloon-headed fuck


The only problem with Quebec is Montreal. It should just get nuked or something. Just came back from it today and boy oh boy does it suck. It's ugly, it stinks, there are sand-niggers, poo in loos, gooks, niggers, and jews all over the place. It feels good to be back in my beautiful little rural hometown.


Ok subhuman huehue

>everybody hates Quebec
>everybody loves Montreal

Sucks to be me.

An independent and francophone Quebec is like one of my dreams come true. We have such a cool place, it's so sad to see it ruined by the government and the migrants.

>implying 50% of us can speak French fluently or even at all
kek, it's more like 20%

Montreal fucking sucks.

Just a meme friendo